Golden Greenery

v2 Chapter 388: Beckham British

Swaziland is a very small country, sandwiched between South Africa and Mozambique. People with bad eyesight can't be found on the world map. This country is rich in two things-diamonds and AIDS.

Nearly half of Swaziland’s population is infected with HIV. People are terrified and scary when they think about it, so they are called ‘the most feared country’. Zhuo Yang was a little scared before coming, and quietly asked his sister: "This stuff..., won't it be infected?"

Zhuo Qiuqiu rolled his eyes: "As long as you don't bite people, what can you do?"

They are all people who have gone to school. They are worried about human nature, but they all know that as long as they avoid the three major transmission channels, there is no fart, and Zhuo Yang is not a timid person.

Swaziland is different from what people think. This country is not very poor, and its per capita GDP is among the highest in Africa. But Swaziland is very backward. Especially in education, it is seriously polarized. The vast majority of ordinary people are illiterate and semi-illiterate.

Swaziland is a monarchy, and their King Mswati III has the absolute authority of the entire country. The biggest wish of the girls in Swaziland is to be the concubine of the king, and this dream is not far away. Mswati III holds a draft every year, and all virgins under the age of sixteen in the country will be full of joy, holding reeds and naked tops for the king to choose. Once every year!

Your Majesty, do you believe it or not? You will be beaten to death when you come to China! It's too jealous...

This king is very cute, in order to fight against the growing AIDS epidemic in Swaziland, he ordered the country to ban **** for five years. However, as the country with the most open sexual conception in the world, it is harder than not letting them eat. The king cannot do it himself. There is also a remedy for AIDS that everyone believes in this country: As long as Hei He is seventy-two virgins, he will be ill.

Such a country should not exist! Fortunately, according to this spreading trend, they are not very far from the eradication of the country.

These have nothing to do with Zhuo Yang and Beckham. They came here to cooperate with a series of activities of the United Nations Children's Charity Foundation (UNICEF) and make a contribution to changing the survival status of local children. Along with them, there is another international goodwill ambassador, world-famous singer and Colombian Charachie Mébalak, a beautiful and full-bodied Latin beauty.

28-year-old Sharac is a singer-songwriter who studied vocal music at the High School of Music in Barcelona, ​​Spain. Zhuo Yang and Beckham are going to pretend to be under the camera and teach children to play football. This sister also has an identity as a promotion ambassador for FIFA youth women’s football. Besides, when dealing with children, there is a beautiful big sister who is more harmonious and convenient. You know, the little girls here don’t have the habit of wearing jackets...

In this country with the highest rate of HIV infection in the world, UNICEF has funded support and protection for HIV-positive mothers and children. The establishment of an institution has helped thousands of HIV-carrying teenagers and 350 pediatric medical staff have been professionally Training.

All of this will be filmed as news shorts and broadcast as public service advertisements on TV stations around the world. Looking at the two ubiquitous figures in the advertisement, you will feel that these are the credit of Zhuo Yang and Beckham.

After being busy with the United Nations, the three goodwill ambassadors flew back to Europe together. Charachi was going to Spain. Zhuo Yang and Beckham drove to Paris, France.

On the way, Beckham was very interested in Zhuo Yang’s ‘Zhuo Yang No. 18 Fund’. After generously opening up, he asked East and West how to register and how to operate, which was obviously moving. Zhuo Yang didn't know anything, and simply asked the elder sister to explain to him that he was sleepy and sleepy.

A few months later, Beckham solemnly launched his'Beckham 7 Fund', which is also dedicated to the protection of children around the world. Hearing this name, Zhuo Yang couldn't help but roll his eyes across the sky: How creative are you? Are you interested in learning? You are not 7 anymore, okay?

Zhuo Yang and Beckham came to Paris to participate in the 2005 UEFA European Golden Globe Awards ceremony.


Paris is a city with a unique taste and breath. Hemingway said, "If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris when you were young, then you will be with you wherever you go in the rest of your life." Europeans have a proverb: everyone has two motherland, his own and France. This is actually Paris, which shows the status of Paris and the Paris plot of Europeans.

Summer is the peak tourist season in Paris, but its winter is also very beautiful. If you are lucky enough to meet the snow in Paris, that dreamy beauty is what Hemingway said when he was young: even if it is poor, it can live in Paris Very happy.

However, Zhuo Yang is skeptical of Hemingway's words. He is not the first time to come to Paris. Zhuo Yang admits that the city is full of romantic and elegant humanistic feelings, but he also does not feel that this city is essentially different from other metropolises. Differently, the paradise of the rich, the despair of the poor, the admiration of the traveler, that's all. Perhaps because of the precipitation of time, it was forcibly endowed with a feeling, just like the steel tower that was originally a strange and awkward steel tower.

Zhuo Yang did not meet the snow in This winter the European climate is somewhat abnormal, not colder than in previous years. Today Paris is sunny and sunny. A single coat and sweater are enough. When Zhuo Yang and Beckham walked outside the Garnier Opera House again, he was surprised by Beckham's clothes. Unlike himself, he is a normal black formal suit, a straight suit, a vest and a tie. Beckham wears a dark brown double-breasted woolen coat, much like Lenin. Wearing a thick plaid cap and a pair of gray-framed glasses on his nose, I don't know if I have a degree.

Seeing Zhuo Yang staring at him staring blankly, Beckham spread his hands quite proudly: "How is it? How is my gentleman Fan Er today?"

"That, you take off the glasses, I will look at it again." Zhuo Yang pointed.

Beckham didn't know what happened, so he pinched the bridge of the nose very obediently to remove the big frame, and then let Zhuo Yang look at his delicate clothes.

Zhuo Yang took two steps back, holding his chin and holding his elbow and tilting his head to look at it for a while, and thoughtfully said, "Well, how can I say that it looks familiar..., much like the train driver of ours decades ago."

Beckham: "..."

"Hey Zhuo Yang, you're still a long time coming out of a scam." Ribberry and Lampard came together to save Beckham's embarrassment, and the four of them walked inside together. Of course, the fashionista Beckham must tell Zhuo Turtle about Fan Er's meaning.

"Zhuo Yang, you are right. The classic British style was born out of the period of big industry. It was a vigorous era. The same clothes, different dresses, simple accessories, different combinations, a simple change Men have a variety of styles; but no matter how it changes, the British style itself is stable and the feeling of a gentleman still exists. Dignified, elegant, gentleman, changeable, this is the British style! This is my British style!"

"Well--, David, are you hot?"

Beckham: "..."