Golden Greenery

v3 Chapter 227: Mei Gongzi's burning beef fart

When Barcelona used Fontas to replace midfielder Harvey in the 85th minute, he finally annoyed Real Madrid deputy Ramos.

Is Barcelona dead on the bench? The names Pedro, Keita, Mascherano, Maxwell will not be used, but they chose the unknown pawns such as Heveren and Fonta, bullying people like you, Real Madrid is defeated, but it is by no means possible Settle down at random.

To be honest, even Zhuo Yang feels that Guardiola is too arrogant. In any case, Real Madrid is also a respectable opponent. The tragedy has already caused it. Why not humiliate them again?

Zhuo Yang is not a heir to the Barcelona, ​​or even a senior La Liga. He has no historical grudges between the two dead enemies. Naturally, he can’t understand the clan's faction that'mortal step on a foot, it will be difficult to turn over forever', but Guardiola is, The vast majority of people in Barcelona too.

Zhuo Yang is satisfied with Barcelona's score in this field and is more satisfied with his performance. Two shots, one pass and one move is tantamount to killing Real Madrid with only one hand, and there are zero turnovers in the whole game. Without further discussion, I will definitely be the best in this field.

Although Zhuo Yang did, as Hedila said, want to hold back a big one for this year’s Golden Globe Awards, because the national derby is the final highlight for Zhuo Yang this year, and it is also the final bonus item. Will definitely have a profound influence on the selection.

But Zhuo Yang does not have a clear standard for how big this'big' is. Six yuan for independent middle school? I tried it on Panathinaikos, but it was not successful. This thing is like love. It is purely inexplicable. The more you deliberately beg, the more it walks around you.

Therefore, Zhuo Yang is very satisfied with this performance today, but Messi is not satisfied. Zhuo Yang is holding a big move for the Golden Globe Awards. Messi is not so. He and Zhuo Yang are among the top five hot spots.

Messi and Zhuo Yang faced almost the same advantages and disadvantages, both had outstanding performances in the league last season, but neither of them had too strong champions to decorate the facade, and the persuasion was obviously weak. Moreover, it was too shabby for Mei Gongzi to miss a goal in the World Cup in summer. No matter how good the brush is, Zhuo Yang is still the best shooter.

In view of the above reasons, Messi wants to hold a bigger one today than Zhuo Yang. The bigger the better, the best in the battle. However...Although there are countless breakthroughs, but none of them fart, you got it!

When it comes to strikers like Zhuo Yang Messi and others, no matter how brilliant the other performances and statistics are, they are just the basic performance that should be. Only the number of goals is the only medal that can show your identity. What kind of motivating rate, penultimate pass, other players can certainly be used to smear, but as Zhuo Yang and Messi, they are self-deceiving and deceiving, you still have to shame?

Messi knew that the game was yellow again, not because he didn't work hard, but because the gentle rain came very uninterestingly. In all climates, Messi hates cold and rain the least, because in these two kinds of weather, playing football can not always make him enjoy, and it is not too neat under the feet.

Messi doesn't necessarily admire Zhuo Yang's ball-sensing skills, because he is not bad at all, even in some very small areas, Messi feels that Zhuo Yang is not as good as him. However, Messi admired Zhuo Yang's weather and tactical adaptability, whether it was cold or heavy rain, whether it was a defensive counterattack or a wide open, it seemed to have no effect on Zhuo Yang's football.

Messi knew the reason, aside from the difference in physical conditions between the two, Zhuo Yang experienced three completely different styles of leagues and teams, experienced high latitude cold Hanover and perennial rainy Milan, and his own Football has always been in the warm and sunny Barcelona, ​​as well as the TiKi-TaKa in the same vein of Rijkaard and Guardiola.

This is the football experience, Messi knows this. Sometimes in the silence of the night alone, Messi also thought, if you leave Barcelona to go to other leagues and other teams, can you be as successful as Zhuo Yang? In the face of different styles and rhythms of football, is it still possible?

Messi wasn’t sure. He had communicated this issue while chatting with his dad, and dad didn’t dare to give advice. Messi just thought about it. This kind of thinking made him feel very interesting, but also anxious. Messi knew he would not leave Barcelona because he liked the football here and the peace he brought to him.


Using Zhuoyang Kongrun to suppress the German Tu and causing Hedira to hesitate, Messi took the ball decisively and cut into Real Madrid’s right rib, and Pique, who was on the big step, was also shaken by Messi’s small step. .

It has been smooth ahead, and Messi can safely reach the restricted area in less than ten meters. Casillas is about to make a move. Messi can make a 45° small shot in the restricted area where he exhibits his best in two seconds. No self-confidence.

Suddenly Messi's **** suffered a heavy blow, and Messi felt for a moment that he seemed to have returned to the time when he was a teenager in Rosario and his friends' mischievous "burnt bullshit" when he was a teenager. However, this is not as hot as the burning bullshit, but the strength is much greater, Messi was staggered and fell to the ground in two steps.

Ramos, who was annoyed by Barcelona's humiliating substitutions, failed to control his behavior. Messi's coquettish flash breakthrough made him eventually lose his mind, and a back kick kicked Messi up with the ball. In fact, Ramos was angry and aimed at Messi's calf, subconsciously lethal action, but Messi's life is good, when the small change of direction happens to bend his knees short, his height is so low, this foot is right in the back hip.

After the event, Ramos turned his head and walked down the court, very actively, the referee Iturald blew his whistle, chased him and showed a red card, Ramos did not even look at it, as if all this It has nothing to do with him. Halfway through, the Barcelona players were already surrounded, Ramos slapped Hefron two meters away.

Of course, Real Madrid will not open his eyes and watch him besieged by his opponent.

Puyol angrily rebuked Ramos. The two were originally not very good at the Spanish national team because of factional issues. Ramos immediately reached out and pushed Puyol's face: "I'm going to **** you!"

Aunt Pu turned over and planted with her face on the ground, and the pitch was a mess. Harvey, who had been replaced just now, rushed to Ramos from outside the court, slamming his palm against his chest. Do you think Ramos will converge? The non-existent, grumpy Real Madrid teammate threw a punch directly at Harvey's face.

In the event of direct boxing, fighting on the spot is inevitable. Just as Ramos raised his fist back with his arms raised, his wrist was caught tightly by a big hand.

"Sergio, don't force me to beat you!"