Golden Greenery

v2 Chapter 225: Don't come to see me again

The roasted blue blade in Zhuo Yang's hands did not reflect in the moonlight.

Suddenly, ‘Boom~ Rumble, squeak—! ! ’

Two off-road vehicles drove quickly, and the brakes stopped outside the grass. Four pillars of bright light shined through the ruins of the factory building. Zhuo Yang with a knife and Benoit lying paralyzed on the ground. The escape shape.

Zhuo Yang turned his head and looked out.

"Turn off the lights!" With a low voice, the lights went out instantly, and the world returned to darkness.

"You are waiting for me here." A man walked in to separate the weeds.

"Zhuo Yang, what happened? Who is he?"

"Fat man, why are you here?" The person coming was Milo Laiola.

"Hey, listening to the phone, you feel something is wrong, there must be something wrong, and you can't get it through again... Gee, it's too unprofessional to see you beating people like this. Who is this bad luck thing? He? Why bother you? Shouldn't you be with Beverly now?"

In this way, Zhuo Yang whispered the whole thing to the fat man, succinctly.

Unexpectedly, after listening to Laiola, he did not show the anger of the enemy, but stared at Zhuo Yang indifferently.

"What do you mean? Fat?"

"Zhuo Yang, this is what you did wrong, you made a huge mistake. You should notify me of this kind of thing, not you handle it yourself."

"You are a unicorn, you are a mammoth colossus in the forest, you can easily defeat strong tigers and fierce lions, but you can't deal with mice and cockroaches. But, I can!"

"You should not face this kind of trouble without authorization. You are not professional and it is very easy to make mistakes. It is not difficult to trample on a mouse, but how can you not stain your shoes. It is learning. You are not professional, not professional... …"

"...But, I must never give him another chance to threaten my sister..." Zhuo Yang was a little dissatisfied.

"Know, let me know, I am the professional." The fat man wrapped Zhuo Yang's shoulders. "Leave it to me. Remember, you don't know anything, you see nothing, and you haven't been here."

"Antonini, you come in!" Laiola shouted at the outside, and then came in a black shadow, thin and tall and could not see her face.

"Finish him!" The fat man clenched his fist in his right hand, gesturing with his thumb down to the shadow.

"Yes! BOSS."

"Boy, you're lucky." The fat man turned his head and said to Jeff Benoit on the ground: "Antonini may have a nickname you might have heard, Sicilian Viper, I hope you like him."

Benoit was completely desperate, and even a little **** had heard of this title, and the'Sicilian Viper' was ranked in the top ten in the European underworld. Jeff Benoit's lips were trembling and he could not speak. Whether he was afraid or regretful was unknown, and it was no longer important.

"Okay, okay, let's go." Fatty Laiola walked Zhuo Yang's shoulder and walked out. "Don’t look, don’t look at it, I don’t look at it, go away. Alas--, you can fight, you can fight, it’s not professional at all, look at the blood you have on the ground, look at the soil on your body, Gee, too Not professional..."

The two walked out of the broken factory, Zhuo Yang stopped, turned around and threw the switchblade in his hand back.

"Back to you!"

This is the last word that Jeff Benoit heard.

After this night, no one has seen Jeff Benoit, no one has asked him to mention him, and no one even remembers him, he seems to have never appeared in this world, left A trace.

Fighting star shift, more than 100 years later, in 2152 AD, on a sunny afternoon in summer, a lieutenant general of the third military base in the Mediterranean of the Chinese People's Liberation Army in Europa Command invited the local beauty contestant Miss she just met. Take a trip under the sea in your own private submarine. This small-scale nuclear-powered submarine is not very expensive on the world's largest shopping site ‘EC Technology’, and it is also free shipping.

In the deepest 997 meters of the beautiful Venetian Bay in the Mediterranean Sea, the submarine of the Lieutenant General discovered an old industrial iron box buried in the mud, which is very old. After a lot of twists and turns to salvage the iron box ashore, but opened it and found that it is not a treasure of pirates, only a pile of bones with bones. Next to the bone, there is a folding switchblade made in Switzerland, an ancient country more than a hundred years ago.

The blade of a spring knife is as old as ever!


"Where are you going to deal with Beverly Deng?" Fatty Laiola asked Zhuo Yang in the car returning to the city.

Zhuo Yang understood the meaning of the fat man. Since she could hold her up, she could also ruin her, and even let Beverly disappear silently, just Zhuo Yang's words.

He pondered for a moment: "Forget it, it's irrelevant." Zhuo Yangchang sighed. "There will be no more problems in the future. If you can become a big star, it is also her character. Let's not disturb her. The road is skyward."

"Zhuo Yang, you are a kind person in your bones." The fat man defined Zhuo Yang, and the wife of the scar, Vasiba, told Beverly that Zhuo Yang said the same.

"And, you are still a soft-hearted person." The fat man added.

"Maybe..." Zhuo Yang let out another breath.


Since Zhuo Yang left the room, Beverly fell into great despair and panic. She didn't think about what Zhuo Yang went out to do, or what Benoir would end, because none of this mattered to her. The only thing Beverly thought was, what should I do? What will you face?

Her tears never stopped. She cried because of regret. She regretted why she was so cowardly and timid, and why she didn't tell Zhuo Yang everything early. She doesn’t know how to beg for Zhuo Yang’s forgiveness. At this moment, Beverly would rather give up all including the beautiful star dream, as long as Zhuo Yang can forgive her, as long as Zhuo Yang wants her, Beverly is willing to give up everything.

Beverly regretted that she no longer extravagantly wanted her own star dream. Zhuo Yang could help her become red, so she could naturally make her penniless again, or even make her worse than life, because she knew the connections behind Zhuo Yang.

Regret turned into fear, and fear caused despair. She had long known the seriousness of the mistakes she had made, because she knew the weight of her sister in Zhuo Yang's heart, and she hated her cowardice.

There was the sound of the room key opening the door. Beverly looked over with hope in despair. She was very obedient. Zhuo Yang did nothing and didn't move after she went out.

Zhuo Yang walked in and went to the bathroom first. He carefully washed his face and hands carefully, which also calmed his mood. I wiped the dust off my trench coat and trousers with a dry towel, and then walked into the living room to drink the glass of wine before going out.

"Beverly, I should go." He threw her phone back on the sofa. "In the future, you can do what you want, and hope you will get what you want and become a big star."

"Also, remember, don't come to me again!"