Golden Greenery

v3 Chapter 261: Naturalized players and descent

"Boss Mei, how nice you are if you are Chinese."

"Teacher Zhuo, how nice you are if you are Argentine."

The same joke, but revealed Zhuo Yang and Messi's helplessness for the national team. One hero and three gangs, Zhuo Yang’s teammates are willing to help, but their strength is limited, and Messi’s teammates may help, but they can’t help. In other words, Zhuo Yang suffers from the lack of masters around him, and Messi suffers from the fact that no one understands him.

In fact, during the Asian Cup, Rijkaard communicated with Zhuo Yang on the issue of naturalized players. The meaning of Jie Shuai's words is beyond words. I want to see if Zhuo Yang can recruit some'mercenaries' from Europe and America with its influence. Chinese national team.

Originally, Zhuo Yang was very repulsive to naturalization for the purpose of naturalization. At first, he regarded himself highly, and he couldn't reach the level of the Six Musketeers brothers. At that time, Zhuo Yang and Jie Shuai both believed that the opponents of the Chinese team were only Asian teams. It was a success to enter the World Cup. But people are always greedy, now they don't think so.

After entering the World Cup for the first time, he reached the top 16. Then entangled in the realm of the Asian Top Ten, taste the same as chewing wax. But the heart has become bigger, but the reality is more cruel. The generation of Chinese domestic players is not as good as one generation, which makes Jie Shuai and Zhuo Yang dumbfounded. The horizontal strength of all echelons below U23 in Asia is seriously deteriorating. At best, it is the top fifteen levels in Asia. The national team will become more and more unavailable. The top ten games will all become heavenly.

Nowadays naturalization is a big trend. Haven't you seen the French team become an African team? Even Zidane and Scar, who are quite white, are descendants of immigrants and belong to the naturalized players in a broad sense. The whole world is naturalizing and recruiting talents. Chinese football has neither high capital, nor pride, or even sad qualifications.

The European Table Tennis Championships are about to become Chinese to play Chinese. At first glance, they thought it was the National Games. Why can't Chinese football be used for foreign purposes? For the emergency plan during the transitional period, it is a good choice to use long-term skills to control foreigners.

Out of such thinking, Zhuo Yang paid attention to this matter after the Asian Cup, but after learning in detail, he found that the operation was extremely difficult, and Yanaris did not understand it at all.

In the case of Yanaris, according to international practice, as long as he is willing, naturally he can choose to join Chinese nationality to play for the Chinese national team. Yanaris took this for granted too, in fact, he thought too much.

Chinese nationality is the most difficult to obtain in the world except for 1.3 billion, and Yannaris is not. He will throw out the application as soon as he submits it. If a mixed-blood Chinese born abroad wants to acquire Chinese nationality, the only possibility is that your father or mother of Chinese origin still has Chinese nationality.

Of course, if Yanaris is determined to serve China, at all costs and without regrets, there is indeed another way. That is, Zhuo Yang will help him unblock and let the relevant departments do special things. Otherwise, he can only look at the country forever. This is just an example. Yanneris doesn’t have any thoughts about it now. He is eager to serve England.

Another form is naturalization without blood. FIFA has just clarified new regulations this year-after reaching the age of 18, they have lived in the country for more than 5 years in a row, and there is no U21 or above national team for other associations. Appearance experience.

That is to say, if the things from the previous years are put into the present, Zhuo Yang is completely ineligible for Italy, the UAE and Monaco. Germany is still OK. He has been in Hanover for nine years and counts as continuous work (life).

However, the Chinese nationality rules are much stricter than this. The article says that after eight years of working and living, you are eligible to apply for naturalization, but being qualified does not mean that you will be approved. There are many foreigners who have been in China for decades and just hold foreigners. People's temporary residence permit'. Even if the ‘look at you’ quarrel is bigger than the people of the Northeast, the Fujianese don’t have to dipped in soy sauce than the Cantonese, but you are still a dead foreigner.

Since the founding of New China in 1949, there are only ten foreigners who have been adopted by China without Chinese origin. There are only ten in more than half a century, and all are old friends who have made outstanding contributions to China.

Those foreign aids who play in the Chinese Super League need special affairs. The most important point is that the Chinese Super League foreign aid qualified for special affairs is not much stronger than domestic players. The European and American players with Chinese origin and a little strength are also in the case of Yanaris. In fact, their strength is also choking. Moreover, China’s non-recognition of dual nationality has put an end to all attempts to find a spare tire with impure intentions and speculation.

Looking around for a whole circle, Zhuo Yang can only regret to inform Jieshuai: Don't think too much, just these people, you still have to work hard to make a good meal.

Rijkaard said: I don't care, it's a big deal to leave after class, and returning to Europe is still a good guy. But it hurts you, you have to carry it alone to retirement or death, my brother is distressed to you.

After listening to Jie Shuai's warning, Zhuo Yang did not feel bleak, but instead felt a sense of pride. He said to Cheng Hao: Huang Sha wears gold armor in a hundred battles, and will never return without breaking Loulan.


"Boss Mei, in fact, if you want to look better, it still looks like a Chinese. There is also a surname Mei in China."

"How nice? Is it like Kaka?"

Hearing Messi mentioning Kaka, Zhuo Yang sighed again. Master Ka is in a bad situation now! But when it comes to Kaka told Zhuo Yang that his great-grandmother was a Chinese from Fujian. Later, Zhuo Yang also asked someone to investigate and understand that what the young master said was indeed true. It's just that Ms. Rebecca Lin is also a mixed-blood. Her father may be an overseas Chinese who immigrated from Fujian, and it has been too long to investigate the details. In other words, Kaka has at most 1/16 of Chinese descent.

And the same vow that his ancestors came from China's Scar Ribery and Stefan Beinrich is pure nonsense. The ‘ancient books’ of the so-called Daming Jianwen Emperor Zhu Yunxian kept by the Scar Scars, with their strong Ottoman style, have nothing to do with the Mao of Chinese civilization. And according to expert appraisal, the earliest years of ancestral evidence are beyond the age of Ibrahim I. At that time, Aixinjueluo had just entered the customs, and 270 years had passed since Ming Chengzu Zhu Di Jingnan.

As for the relationship between Beinrich and Bailixi, just listen and be happy. Who can find out the blood relationship of nearly three thousand years, the Nobel Prize can be picked casually. The spring and autumn years of Bailixi lived hundreds of years before the Germanic origin, and modern historiography and genetics experts have serious doubts about the relationship between the Huns in Europe and the Huns in ancient China, even Chinese scholars have admitted Just a hypothesis.

The Huns who had been run away by the Han dynasty had invented the one-leg stirrups, but the Hun who had wrecked Europe a few hundred years later did not have this equipment at all. As a nomad, no matter how degraded, they will not forget these. Moreover, other living habits and civilization information of the Hungarians are even far behind those of the ancient Chinese Xiongnus hundreds of years ago. If they are inherited in terms of blood and culture, this matter simply does not make sense.

"Teacher Zhuo, you are Chinese, why don't you play table tennis?"

"Boss May, you are a 1/4 Italian, would you sing a play?"

"Yes, I can sing."