Golden Greenery

v3 Chapter 427: Passing the Olympic flame

   "Zhuo Yang, I know you." Zhao Qianwei, the leader of the **** team, secretly told him.

  What's so strange about you knowing me? I'm afraid not more than one billion people in the world know my face! Zhuo Yangxin said.

   "Hello, Captain Zhao." Zhuo Yang extended his right hand kindly. Outside the window of the slow-moving bus, the road was full of people holding colorful flags.

Staged his first big four in Serie A, breaking the record of his senior Nodal's goal also made AC Milan 6:1 victory over Cagliari the next day, early in the morning Ma Maliang Zhuo Yang flew When I got off Paris, I got off the plane and made a non-stop meeting.

At the invitation of the 2008 Beijing Olympics Organizing Committee, Zhuo Yang came to Paris today to participate in the Olympic Torch Relay.

   Last month on the 24th, the torch of the Beijing Olympics ignited the fire at the Mount Olympia in Athens, followed by a one-week relay event in Greece. After returning to Beijing and showing the fire, the torch embarked on a journey abroad.

  One month in April, ‘Auspicious Cloud’ will be passed abroad, returning to China on May 1st, and then handed down in the country until it arrives in Beijing on August 8th and arrives in the Bird’s Nest.

   The day before yesterday in St. Petersburg, Russia, yesterday in London, England, today the torch came to Paris, France. After leaving Paris, the day after tomorrow the torch will begin its journey in America from San Francisco. Zhuo Yang received the torchbearer's invitation as early as the beginning of the year. According to the schedule, he chose this station in Paris.

  The torch will depart from the Eiffel Tower in Paris, pass some famous landmarks and end at the Charlotte Stadium in Paris. The whole journey is about 28 kilometers, and there will be a rest in the Paris City Hall. There are also many torchbearers. There are foreign countries in China. There are more than one star in the football world, and Portuguese shooter Pauletta is invited to cheer. Everyone only needs to hold the torch and jog for two or three hundred meters.

   Zhuo Yang was arranged in the middle part, the section of the Louvre that was approaching Paris City Hall after passing.


   "No, I really know you." Zhao Qianwei continued to explain while shaking hands with Zhuo Yang. "Jiushan, your brother Jiushan, he used to be my deputy squad leader."

   "I fuck! Really fake? Jiushan now..." Zhuo Yang stopped talking.

   "I know and know that Squadron Jiushan is now in the secret force and promoted." Zhao Qianwei said: "When he was in the secret service company, he was my deputy squadron, and I participated in the exercise with him."

  Jiushan worked in the secret service company for more than a year before he came to the 19th Comprehensive Brigade. In that embarrassing Zhu Rihe exercise, the deputy squad leader Jiu Shan successfully interspersed with four sergeant veterans, removed the entire headquarters of the Blue Army, and captured the captains of No. 1 to No. 5 together. This is the most splendid and highest operational target of the Scouts, none of them. From then on Jiushan became the idol of the spy company and the entire army. In that magical insertion, the highest rank was Zhao Qianwei.

   That's right, it really is an acquaintance. In order to complete the torch relay at home and abroad this time, the Olympic Organizing Committee seconded six military personnel with excellent political and military qualities through the military from a special company company of a military aircraft infantry regiment in the Beijing Military Region to serve as the captain of the escort. Among them, he is now the squad leader of Jiushan's class.

  Since he was an acquaintance, Zhuo Yang and Zhao Qianwei took the time to chat. The torchbearer took turns, and the **** team also took off. Although the weather in Paris is not so good today, the spring and snow fell suddenly last night, and it is fine and cloudy today, and occasionally gusty winds.

   But the streets of Paris are very busy today. Many Chinese groups organized activities such as dragon and lion dance on both sides of the torch relay line. In addition, a large number of overseas students from Europe came to cheer, and the scene was very festive.

"Zhuo Yang, for a while, be careful. Yesterday in London, it was not very peaceful. Today there is information that Paris may be even more chaotic." Zhao Qianwei said: "If there is any situation, you should protect yourself and the torch. Others Let me handle the matter."

  Europe is the home base of many separatists and messy groups, and Paris is their home. Yesterday, someone in London tried to hit the torch and used a fire extinguisher to do things. Today, it’s strange that the debris on the side of Paris does not make a lot of movement.

  Early morning, the embassy held a meeting with Chinese personnel, and informed the situation that the situation was still quite serious. The Paris police is clearly planning ahead, and at least 3,000 police officers and more than 50 various police vehicles have been deployed this time. However, it is clearly underestimated the determination of those people to do things.

Many so-called human rights organizations and international anti-China forces are sorry that they are not the ones who don’t have a sense of presence on this day, especially the infamous burial drug organization, which is full of their shit-green'Snow Mountain Dogs' in Paris today. Sub-flag'.

   These people have appeared since the first shot, constantly hitting the weak police line of the French police. Second, the police began to arrest people, but this simply could not stop these people from going on to succeed.

   China's 28-year-old disabled athlete and beautiful wheelchair fencer Jin Jing is on the third stick. In order to protect the torch from being snatched by four or five burial drug heroes, she struggles to be beaten, and her face and chin are broken. But Miss Sister was not afraid. She protected the torch strong and bravely and completed her pass.

   went back to the car, Jin Jing cried sadly, and she kept covering her face with tears pouring out of her fingers, and everyone in the car was filled with anger. Zhuo Yang and Zhao Qianwei looked at the sobbing Jin Jing, the two sides of the road outside the car window, and the Chinese students who were torn up by the wicked, and their anger had burned to the top of their heads.

Along the way, ugly plays are still being staged.


Gesambaza is 27 years old this year. He is the third generation of burial drug. He was born in Paris and has never been to China or Europe. His father Dan Badogi was born in India. Secretary General, the top three in the organization. The grandfather of Gesambaza used to be the son of the slave master, and then followed the monk to India.

   Nowadays, for Gesambaza and his father, Dan Badogi, in fact, it is nonsense to believe in anything and build a country. I really ask them to go back to that plateau and they will not go either. Everything is business, how good it is to stay in the flowery world of Paris! From time to time, they come out to make things happen, and as long as the gold master behind them can be satisfied, a lot of banknotes will roll in.

  The best thing about these burial poisons is not the ones bragging on their mouths at all, but rather conjecture and pleasing, and how to pose to make the European Virgin White Lotus like it.

   There are also competitions among the three generations of funeral drugs. Who wouldn't want to become a vested interest in such a good business? Who doesn't want to be the successor of'career'? No bleeding, no desperation, no need to go back to the plateau where the cold can kill people, what a good deal!

   So Gesambaza must show some limelight today. His competitors have already done a good job, which makes him jealous and anxious. After all, Gesambaza’s father is a high-level burial agent, and there are some sources of information. Gesambaza knows the general arrangement of the torchbearer’s order today.

   If you want to get the best results, you need to get the most attention, and you need to find the biggest star. Gesang Bazaar and his friends who had been waiting on the road in front of the city hall with their companions were targeting Zhuo Yang. ...


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