Golden Greenery

v3 Chapter 4: Easily renew the League Cup

   Until ten days later, after a 0-0 draw with Parma, AC Milan harvested the 12th draw in the league this season, a group of young and old men were considered out of the negative emotions from Ronaldo's injury and panic.

   In this match with Palma, Milan’s generals were not as good as when they were against Rosenborg. To be honest, it was good luck to play with Parma. In this campaign, AC Milan all behind the field data, including the proud possession rate.

   But AC Milan is AC Milan, even if the game is not exciting, but in the tidbits and anecdotes, it has never been silent. During the intermission, the TV camera was aimed at Zhuo Yang, Maldini and Pirlo, who were warming up, but Kodida instantly caught everyone's attention.

   This replacement Dida suddenly sat on the bench with pain and grin, like an invisible ghost desperately nibbling his back, and everyone looked horrified.

   Zhuo Yang took Maldini's hand tightly: "Horse team, look at the horse team, is he in the middle of evil?"

   didn't do anything, didn't have any extra movements, there was no other person around five meters away, and the former Brazilian state Mendida who was planning to get up to warm up somehow sprained his back on the bench and was directly carried into the locker room by a stretcher.

   Later, Dida ranked tenth in the ‘Top Ten Bizarre Injuries in Football’ on this day. The first is the man named Chirk Brody in England more than thirty years ago. He is also a goalkeeper like Dida. This buddy was bitten by a dog who suddenly burst into the court during the game, howling and crying, and also smashed his knee into a powder crush, and retired directly. What's weeping is that when the dog bit him, the game didn't stop.

   A draw that regretted the Parma people. In the second half, Milan continuously replaced Zhuo Yang, Pirlo and other heavyweights, but it was only able to hold their own goal. After the game, C. Lucarelli came to Zhuo Yang and exchanged jerseys.

  Last summer, communist striker Comrade C Lu went to Ukraine’s Shakhtar Donetsk from Livorno for 8 million, because the Eastern European boss gave him an annual salary of 4 million. But after all, Comrade C Lu was a staunch communist fighter. When the moon clashed with the sixpence, he resolutely chose a noble conviction.

In order to catch the Italian coach of the European Championship this summer, Comrade C Lu, who scored 8 goals in the Ukrainian League for half a year, moved back to Apennine. Here, Palma, who is struggling for relegation, is calling him. The transfer fee is 6 million. C Lu His salary is only 2.4 million.

"Hello, Zhuo Yang, this is Cristiano Lucarelli." C Lu said: "China is my favorite country, I think China is the most free and beautiful place." Lucarelli right China has feelings, he seems to have found a sense of belonging in the faith.

   No one does not like to hear others praise their home. "Thank you, I also like Italy, I think it is as beautiful as my motherland."

   "No! I don't like Italy." Comrade C Lu Yizheng said: "Italy is full of decay and depravity, here is full of exploitation and class oppression, all capitalists and popes are reactionaries."

   Zhuo Yang stunned and looked at the back of Comrade C Lu Weigan shining under the red star. For a long time, he muttered in his mouth: "A ghost, a ghost of communism, wandering in the European continent..."


   Three consecutive draws, the league's two consecutive draws made AC Milan retreat from fourth to fifth, and now the three games Milan owes have been completed, without the advantage of being late in the schedule. The league has already played for 23 rounds and the schedule is over 60%. The fifth place is not to be satisfied with the club. Zhuo Yang and Kaka are not acceptable.

   Originally AC Milan wanted to take advantage of the depression this season without a heavyweight Champions Cup, turn the disadvantage into advantage, concentrate and neighbor Inter Milan in the Serie A wrench. Milan can not win the championship, can not win the championship for a few years, but absolutely can not tolerate the continuous riding of the enemies in the same city Yaowuyangwei prestige.

   Although the two transfer windows of Xia Dong didn't make a big move, from the perspective of the management of Milan, it is still more than enough to focus on one front. 23 wins, 11 wins and 12 draws to maintain undefeated may prove some, but the fifth place is still awkward.

   To say that it was the striker who dragged the score, but Zhuo Yang had already carried the decadence of Luo Jiutao alone, and Pato also showed value for money. Blame the defender line, knock on the blackboard: undefeated season! It seems that there is a problem in the midfield, and the support for the offense and defense is not enough.

   Zhuo Yang and Kaka can't tolerate the fifth place and understand it better. As the Golden Globe Award and Mr. World, it will be ridiculous to lose the Champions League qualification for two consecutive years.

   Questions still have to be found one by one. The game must be played one by one. Four days after sullen Palma, AC Milan ushered in the second round of the 32nd round of the UEFA Cup.

  At this time, ten days had passed since Ronaldo was injured, and the Milanese generals finally came out of the horror and depression. In fact, the veterans have seen much more. What kind of stadium tragedies have been experienced, and the three people who have the deepest influence are Zhuo Kapa.

Ten days later, Ronaldo flew back to Brazil on a special plane to heal the wounds alone. Time is a good medicine to treat all wounds and a spring breeze to drive away the dark clouds in my heart. Towards the end of February, the Milanese did not give the Norwegians another chance at San Siro.

   Just five minutes after the opening whistle, Zhuo Yang opened the record for the first time. AC Milan's most logical routine: Gattuso steals the ball, Pirlo goes straight and Kaka throws away after a few strides. The quality of the shot from 24 meters away is very high. Although Rosenberg goalkeeper Hirschfeld made a brave shot, it was impossible for him to stabilize. After the tight Zhuo Yang shot into the net from a small angle, Hirschfeld didn't have time to get up.

When Pirlo stormed in the 20th minute and Pato disrupted Rosenborg's defense, Pato's oblique plug caused a turmoil in the penalty area, Zhuo Yang suddenly grabbed a kick and shot changed the score to 2: After 0, the game basically has no suspense.

   The first goal just came from Kaka's long-range failure, and the young master sent a ruthless attack. Afterwards, he tested the goalkeeper three long-range shots, one more time than one. In the 40th minute, Pato broke in the front and was destroyed. After the football turned back, Kaka shot a 5th long shot with a flame at 33 meters. The goalkeeper Hirschfeld was blocked from sight, and this low-speed low shot jumped from his side into the goal, 3:0.

   In the second half, Jiuye replaced Kaka, Zhuo Yang was pulled back into the midfield. Such a decisive victory game is naturally very suitable for Inzaghi to wait for flowering. Other Milanese including Zhuo Yang are gardeners who fertilize and water.

   Zhuo Yang is not as good as Kaka today. His long shot in the 68th minute was only 29 meters away from the door, but it still made Hirschfeld take off. Although Jiuye lost his inspiration because of the flowering period, he did not bury his diligence. He rushed in and filled the football into the empty goal.

   Zhuo Yang was obviously more excited than Inzaghi. He rushed up and grabbed Jiu Ye’s shoulders, and they all shook apart: "Is the flower blooming without Jiu Ye? Has it opened yet?"

   " feeling...don't shake it, I almost bit my tongue..."

   A 4:0 victory made AC Milan enter the top 16 of the UEFA Cup with a total score of 5:1. It also made the club readjust its competitive goals this season. ...


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