Golden Greenery

v2 Chapter 366: Little belly chicken intestine playing f

Because of the Dutch football tradition, Dutch coaches are good at and like to use young players. Ronald Coman is like this. Benfica star Manuel Fernandez has become the main force under him this season.

Fernandes is a very common surname among the Latin-speaking people, similar to Zhang Lili in China. Manuel Fernandez is still under 19 years old this year. He is a midfield star from the former coach Spaniard Camacho who was dug out of the Benfica echelon. This kid was born in Portuguese street football. Teenagers like him basically have a few fixed partners when playing wild ball. Fernandez’s best friend on the wild court is currently hailed as the “next little Ronaldo” in Portugal. Nani.

Nani trained a delicate technique and sense of ball on the street, but Fernandes only learned to run. His passing skills are rough, but his midfield sweeping ability is excellent. Benfica's growth model for him is the French midfielder Makelele. He is also known as ‘Manulele’ in Portuguese football.

Benfica's last encounter with Fort Mady, Fernandez was kicked by Zhuo Yang because he was stupid, and then his brother Nuno Gomez almost didn't swell his face. After the game, Fernandes was also scolded by captain Simao. He also understood that he was wrong and stupid. He did not resent Zhuo Yang at all. Their reputations were so far apart, and Fernandes admired Zhuo Yang's football art very much, and he had been envious since Zhuo Yanggang's reputation rose.

Originally, Fernandes wanted to take the initiative to make a conversation with Zhuo Yang, so as to facilitate future exchanges. However, Zhuo Yang had been blowing up with Handanovic before the game, without looking at Benfica, he didn't find a chance to intervene. Later, Fernandez thought about waiting. After the game, he went to find Zhuo Yang to exchange jerseys.

As Benfica's midfielder single midfielder in the first half, Fernandez was almost okay, because Maddie's ball basically didn't pass him, but hit the frontcourt quickly through two sideways, he can only sweep the cold in the air . He and Zhuo Yang also did not have a few chances to face each other, because Zhuo Yang pushed very forward in the first half, with the musketeers Gomez and Helmes suppressing the Benfica defender line, Fernandes could not catch up behind his **** .

The only time between the two was heads-up, Fernandes was given by Zhuo Yang three times, five divisions and two, he subconsciously turned back and put the shovel, and even someone took the ball to kick Zhuo Yang near the middle circle. Fernandes was not intentional at all, the normal tactical foul on the court, but the Fort Maddie did not think so.

Fernandes left a deep impression on the Fort Maddie last time. After all, such a stupid person is still uncommon. So he knocked down Zhuo Yang, and the Madaba people thought he was deliberately vengeful with grudges. In fact, even Zhuo Yang thought this way. At that time, he was scolded. Hedira and Helmes came up directly. To beat him.

Fernandes didn't mention a yellow card for this. The players of the two sides were blowing their beards and squinting and shouting at each other. The Francois referee almost blew the whistle. Fortunately, Augusto brought Comman the "warm water challenge" to distract the dogfights.

Zhuo Yang was a little bit worried, and he said, "What kind of green onion do you think?"

Zhuo Yang has played so much in the competition for so many years, countless intentionally and unintentionally, he is one of the most frequently attacked players in the Bundesliga. The players defending Zhuo Yang are basically defensive bulls. They are somewhat famous in football. Zhuo Yang is not so hypocritical when he is kicked. If he should kick back, kick back.

However, Zhuo Yang is now the ruler of the Bundesliga. Europe's most popular student, the UN's goodwill ambassador, he feels that his status is different from that in the past. If Fernandes is revenge and kicked down by such an unknown soldier, Zhuo Yang feels offended.

Or that Zhuo Yang sometimes does not lack careful eyes...


Coman's tactical adjustment has played a very good role. Benfica itself is a very powerful team. They will appear in the European arena almost every year. Compared with the experience of European war, Maddie Fort is cloud mud.

In the second half, Maddie's slight recovery also made the two sides begin to appear balanced on the scene, especially the small Italian forward Fabrizio Miccoli, who was in good condition, received strong support from the midfield. In this era, Italy casually went out a little famous shooter is very useful in other leagues.

Karagounis was also in good shape in the second half, even threatening national teammate Dallas many times, perhaps the shame on the sidelines made Benfica shameful and brave. Karagunis led the midfield and played a wave in the 68th minute Subtle offensive.

Assis made a cross from the left. Mantolas controlled the ball and passed it to Karagounis after the chest stopped. The Greeks passed the defensive crosses of Hedira and Peng Peng in the left rib of the penalty area. Mikoli kept the ball. Back to Beto, Beto then knocked back to Karagunis. The Greek national team pushed on the left at 20 yards on the 10th, and the ball hit the corner of Dallas and deflected into the near corner.

2:1, Benfica pulled back a point. Coach Coman was a little excited, he saw the hope of a Jedi rebirth.

Uncle Klopp responded to the adjustment, and he replaced Sapek with Sasha Ritter to limit the increasingly active Micoli on the right and also pulled Zhuo Yang from the forward line to the lower back Let Karagounis stop, and Fort Mady midfielder becomes a dish-shaped position.

This change immediately made Mady Fort's midfield and backcourt stable, and Mikoli was shut down directly. Karagounis disappeared on the field.


Just two minutes after re-kick-off, Zhuo Yang played a wonderful ‘foot’ in the midfield, stealing football from the foot of Karagounis, and ran all the way from the back of the middle circle. Fernandes came up and interfered with him side by side to try to steal.

Because of the counter-attack caused by the sudden goal interruption, the rest of Benfica had some reactions that could not keep up, and could only count on Fernandes to end Zhuo Yang's stride meteor. He exhausted all kinds of methods along the way, squeezing against the sweep and not pulling and pushing, but it was useless before Zhuo Yang and before, no matter beneath his feet or on hand. So, the two ran into the restricted area in one breath.

In fact, it stands to reason that Fernandez should have fouled early, and he is not unclear about this. However, he had the idea of ​​making Zhuo Yang before the game. In the first half, he caused conflict between the two sides because of the downfall of Zhuo Yang. At this time, it was inevitable that he was embarrassed and embarrassed.

Ke Zhuoyang was not embarrassed. As soon as he entered the penalty area and faced the two central defenders who were tightly tied, Ben Fernandes's arm dragged his arm and lost his balance.

Along the way, they dragged on endlessly, and finally put the person down in the penalty area. The referee Francois immediately awarded two yellows and one red plus a penalty. Everyone, including the Benfica, had no objections. The foul was too obvious to be sentimental.

Fernandez was stupid. Only he knew best that he didn't pull Zhuoyang at all. Instead, Zhuo Yang held his arm hard and he didn't foul at all.

Zhuo Yang fell!