Golden Greenery

v3 Chapter 119: Old friend cheering

The channel fight incident was pressed down by the two clubs in accordance with the usual practice. Inter Milan won the game, Barcelona won the game, and no one wants to have a break. Therefore, except for the content of the game, the scene in the stands became a hot spot in the media.


  Ac Milan club is naturally the focus of the interview, but before the official answer has not come out, those heavy-duty stadium giants have stood up first, and Yi Zhengzheng condemned the behavior of extreme fans and supported the old friend Zhuo Yang.


  Martini took the lead, Baresi followed, and Qi Qi, the brother of the Paladins of the Round Table, spoke for Zhuo Yang.


  The round table group withdrew from the stage of history, but just because it no longer exists, it has caused some internal internal disputes and small undiscovered disappearance, leaving the knights with endless beauty and nostalgia. Therefore, the former round table with the political meaning of football is gone, replaced by the brotherhood that is now linked by personal feelings.


  In the past, everything was considered from the perspective of ac Milan, but now it is not right to people, and it strives to protect each other's interests and reputation.


  Retired veterans represented by Maldini and Baresi strongly condemned the shameless actions of extreme fans, claiming that they are enemies with Rosenelli and AC Milan, they are the real traitors. And Zhuo Yang is a legendary superstar who brings great honor to Milan and will have a place in the best lineup in Milan history anyway. Zhuo Yang and Milan are a beautiful story, Zhuo Yang lives up to Milan.


Although not as brilliant as last season, the old and strong Inzaghi still ranked first in the team with 17 goals this season, surpassing Borriello (11), Pato (9), Ronaldinho (8). Nine Lords named in the newspapers scolded the'Red and Black Brigade' and the'Lion Grove', gnashing their teeth and swearing that they would never recognize these two organizations as part of Rosenneri.


   Active players rarely break up with the fans of this team. Even if the opponent is an extreme fan with ulterior motives, the star will also be calm, even if there is criticism, it is also a polite advice. But Jiuye expressed his monstrous anger, and no matter how old he was and who he was, he didn't care who to please.


   Jiuye is a national lover of ac Milan fans, the first person in popularity, his anger is extraordinary.


  Pirlo, Nesta, Gattuso, and Favali all issued their own voices on this matter, calling on the majority of Rosenneri to drive the'Red and Black Brigade' and the'Lion Forest' out of the South Stand. Including Otto and Ambrosini, all gave Zhuo Yang a very high rating.


   The former Brazilian gang also came forward. Dida, Ronaldinho, Pato, Peng Peng, and others all showed their support for Zhuo Yang. Ac Milan, all the people with a little face and face are making a noise, and their attitudes are surprisingly consistent.


  Not even Beckham on the bed.


   Beckham was loaned to ac Milan again in January this year. His second joining has become the key to the gradual improvement of Milan's second half schedule. However, in the 28th round of the home game against Chievo's Serie A on March 14, Beckham's left heel tendon was completely broken.


  Although the operation was very successful, Beckham will cultivate for 5-6 months and he will sadly miss the World Cup in South Africa. Beckham is already a 35-year-old veteran, originally thought that South Africa will be his last World Cup, who would have thought that the last one was in Germany four years ago.


   Beckham said: ac Milan is a great team with a glorious history and countless superstars. Zhuo Yang is undoubtedly one of them, but he is also a very special one. It may take a few years before fans realize how incredible Zhuo Yang's contribution to ac Milan has been. In any case, it is shameful for them to treat Zhuo Yang in this way.


   Even Beckham's ac Milan passers-by are clamoring for Zhuo Yang, which has allowed the football world to start looking at Zhuo Yang again.


  In fact, the burning of jerseys and portraits and even attacking famous players in the past is not too unusual in world football. It has happened in several major leagues. Originally, the media took advantage of a few words, but did not expect so many heavyweight players to stand up and speak for Zhuo Yang Zhengyi. This phenomenon is more attractive than the story in the stands.


   Zhuo Yang is a very controversial figure. Except for his versatility and superb skills, many people think that he has a temper tantrum and strong revenge, and has a small heart, arrogance and even rudeness. Even stereotyped people stubbornly believe that Zhuo Yang is arrogant and vulgar, his talent is amazing but he is proud, and he should be an orphan with no friends.


   As for the stories published in the newspaper, it was only because Zhuo Yanglie's cooking oil was heating up, and others did not dare to offend him. It was also a lensed friendship set up to rub the heat. It could also be called plastic brotherhood.


   This incident subverted this understanding of Zhuo Yang, because everyone was active and vocal, and they all made statements without permission from the club’s news department in advance. This is very unusual, and the word is more unusual. If it is installed, it is impossible to install so neatly, and it is impossible for so many people to install it.


  How can a person who has received spontaneous support from so many heavyweights be an arrogant man?


In the following week, from Italy to China, from Germany to Spain, the support for Zhuo Yang and criticism of extreme fans were one after another. The AC Milan Club also officially issued an official statement, thanking Zhuo Yang for his great contribution to the team in the past three years, I think he will always be a part of Milan's glorious history, and is an extremely important part that can never be erased.


Following protests from Chinese fans and the media, and at the request of the veteran of the team, Berlusconi made an instruction to stop all contact with the'Red and Black Brigade' and the'Lion Forest' and remove them from the club's registered fan organization , No longer recognize their status in the South Grandstand.


The eldest son Pierre who can't see the general trend disregards the obstruction of the elder sister went to fight with his dad reasonably, trying to retain the value of the'Red and Black Brigade' and the'Lion Forest', but instead Prime Minister Bei used this as an excuse to expel him from the AC Milan club, and by the way, he first found a scapegoat for the poor record.


   Pierre's Milan career lasted for nearly three years, and he has never held any position within the Bayesian Group. And Barbara returned to the club because of his relationship with his father.


  According to Prime Minister Bei’s advice, Milan Club soon supported other fan organizations to replace the ‘Red and Black Brigade’ and the ‘Lion Forest’. The ‘Red and Black Brigade’ and the ‘Lion Forest’, which have lost their status as rivers and lakes, have gradually disappeared.


  In his heart, Zhuo Yang didn't expect those old friends to be so upright, which made him feel very warm. Turning your eyes at the fans is a very dangerous thing, and it is easy to ignite your upper body. Zhuo Yang is an example.


   But this time the old friends didn't have any concerns. Collectively, they cheered for their support. Zhuo Yang felt that Milan had been very rewarding in three years. This kind of reward surpassed the nine champions, second only to Coco.


  With this warm comfort, Zhuo Yang and his Barcelona ushered in a game against Jerez.