Golden Greenery

v3 Chapter 485: Galeries Lafayette 4 Gu

In the face of the enthusiastic invitations of Xavi and Iniesta, it is impossible for Alonso to be indifferent, because Barcelona is almost a perfect place for him.

In Spanish football, in addition to Real Madrid is Barcelona, ​​other teams are not enough to accommodate the size of Alonso's champion midfielder, the giants will always be a football player who still has the most ambitious goals.

Alonso does not have a strong Real Madrid complex, because he is a Basque. He is always watching the grievances between Real Madrid and Barcelona from the perspective of bystanders. Alonso has no psychological rejection of joining Barcelona.

These years of good friendship with Harvey, Xiaobai and Puyol in the national team, even including Busquets and Pique, can ensure that Alonso will successfully establish a foothold in the Barcelona dressing room, at least not being excluded.

Another point is that Alonso is a football family. His father Peric Alonso was the best technical midfielder in Spain. He played for Barcelona for four years in the 84-88 season and retired from Barcelona. Although their family is affixed with the label of the Royal Society, they also have the Barcelona gene.

And Alonso sees clearly, the La Liga doubles, Real Madrid is more international, the club's top management has been suppressing the strength of local players, to prevent local players from becoming dominant.

Barcelona, ​​on the contrary, pay more attention to localization, and use Spanish players as the core to build the team from beginning to end, encouraging local players to lead the locker room. Don't take Messi to lift the bar, he is half a Catalan himself, a pure horse yellow horse coat of La Masia.

This difference in construction pattern can be reflected in the number of internationals in the Spanish national team. Real Madrid has five players, including Alonso, all in the midfield and backcourt. In the absence of Puyol and Villa, there are still eight people selected for the current round. The frontcourt of the national team is almost the world of Barcelona.

For Zhuo Yang, he is more suitable for Real Madrid, and for Alonso, Barcelona is undoubtedly a more ideal place.

As for the rumors that the old dead on both sides do not communicate with each other, Alonso did not believe at all, Zhuo Yang was not dead yet. Besides, even if it is something that clubs and agents should consider, players will instead benefit from the warm public opinion. This is an era where traffic is king.

Alonso believes that Barcelona's top management must be very eager to pull Zhuoyang back to Real Madrid. He is the most suitable target.

Everything is almost perfect, and it is this ‘almost’ that makes Alonso dignified.

Why did Alonso leave Real Madrid? Because of location competition, Zhuo Yang and De Tu firmly hold Real Madrid midfielder midfielder.

However, how strong Real Madrid's Zhuo Yang and De Tu are, and how solid Habbe in Barcelona's midfield is. Zhuo Tu's two people pressed Alonso's buttocks inseparably from the bench. Habai cloth is three people, and it is the most famous midfielder Iron Triangle in football today.

Because there is no Messi in the Spanish national team, even without Villa this year, Alonso can perfectly coexist with Habeb in the completely unsharp formation of Bosque 4–3–3–0, because Xiaobai can position the premise Go play a virtual winger.

But Barcelona has Messi and Villa, and Habaibu is as stable as a humble mountain in the midfield. Then the Fabregas can only be nailed to the pseudo center with tears. How hard can he be?

At the age of 31, this transfer will be the last big contract for Alonso's career and the last feat before football's twilight years. How can he allow himself to continue to lame on the bench?

Although Barcelona is beautiful, it must be a member of the beautiful scenery before it can be pleasing to the eye, otherwise it will be the torment of the mirror, just like on the bench of Real Madrid last season.

Along with the national teammates for many years, 31-year-old Alonso saw clearly, 32-year-old Harvey saw no signs of fading, and 24-year-old Busquets was young and unable to move their cheese.

25-year-old Fabregas used to be the best organizational midfielder in the Premier League. Although there are differences in style, Xiaofa's overall strength is not lost to Alonso.

But Xiao Fa can only live on the front line now, and the joy of Spain's championship won't cover the worry on his face.

Barcelona are good, but they are not kind to Alonso. Although Harvey and Xiaobai are enthusiastic, Alonso must have gone to Barcelona as a substitute, they will be more enthusiastic.

There is nothing new under the sun, and there are no impervious walls.

After Alonso retired that year, he served as the head coach of the Royal Society for three seasons, and his teammate Marcelo Martins also followed him into a new position as a physical coach.

Old Alonso failed to make a name for himself in the coaching profession, and he has since changed his career as an official of the Royal Society Club. But Martins is a very good assistant coach, he is now a member of the Bayern Munich coaching staff.

Marcelo Martins called Alonso: Great nephew, come to Bayern. While busy, he informed the club's sports director Summer that the Alonso people wanted to go.

Looking at each other, it's really straight.

Piggy's current attributes are developing at a high speed towards the free midfielder. Bayern has a serious lack of manpower in the middle of the midfield. There is only a Gustavo calculation spirit. The 33-year-old Timošchuk barely made it difficult. Many times, Heinkes had to put Van Bitten or even Ram in the back to respond.

Alonso needs the main position of the giants, Bayern is in a position to wait, Bayern need stars to complement the lineup, the champion midfielder Alonso is shocking.

Alonso’s reading ability and organization ability are still the best in the world, and his long pass is also a must. When it comes to scoring ability, it is precisely his two singles that made Spain eliminated in the eight finals of the European Championship. France.

What's more, Alonso also has the extremely scarce'metronome' function of the Bundesliga.

It’s raining, and Niang is going to marry someone. Alonso, who is determined to leave, can’t persuade And his contract with Real Madrid has only two years left, and he will mind buying out next year.

Real Madrid is reluctant, Alonso is sad, but more is the longing for the new journey. The transfer fee of 30 million euros broke the attachment in his heart. Long Ge took his backpack and carried the Allianz Arena to start the last part of his career.

30 million, is the value of Alonso when he joined three years ago, Real Madrid White used Long Brother for three years, no compensation and no profit.

It doesn't matter if you leave Altentopp, and Granero is not too tight, but when you go Alonso, Real Madrid's midfield will be thin immediately. These three are all midfielders.

Don't think that with Zhuo Yang, De Tu, and Hedila, you can beat the world. The giants never think that there are many masters in the same position. No one can guarantee that there will be no headaches during the long schedule. In three-line operations, enough viable strength means that you have food in your hands and don’t panic.

Real Madrid never make money by selling players, which is a shameful thing to the world's first giant. As a result, Lafayette Florentino squeezed 30 million euros in his hand and drew his sword and was puzzled.

Who should I buy? Who digs the corner?