Golden Greenery

v2 Chapter 261: Like talking to rabbits

Zhuo Yang and Mady Fort were trapped in the locker room of the visiting team of the 6th Army Arena for five hours. They even heard sporadic explosions outside. They were not told that it was safe outside until about 3am the next day, but at this time, the Maddie team had no place to go.

Before coming to the stadium, Madyburg had already retired the room at the hotel where they stayed. After the original plan, they will go directly to Moscow Sheremetyevo International Airport, where they will fly to Stuttgart on a red eye flight. But until they are ready to go now, the flight flew away two hours ago.

Flights from Moscow to Stuttgart are only available every two days, and if they leave at that time, it will seriously affect the preparations for Fort Mady. As a matter of urgency, Madaborg had to wait in the airport lobby until noon, take a flight to Munich, and then transfer to Stuttgart.

Mady is nothing more than a toss, but the 6th Moscow Central Army was caught by UEFA. The high penalty and the two home games were changed to a neutral position afterwards, which gave Roman Abramovich a harsh Signal-this is what you are trying to tease us out of.

Abu smiled!

fine? Am I short of money? China's position? There are five Russian teams in Moscow, and there are four in addition to the six military arena.

Abramovich’s core team, Chelsea, was also eliminated on this week’s European match day and failed to reach the Champions League final. Their total score o:1 in two rounds was lost to the Reds Liverpool, Louis · Garcia scored the only goal in the opening 4 minutes at Anfield.

Although the small abacus was seen by UEFA, from a certain point of view, Abu has achieved his desired political purpose. The dispute between him and UEFA was seen by President Putin, and the soft gesture he made was also recognized by Putin.

After the goal was achieved, Abu began to confess like UEFA. He got away from the 6th Central Army and just became the largest sponsor of the 6th Central Army. This is not against the rules. However, Abu Gao looked at the careful eyes of the UEFA gangsters. In the following seasons, Chelsea were secretly counted in the Champions League.

Zhuo Yang and his teammates are completely unclear about these shady things. If there is a discount, we will account for it. Maybe His Majesty Beckenbauer helped us in UEFA?

So innocent!

Re-entered the UEFA Cup final, but the battle with the Central Sixth Army also caused a lot of losses to Fort Mady. In the final, Musketeer Gomez, Tsar Alshavin, and Gros Grosse, the three generals suffered a suspension. This is quite tricky. However, this is not a top priority for Maddie. Before the UEFA Cup finals, they will finish the last three rounds of the Bundesliga this season. This may be the three games that determine Maddie’s historical achievements and historical status.

It is now Stuttgart.


Philip Ram, who came back from the injury, caused a lot of trouble for Fort Mady. The hands of Ray Hamsik and Zhai Zepek couldn't stop his assist on the left. He forced Zhuo Yang to turn into a right-wing avant-garde. Block Ram.

Ram didn't play a few games early this season because of an arm truce for a month. His arm just raised his right metatarsal and suffered a fracture during training. This time it was more than three months. After the injury came back, the team's head coach became Samuel who didn't know him at all.

However, it is the Thunderbolt that will always blast the sky. After a few games of adaptation, Ram showed his ability from the end of March, regained the position of the main left back, and has become a new strength growth point for the team. Summer is very important to Ram, and Stuttgart's second-half record of the outstanding performance of Ram's rise is indispensable.

The Madyburg club played Ram's idea during the winter break, but did not talk to its owner Bayern Munich. The two are still talking about whether to complete the transaction in the summer. And Ram himself is indispensable. His lease term will expire this summer. The old club Bayern Munich has not shown a very enthusiastic appearance. Madyburg and Zhuo Yang have always sent Qiubo but he is very comfortable.

Zhuo Yang and Ram talked very well before the game. Ram said: I have two rabbits, one called naughty and one called Rourou. I especially like to talk to them. Zhuo Yangxin said: I also like rabbits, especially braised ones.

However, at the beginning of the game, Zhuo Yang immediately understood why Ram liked the rabbit.

This buddy is simply a rabbit spirit! And still a wild rabbit.

Just three minutes after the opening, Ram just snatched Zepek in the backcourt, and then rushed the ball like a wind, just one step faster than Hedira who tried to intercept, and directly reached the bottom of Fort Mady.

In the next few rounds, Ram fully dominated Stuttgart's offensive, making Hamsik and Zepeck on his side both embarrassed on both ends. If today's Stuttgart were sent by two slightly less sparse substitute strikers, Saubic and Streller, chances would be that Ram would give Madiburg a Mawei.

In fairness, Ram is good, and his personal skills are okay. He can also make breakthroughs. He can be seen through the cross. He is not a great player only by watching these things. Level. However, Ram is very smart, very smart.

Zhuo Yang secretly praised his choice in defense. Coupled with his low stature and flexible feet, the tackle is extremely agile and accurate. He always hits his opponent with a steal. When assisting, Ram is completely playing with his brain. His judgment on the ball's control, operation, and situation on the court is very clear. The timing of his assist selection is just right, the overall situation and field of vision of the stadium are extremely outstanding, and the judgment of the ball is first-class.

After Stuttgart's midfield was suppressed by Fort Mady, obviously there was a ball and he was sent to find Ram. He had a unique meaning of'core of the full-backs'.

Even if Stuttgart’s two main forwards Kuranyi and Kako are truce for different reasons, the substitute forwards are obviously not enough for Dras and Westman to entertain, but they cannot allow Ram to be so arrogant on the sidelines. Zhuo Yang and Hamsi immediately Gram transposed, let the grenade go to the front waist, personally kicked the right half on the offensive and defensive Rama.

Face to face, Zhuo Yang praised Ram, even with the apparent personal skills and other aspects, deeper things, Ram did not lose to himself at all, better than many of the midfielders who had played before. Alas, if it is not limited by body condition, a little short and a little thin, this buddy is definitely the top midfielder's material.

Zhuo Yang knows how, after many years, after a serious retreat due to his age, Ram changed from a full-back to a midfielder, and indeed showed world-class standards.

The two of you have fought and fought for twenty minutes. The two ends of the attack and defense are equally divided. No one has overwhelmed anyone, and they have not left any chance for the other. Seeing the time came to the first half 38 minutes, Zhuo Yang sighed!

——Man, I’m sorry, I’m sorry for you for Maddie, for the championship!

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