Golden Greenery

v3 Chapter 232: White Christmas guests

Just after Christmas 2010, it was snowing in Vaduz. Although there was only a thin layer, this small stamp town could also be hidden in the silver-covered Alps.

The snow came very strangely. On the night of Christmas Eve, it did not fall. The day before the Christmas bell rang, it still did not fall. This winter is not cold, everyone thought it would not snow, but just yesterday morning when people pushed open the window, they found that it had come quietly.

There is no sign of it, just like the magical love.

When Zhuo Yang and Uncle Albert drove to Zurich in the morning, Koko adjusted the collar for him. "Brother Zhuoyang, drive slowly on the road."

"Relax." Zhuo Yang said: "There is plenty of time. Don't worry, I will be careful." He kissed her forehead.

Midea Swinburne looked at them in the window on the second floor and saw Zhuo Yang looking up, and then she smiled sweetly.

The four members of the Swinburne family arrived yesterday afternoon. There are others, all of whom are relatives of the Coco family, including her legendary cousin Gavin Philip, who arrived in Vaduz yesterday afternoon.

These people are all people of the Joseph family in a broad sense. Although they are not dragging their families back to the family ancestral house on Christmas day, basically everyone in the family has come.

Last Christmas, the whole family only gathered together for Christmas. This year, there was no need to reunite, but because of the big news brought by Zhuo Yang, the father of Austria, Frank Joseph, notified his family and let them come back together for a total.

Zhuo Yang's response to the girls' age is relatively slow, otherwise she will not turn a blind eye to the colorful people around her when she was in high school. But when he saw Midel yesterday, he suddenly realized that Midel was indeed the eldest girl.

In a few days, Midella, who was 16 years old, was like a flower to be placed, and the full bone flower could not hide the charming floral fragrance. In terms of appearance alone, Midaier lost slightly the same score as Coco at the same age, but her more outgoing and enthusiastic personality made her more easily approached. If you replace the story of Koko and Zhuo Yang with Midale, you will not wait for six years in a daze. You may find him desperately after three years.

The last time I saw Midale was last summer, Zhuo Yang felt that she had a little bit of life with herself, but Midale was still Midale. See you this time, he has a trance. It seems that it is difficult to connect the beautiful girl in front of him with the little girl who jumped and jumped on his body when he saw himself in those years.

Midel and Kou Kou also had some points. She used to be her cousin's follower, and she likes to imitate her cousin's smile. When she is with Kou Kou, she always squeezes on a bed at night. But this time when he came to Vaduz, Midel asked for a separate bedroom. She no longer had to cling to her cousin and whisper in the middle of the night.

The children of the noble family have their own relatively good sports. Midel's brother Jeffrin is a volleyball setter. Midel also chose a modern compound bow when he was 11 years old. Although she doesn't have the kind of knuckles that she is keen on, she doesn't have to go for obsessive-compulsive disorder. The original intention of sports is to strengthen her body and cultivate her temperament.

But last fall, Midea who had practiced compound bows for four years suddenly gave up, and she became very interested in women's foils. According to Jefflin, Midel is indeed more suitable for foil, and her progress on this project is much more obvious than the compound bow. After nearly a year of practice, he has already achieved little.

Zhuo Yang smiled and said to Midaier: I will do a little gossip, or should we look for Mujian?

Jefflin said: Go, it's not the same thing. With the sword technique, the sword flies, but the fencing only stabs. In addition to the difference in physique strength, Midel can't even take one move.

Midai pouted and said: That is not necessarily...

She also said: "I don't really want to practice foil, it's not fun."


Midea was reluctant to answer, and Jeffrin took over the topic: "The foil teacher who has been guiding Midale, suddenly resigned in the summer. He said that there was something wrong at home, but the specific reason was not willing to say. Our family promised Raising wages, and said that he can wait for him to finish his family affairs, but he insists on going, and he is not willing to stay longer."

"Midele is angry, so she doesn't want to practice anymore."

"Hey, the coach who knows how to spend a sword has gone to the sea. Do you want me to help you find an Olympic champion from South Korea?" Zhuo Yang said.

Midea still pouted and shook her head.

Zhuo Yang also said, "Otherwise, I will teach you nunchakus. It can be self-defense after practice. It is more practical than a foil sword. Rest assured, I will never leave without saying goodbye, and I will not give up halfway. You see, I don’t charge, this Trading can be done."

Midea smiled happily, but she still shook her head. She knew Zhuo Yang was just teasing her.

"After that foil coach left we will never be able to contact him again." Carrying Midel, Jefflin told Zhuo Yang in detail. "Midele likes the teacher Smolin very much. He also likes Midele, but he just walks away. Midele thinks that she is too stupid and disappoints the teacher."

"Hey, if you don't practice, don't practice, it's no big deal." Zhuo Yang said: "It shows that Midai still doesn't love the foil, otherwise she will give up because of such a small thing. What sport she likes to play is in her future. It doesn’t matter if you don’t point to this meal and don’t like any sport."


Watching the departure of Zhuo Yang and Uncle Albert, Rolls-Royce turned and walked into the small building. Vaduz was a one and a half hour drive from Zurich Airport. Uncle Albert knew this road well, if everything If it goes well, they will return in the afternoon.

Midea also came down from the upstairs. "Sister Kou Kou, when are you and Brother Zhuo Yang planning to get married?" After whispering, Midea secretly glanced at the uncle sitting on the other sofa in the hall with the corner of her eye.

"I'm afraid I have to wait until four years later." Kokoo shrugged slightly. "Midele, will you be my bridesmaid then?"

"Four years?" Midale skewed her head and thought for a while: "...I am 20 years old, then I will say..."


At three o'clock in the afternoon, Zhuo Yang returned from Zurich on time to bring his guests with him. When they stepped down from the black phantom, Kou Da Ma Kou Ma and others had stood waiting on the porch.

The two guests stepped forward, and Zhuo Yangchao's middle-aged bearded beard, who introduced him in the front, introduced his father: "This is the Grand Duke of Austria."

The tall middle-aged man came to Ko Dad, and after standing, he bowed down with a standard one-legged knight knight etiquette.

"Dear Excellency the Grand Duke of Austria, Andrey Swedevich Zigelinski came to see him after the crime minister."
