Golden Greenery

v3 ~: 1st ball deep water bomb

This coach must be! Zhuo Yang defined Yin Yin at that time.

In fact, Yin Sheng was originally just a caretaker coach. The Football Association didn't think about how long to let him work. The old men in the circle have roots and leaves. It is a matter of humanity to come to the national team for gold plating. After these two group matches, Lao Yin will make a difference if they can enter the 1o strong match. In fact, the Football Association has secretly started the recruitment of new coaches.

Lao Yin did very poorly in the Olympics. If it were not for the current vacancy of the national team, and those who did not dare to come to pick up the mess of these two games, he would not be a caretaker coach. To be honest, looking at the past, there is probably no one who has the courage to coach Zhuo Yang in China.

Dad said: Bravery is the most noble quality of mankind!

Zhuo Yang looks down on people who are not responsible, but the two games are imminent, so it is only possible to make up first. The coach's survival will cause the unstable heart to move. Besides, who are you going to find in this moment? Can't I pick it on my own? Can the future be passed? Still waiting for me to move the ladder over the wall!

Recalling that Zhuo Yang had no complaints or complaints.

"I'm kicking the front waist, I can take care of the offense and defense."

"Good, no problem." Next, Zhuo Yang did not expect. "Then...who do you think of the other 1o people? What arrangement?"

"Yin Guidance, this is a bit inappropriate!"

"It's appropriate, why is it inappropriate? Zhuo Yang, you've seen the big scene, you know much better than us."

"Yin Guidance, you see, I haven't even recognized the teammates yet. I don't know what position and technical characteristics to play. Besides, these are Yin Guidance's work. Anyway, I only play football and tactical management. It doesn't work, you can do it." Zhuo Yang directly added a handful of mustard. "That's it, I'm going to train first."

Behind Zhuo Yang are Zheng He and Huang Bowen, and on the wings are Hao Junmin and Zhu Boat. The guards Sun Xiang, Wang Xiao, Li Feng and Cao Yang lined up, and goalkeeper Song Zhenyu.

Zhuo Yang shot a three-footed goal in the first 12 minutes, two tall and one tall. The goalkeeper Zacker still has two brushes. The Chinese team hit a total of four feet, and Lin left the plane. Zhuo Yang is not a god, but he believes that it is the only thing that will break the door sooner or later.

However, you never know which cloud will rain, and suddenly there is a change on the field.

In the 18th minute, Li Feng intercepted Fabio fouls outside the penalty area, and Lebanese referee Najim took a free kick, which is not in dispute. Fabio personally punished the pass from the right to the restricted area, and the Song Zhen fishermen picked the onion in the dry land.

At this moment, Najim's whistle rang and he reached for a penalty.

Zhuo Yang looked back. Sebastian was lying in the small penalty area. Lin stood beside him and was stupid. He was at a loss.

Najim signaled that Lin was pulling when he was defending and pulled Sebastian. Zhuo Yangxin said: Lin who can stalk can pull down the tank like this, who? Sure enough, West Asia referee!

Zhuo Yang, who was well prepared in advance, stepped forward to negotiate with Najim. "Mr. Referee, if there is a replay, you will definitely find him to be a fall, I hope you are careful."

"Sorry, Mr. Zhuo Yang, I just saw it clearly. This is an obvious foul." Najim English is still quite slippery.

"In this case, Mr. Referee, I respect your punishment. The condemned person is him. He deceived you with his clever acting skills. Such behavior will definitely be recorded by FIFA." Zhuo Yang said: "Mr. Referee , Please continue the game."

Sebastian stood up and picked up the football to the penalty spot. Zhuo Yang beckoned: "Cao Yang, Cao Yang!"

Cao Yang ran over: "Well?"

"You told me that country this kid originally came from?" Zhuo Yang pointed to Sebastian. "I can't think of it now."

"It's hard to get four Uruguay, yes, Jie Nima Uruguay."

"Okay, got it."

Zhuo Yang walked to the restricted area line and yelled at Sebastian in Spanish: "Grandson, hey! I'll call you!"

Zhuo Yang and the Brazilian gang have been mixing for two years. His Portuguese has been able to scold Ronaldinho for two hours without repeated samples. His Spanish is almost, but he can also understand. Qatar players no matter where they are from, they all speak General English together, so now, including the referee, only Zhuo Yang and Sebastian can speak Spanish.

Suddenly hearing his native language, Sebastian was completely conditioned, and he looked back in surprise, wanting to see who was his elder.

Zhuo Yang waved his hand: "It's alright, grandson, kick it well."

Sebastian then reacted and was taken advantage of. The huge body swelled in an instant, and Zhuo Yang stood there: you bit me!

Seeing that the deception succeeded, Zhuo Yang greeted goalkeeper Song Zhenyu without delay. "Xiao Song, look at my gesture, don't hesitate."

From the moment the penalty was awarded, Song Zhenyu, who was staring at Zhuo Yang, pulled the meat on his face and nodded hard: "Well!!!"

Zhuo Yang's ability to see through penalties has always been the most immediate means of team improvement. From the first day of training, he began training three goalkeepers. Of course, the main goal is Song Zhenyu.

I have heard that I haven’t seen it. In Zhuo Yang’s legendary finger, the 60,000 fans of Water Drop Stadium opened their eyes wide and did not blink. Zhuo Yang yelled again: "Prepare for rush and defense!"

The whistle sounded, and Sebastian hesitated to calm down before he started running. So a stout man, but launched a soft left half-height ball, Zhuo Yang's finger just popped out, Song Zhenyu collapsed like a spring, his palms firmly shot on the football.

After falling back outside the small penalty area, the fast-responding Sun Xiang slammed the football out of the sideline before Sebastian.

Everyone jumps and jumps, jumps and jumps in the stands, happy than scoring a goal. The cheers of fans can reach Kashi from Tianjin.

This is not the end, playing flop in front of my Zhuo Yang? Ever heard of Inzaghi? Do you know what are the three realms of fake fall? Just two minutes later, Zhuo Yang was "stumbled" by No. 8 Yusuf outside the left corner of the big penalty area.

So In the 16th minute of the first half, Zhuo Yang yelled into the dark violent aesthetic free kick from the outside of the six-person wall against the turf, leaving only a curved line in the live TV camera. Light and shadow.

Zhuo Yang scored his first goal in the national team!

At this moment, the whole of China was boiling, a live TV broadcast that set a new CCTV viewing record, and hundreds of millions of people jumped from the TV at the same time.

Zhuo Yang watched with satisfaction as the fans cheered for him. Although he was used to it, he still liked to be held in the limelight.

Later, Cheng Hao said in his report: Zhuo Yang said that the first is always very meaningful, so he named this goal ‘deep water bomb’. I ask him why? Zhuo Yang said that at that moment, he wanted to drink.


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