Golden Greenery

v2 Chapter 178: That's my cultivation

Zhuo Yangwo was on the sofa on the second floor of his small home, chatting with the big sb and bald Cliff who came to visit as a guest, anyone could see that his mood was not high.

Zhuo Yang's bad mood comes from his buddy Mark Vinster at the University of Music. Mark was expelled from the university.

It was because of the fight that Mark beat a cellist in the symphony department called Tru Halvason under the broad daylight of the campus.

Haller Watson Zhuo Yang also knew that he was the senior of the eighth semester and a famous figure in Hanover Music University.

Haller Watson is a German of Norwegian descent. He is tall and tall. He is about one and ninety meters tall. His square face is white and classical, and he is magnificent. The torso of the limbs is covered with pimples and flesh, with sharp edges and a muscular drape. It is much more exaggerated than the Cameroon player Rigbet Song of the Fort Mady.

Haller Watson is a fitness enthusiast. He spends most of his spare time in the gym, doing special exercises for each muscle. After years and months, Haller Watson was obviously wider and thicker than others, each muscle was raised high, and it looked so burly and **** under the naked body.

This buddy is a well-deserved fitness first and muscular first in the music university.

However, although the muscles exercised in the gym are exaggerated, they are not as sunny and masculine as soldiers and athletes. Because the exercise in the gym is only for muscles, the purpose is to make every muscle grow quickly. While soldiers and athletes are in the wind and rain and sun, the physical fitness endurance coordination comprehensive training, muscle growth is a natural accompanying behavior. Therefore, although the muscles of soldiers and athletes are not exaggerated, they are more natural and masculine, and also more men.

And the blocks coming out of the gym, no matter how perfect and strong, will always look a bit **** good.

Therefore, no matter how polite or free-spirited, Halle Watson will always make others feel like a mother. Moreover, Halle Watson is a gay.

Before Zhuo Yang went abroad, he had no exposure to homosexual culture. Before 2002, China was not as flooded as it was afterwards. For Zhuo Yang before going abroad, homosexuality was only a noun, and homosexual behavior only existed in Long Yangjun in the history books, and that was only a noun.

Germany is one of the most tolerant countries in Europe, and the art students of the Music University are the most avant-garde people who like to radiate personality and innovation. So, when he first arrived at the Music University, Zhuo Yang was often stunned by Lei.

Also, as soon as I turned around a corner, I saw two big five big three guys embracing each other and kissing Mars splashing; the middle of the road was full of beards and big men snuggled up with white-faced scholars. Zhuo Yang, who has never seen the world before, encounters these things, which is stranger than seeing aliens.

However, after all, it is the strongest age to understand new things. Zhuo Yang soon becomes strange, and then sees it only as air.

The University of Music has strict school rules prohibiting cohabitation of heterosexual couples on campus, but it is blind to blind love between homosexuals. To rectify the reason, it is necessary to talk about the "political correctness" that is common in Western countries in these respects.

No matter what you actually think about certain issues that are already controversial, you must be forgiving, even without bottom line and principle, and sing praises. Hypocrisy is universal, and it is politically correct anyway. This is true of homosexuality, as well as certain religions.

If you randomly interviewed on the street: "Optimus Prime and Zhang Ergou yesterday announced that they will become same-sex couples, what do you think of this?"

The Chinese would say: "I fuck, Optimus Prime is a pile of iron skins, what do he want to do? Who is Zhang Ergou and his mother?"

Westerners will answer: "I think everyone has the right and freedom to choose their own happiness. I have been following them for a long time. Yes, I will bless them." Going back and whispering: I fucking, that pile of iron sheet... Who is his mother Zhang Ergou?

If you inadvertently violate a bit of the scale of some groups, you will immediately be drowned by various moral bitches, and human rights organizations will find you in trouble if you fail to do so. You see, who dares to control people's sleep? Therefore, one thing is worse than one less, politically correct and politically correct.

If Zhuo Yang meets the interview just now, he will definitely answer: "Shut me off!"

Zhuo Yang has no idea about homosexuality because it is not his business, but he hates some phenomena in the **** community.

Perhaps in order to be sensitive to the sensitivity of identification, many homosexuals will raise homosexual behavior indefinitely and degrade heterosexuality. They promote heterosexuality only for organ contact, and homosexuality is true love. This is really **** fucking up, as if all gays are Plato.

They think that coming out is a fashion and trendy, and heterosexual **** is a turtle.

How narrow and inferior will it take to produce this kind of cognition?

Not only are they gay, there are too many people in this world who like to advertise their way of life, and all of them are different from him. I love to wander around the world and look down on other people's wives and godsons. Bachelors laugh at marriage because they don't understand life. The Dink family despise those who take their children to the Olympics. They like to ride bicycles and look down on otakus. ...

You are all stupid!

Everyone has a lifestyle that suits him, and enjoy it, eating your rice? In fact, the root cause of advocating one's own lifestyle lies in serious distrust of oneself, and subconsciously doubts one's choice. The advertised is not life, the advertised is just for advertised.

Halle Watson, they are such people, and even established a **** society at the University of Music. What is even more abominable is that Halle Watson particularly likes the avant-garde and trendy names to lure simple teenagers who are not gay~www Find ways to bend others by changing patterns.

There are many young people who do not understand the world or their hearts. Under various deceptions and agitation, they come into contact with and try because they are fresh or fashionable or rebellious. Self-implied: It turns out that I always bend...

This is where Zhuo Yang hates them most, advertise and deceive.

Zhuo Yang hates these people, but as long as you don’t hinder me, you won’t do me. If you don’t talk to you badly, this is my cultivation, let me sing praises to you politically correctly? Don’t even think about it, come with me for less.

And because this Haller Watson is the initiator of the society and the tempter who is the best at attracting new members, he is very famous at the Music University. Once upon a time, Hanover University of Music had two heterogeneous figures, the man of which was Haller Watson, and has been chattering to this day.

The other one is a female, her name is Rishakova, and she has gradually been forgotten.

It's ridiculous that Zhuo Yang, who had just arrived at the beginning of the year, had an unexplained love affair with Reishakova, and also encountered the temptation of Halle Watson. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL: