Golden Greenery

v3 Chapter 486: Unexpected dog food

Lake Constance is clear and green, and the water is as bright as a mirror. The sun is shining and the clouds are like catkins. The Alps are reflected in the water, and the slight Lingbo is like a broken diamond flowing in the mountains under the sunshine.

The bright lake surface is connected to the sky, and it is still light and dark. The farther away, the water and the sky will be dim together, showing only a white trace of the intersection of water and sky. Bregenz, a small town, is impeccably beautiful.

Zhuo Yang and Ko Kou, as well as Kou's parents and mother, walked in Bregenz's alley and water. This situation and this person should have been a warm and beautiful picture, but Zhuo Yang and Ko Kou regretted it.

Shouldn't have to pull the old couple together.

In fact, Kou Dao and Kou Ma are not old enough. Both Uncle Frank and Aunt Mathilda are only 48 years old this year. They are still middle-aged people. The two used to be classmates at Cambridge Trinity College, and they fell in love when they were in college.

Coco said that Coo’s father and Coo’s relationship is very good, and it is a blind date from the heart, not a superficial harmony.


On the side of the small street paved with large red and yellow blocks, the fat Austrian aunt glanced out the friendly eyes from the window and looked at everyone passing by. On the window sill she used as a small shelf, there were many strawberry shakes in transparent boxes.

Seven or eight bright red strawberries were crowded in the box and were poured with a thick layer of crimson jam. The white milkshake melted in the red, like a beautiful love.

Mom said: "Frank, strawberries look delicious."

Dad raised his finger in favor and said, "I think you are right."

After talking about it, Dad bought a box of beautiful strawberries and nodded to the fat aunt with a smile. Kokoo happily held two small pink fists in front of her chest and jumped to her mother's side.

Dad picked up a strawberry with a small fork and deliberately made it full of jam and milkshake. The action of feeding the mother tenderly and the pampering in her eyes can eliminate the snow and ice in the Alps.

Mommy chewed the strawberry happily, and the corners of her mouth showed sweetness, and then turned away with Mom and Dad. gone……

Koko is still waiting for the strawberry with her mouth wide open.

The happy couple seems to have found no girl at all, and walked so sweetly, feeding each other while walking.

Zhuo Yang hurriedly bought a box as well. He and Kou Kou both had a black thread on each side of you, and each one of them. They were full of scum, and they were neither romantic nor sweet.


Koko took her mother's hand and, like a happy bird, tweeted and pointed at the beautiful scenery on both sides. My mother listened very attentively. Aunt Mathilda, who was a young man of Shaohua, was with her daughter as if they were a pair of children and sisters.

Kou Kou is still happily describing the scenery of the lake and the mountains, but her hands are not released when her mother knows when. When she finds out, her hands are already interlocked with her father's fingers.

Kou Ma leaned on Kou Da's shoulders, the two of them walked forward slowly, Kou Ma listened intoxicatedly to her husband's magnetic bass like a whisper.

Coco: "..."

Zhuo Yang hurriedly: "Take me, hold me..."

Kokoo and Zhuo Yang's hands kept shaking together, like a hard swing, Kokoo's mouth was poked to tie the donkey. Seeing the backs of mom and dad snuggled up in the sun, she seemed to be throwing away the swing.


The lakeside restaurant has delicious dishes, as well as colorful gin.

A faint wind blows across the lake and kisses the cheeks, and the summer wind brings the taste of love. Not far away came the soft music, the violin is melodious.

The four people used the meal quietly, and the time seemed to be very slow. The picture is so beautiful, as beautiful as an oil painting.

Mother Ma put down the knife and fork gently, there was no sound of collision.

"Frank, it's really beautiful here. Shall we toast to such a beautiful place?"

Dad also put down his knife and fork without making any noise.

He smiled and said, "Okay, cheers."

Cocoa happily grabbed the glass full of gin, Zhuo Yang also quickly dropped the knife and fork, grabbed the napkin and wiped his mouth first.

Kou Dao and Kou Ma squinted and approached slowly. He and her face touched gently and intimately.

The small dimples on the faces of Kou Dao and Kou Ma are stuck together.

Cocoo held a cup and was messy in the breeze, Zhuo Yang swallowed a big bite of jelly with a gurgle.


It was still early, but the sun always wanted to kiss the Alps. Slowly, a golden thread was outlined on the edge of the mountain, and the sunlight sprayed from the gap between the valleys, like a flying gauze in the air.

The color of Lake Constance changed from azure to indigo, as if a giant sapphire was quietly inlaid at the foot of the mountain.

The long trestle stretched into the middle of the lake. Zhuoyang and Koko, Uncle Frank and Aunt Matilda sat on the bench at the end of the trestle and reveled in silence.

Life is always very busy, and it's a sin to be so busy that letting time pass like this. But people seem to forget that such laissez-faire and indifference to the passage of time are the true meaning of life.

All the hustle and bustle is to solidify one's own time.

Mother said: "It's too beautiful to be beautiful."

Coco said: "Beautiful as a poem."

Zhuo Yang said: "It is as beautiful as music, like a dream piano."

Father Dao stared affectionately at Mom Dao: "It's as magnificent as a mirror, waves of light, Matilda, such a beauty is also difficult and one in 10,000, you are my most beautiful scenery."

Mommy and Dad face each other: "Frank, I love you."

Coco: "..."

The corners of Zhuo Yang's mouth and his eyes straightened together.

Kou Dao and Kou Ma have kissed no one else.


All day long, Zhuo Yang and Kou Koo were thrown face-to-face by this unexpected dog food, and their hearts were hard to put.

When Kou Kou and Zhuo Yang are like lacquer like glue, the love words are very sentence after sentence. But in front of my parents, Kou Kou still wants to make a small cotton-padded jacket, which is not very good and Zhuo Yang seems too close.

Zhuo Yang is even more so. How can Chinese children become sore in front of their parents and their daughter-in-law that they are very unruly.

At most, the two people have their arms together for a whole day. But my parents are really wandering in the heart of love this day, there is no one else in my eyes at all, no girl-in-law, all do not exist.

As I walked, my parents often kissed them together without any symptoms, and they kissed sullenly. After the kiss, the four eyes are still affectionately. Dao's face holds Ma's face and gently rubs the corners of her mouth with her fingers.

Zhuo Yang and Kou Koo did not come for an outing at all, or they came to be fed by dog ​​food face to face, and their father and mother scattered the dog food without money.

Love should be so beautiful.
