Golden Greenery

v3 Chapter 254: Ronaldinho Roche said goodbye

Zhuo Yang felt that Fort Mady was a little too hard, and selling people was addictive, especially on the offensive line. Last summer, I sold the sprayer Gomez, last winter I bought Marchisio, and in the summer, I sold the newly completed Ozil to Real Madrid. Now I see the money again and sell Zheke to the local tyrants. Manchester City.

   In fact, if it had not happened, Hasler had already prepared to sell Ibisevich to Barcelona a year ago. At that time, La Porta asked Zhuo Yang for his opinions and also prepared 22 million yuan from the bank. But just as he was preparing to sign, Ibisevich's cruciate ligament was broken during the training, so that the transfer was soaked.

   Zhuo Yang This is the hometown festival, and Hasler's ghosts and ghosts are carefully mirrored. Maddie’s salary has been in the middle and lower levels in the Bundesliga. It is so poor that the defense can barely accept it. On the offensive end, if you are a little famous, you can’t keep it. It’s better to sell a good price early. Everyone is happy.

   Mady Fort does not have the ambition to dominate Bayern, nor does it have the capital to dominate. Since the departure of Six Musketeers and Zhuo Yang, Hasler has clearly defined the club's competitive goals in the top three of the Bundesliga. If all conditions are put together, let the team rush, if it is difficult, then find a way to save the European theater.

  Since the construction of that year, Chairman Angus Mullen no longer gave blood to the club, he was completely self-sufficient, and even had to draw some blood on the peninsula from time to time. It can be seen now that Mullen is a businessman, but not a big businessman. He has spent the past nine years and has not been able to expand his business much.

Hasler and Mullen have a good relationship. He must repay the trust of his old friends. This time, the money needed to sell Zheke is needed by Mullen. He has lost a large amount in real estate investment. He has to use the money to fill the hole. . Hasler secretly said to Zhuo Yang: Zheke sold only 30 million yuan on the surface, but there are actually 7 million other payments. This is done to pay less taxes.

   Zhuo Yang quickly said: Don't tell me, I haven't heard what you said.

   Hasler felt that the team had Ibisevich, whose power was halved after the injury, and Erwa Mueller and Obameyan, who had already raised the first team, were enough. Zhuo Yangtongli: As for a genius like Erwa, if you go to open a salary of more than one million yuan, he will not like his father. There is also Obameyan, and his father is a monkey spirit.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Actually, Fort Mady still relies on Mad Dog Rand, Hammer Ackerman, Superman Edmund, Scrapped Zepek, Uncle Prois , Derby, Barnetta, Westerman, Schaefer, Ritter and other six swordsmen or veterans of the Uncle Sage era are supporting. Now even Zhuo Yang feels that Maddie has owed these old brothers. He left here for five years, and his salary has changed from two million before tax to 12 million after tax, but they have not increased much.

  Money is the same as reading, only after you have it is qualified to say that it is useless. Zhuo Yang once thought that if it was not because of the road of music creation that he needed to step out of Hanover, he would definitely play football for a lifetime in Fort Maddie, and his salary would be enough. But five years later, he no longer thinks so.

   I will definitely walk out of Fort Mady, even if it is just for money, this reason is enough.

Today I took the time to go back to Hanover. The first thing was Hanyin Dali. It was also because Kaka said that he missed the two of them playing football together. This remark evoked Zhuo Yang’s thoughts in the six swordsman years of Fort Mady. Why didn’t he miss it? That innocent time. So, he walked on the peninsula.

   Zhuo Yang has been thinking of returning to Madaba with Chao Yi, but now it seems so lingering. With his own price and salary requirements, the foreseeable future Madipu is impossible to meet. In such a prosperous world, why bother Madibao and yourself?

  Kaka evokes Zhuo Yang's thoughts of conquering football side by side with his brother, while Ronaldinho gives him a deeper understanding of money. Ronaldinho left, he left AC Milan, this winter transfer window he returned to Brazil.

  After Zhuo Yang and Kaka left that year, Ronaldinho only had two months in the new season, and it was difficult for him to restrain himself. Afterwards, due to differences in play, Leonardo, the current head coach, had disagreements and thoroughly indulged.

  After losing the World Cup squad, 30-year-old Ronaldinho’s football has actually entered the twilight years. Although his body is not as exaggerated as Ronaldo, the fat belly is still unbelievable to those who are familiar with him.

   After the start of the new season, Allegri quickly abandoned Ronaldinho, Uncle Jiu favored the frontcourt combination of the two brothers Ibrahimovic, Ibrahimovic and Robinho, and the outstanding performance in Serie A also proved Allegri's correctness. The Milan club also hated Ronaldinho's abduction and led Pato clubs all day long. The 21-year-old duck has been left behind by his own 18-year-old look.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   AC Milan wants to sell Ronaldinho to stop loss, Ronaldinho doesn't want to stay in Milanello anymore, he said: In fact, Zhuo Yang and Kaka left At that time, I wanted to leave. Leonardo begged me to stay.

  Ronaldinho told the Milan club that you can sell me anywhere except the Middle East, as long as the other club can continue to meet my 7 million salary.

Ronaldinho said to Zhuo Yang: "I can't play for a few years, and I have also developed the habit of spending money at all I have to take advantage of the last chance to save a little pension." The words are very frank, but Zhuo Yang Feeling very sad.

  There are many local tyrants in Europe, but there are no fools. Now Ronaldinho is obviously not worth 7 million annual salary. This has to be placed elsewhere, and Ronaldinho has decided on the club. He has to mix up the contract for a penny. But in AC Milan, nothing is hard to beat the clever Galliani.

  Bald directly contacted Brazilian football, Ronaldinho withered in Europe, but still has a huge appeal in South America. His commercial value can bloom freely in Brazil, at least in a short time.

After adding some baldness, Ronaldinho joined the Brazilian giant Flamengo at the price of 3.5 million on the last day of the winter transfer window. His 7 million annual salary will be jointly borne by the two major sponsors of Flamengo, Traffic and Olympikus. .


  Ronaldinho is gone, and Ronaldo has gone more thoroughly. He has notified his friends in football, including Zhuo Yang.

  Daro Heavenly King decided to retire and will be officially announced to the world on the day of People's Day two weeks later. This is a sad topic, Ronaldo used to be the arms of all fans. The day he decided to retire was under 35 years old, Zhuo Yang suddenly wondered if he could reach his age. In nine years, it seems very far away, but it has been nine years since I stepped into professional football. Looking back, it is so fleeting.

   Thinking of Ronaldo, Zhuo Yang remembered his incredible story, thinking of Morihe who had not found himself and was lost in the illusion. Ronaldo said: If time can turn around, I am willing to use the world championship and all the goals in exchange for finding myself.