Golden Greenery

v3 Chapter 489: Real Madrid hit hard after being warmed

The word ‘Red Devils’ is not the name of Manchester United in the beginning of the football world, nor does it refer to Kaiserslautern. In the 1980s, the'Red Devil' was the exclusive name for the Belgian national team.

At that time, the Belgian national team was a strong player in Europe. Although it has failed to win the championship in many competitions, it has always been a strong contender for the championship, and there have also emerged Jan Selemans, Enzo Sifo, George. World-class stars like Glenn and Wilmots.

After entering the 1990s, the Belgian national team fell into depression. The European powers encountered the "Red Devil" and felt good luck. The people of Asia, Africa and Latin America encountered the "Red Devil" and added to the upset confidence.

In the 1994 World Cup, if it were not for the cooperation of Belgium, how could Europeans know that Saudi Arabia still has football, and how could Ovilan achieve a deadly epiphany.

The European Championship expanded from 1996, but the Belgian national team was more difficult. There was only one group tour in the fifth session, and the other four sessions did not even enter the main game.

The World Cup has also won two consecutive qualifiers. After 2002, international football has not heard of Belgium.

Now calling the Belgian national team ‘Red Devils’ is tantamount to revealing shortcomings and pointing the nose at the street.

The Belgian national team missed the European Championships again this year, and the Belgian club has also become a fish belly in the Champions League, but in the eyes of interested people, Belgian football is about to usher in a recovery.

There is a saying in the world football'golden generation', aside from those who have always been prosperous, the earliest was the Hungarian golden generation, and later the famous Portuguese golden generation emerged.

De Tu, Robben, Sneijder, Van der Vaart, and Van Persie are also known as the Dutch golden generation. Now the Spanish golden generation rules the world.

The discerning people have discovered that Belgian football is about to usher in their golden generation, and a large number of young Belgian players around the age of 20 who are optimistic about all kinds of experts have come to the fore.

21-year-old Azar, 21-year-old De Braune, 19-year-old Lukaku, 20-year-old Kurtua, 19-year-old Bashuai, 21-year-old Mounier, 23-year-old Shad Lee, including the older Compagni, Vermauren, Vergentone, Fellaini, etc., a large number of talented Belgian players spurt out from all corners.

Today's attacking midfielder Witsel in the Benfica team is also one of them.

Some people attribute the explosion of young Belgian players to the extensive immigration policy, because most of these people are descendants of immigrants. Whether the facts are so bad to investigate, but Witsel's ancestry is indeed French Martinique.

Martinique is very interesting, it is located in the Caribbean Sea. According to common sense, people in hot places are relatively short, and the colder the area, the taller and taller, but Martinique is obviously an exception. The indigenous people here are generally taller than other Caribbeans.

Legend has it that the Martiniques have a mysterious heightening technique, which is well-known. As a result, smart people vigorously promoted that the unique kyanite on the island has a unique increase effect, and then sold these ordinary black stones at high prices all over the world, and many people in China were fooled.

23-year-old Exel Witsel has a balanced left and right foot. His idol is Zidane, and Witsel's style is similar to Qi Zu.


After Zhuo Yang went down, the pressure of the second team captain, Mosqueira, increased. Although Kaljehong retreated with him, but Xiaoka was a serious winger, so he basically combed the midfield.

In front of them, Di Maria and Chelyshev have a pious belief in the wing, Morata is in the middle, but he only wants to go and score with Higuain.

In this way, Mosqueira had a smooth road in front of him, with an empty portal wide open in the middle.

In the 50th minute, Mosqueira made two defenses and forced to pull down Uruguay full-back Maxi Pereira. Benfica then won a free kick in the frontcourt.

In Martins's cross, Witsel suddenly emerged from behind Juan Fran, a beautiful head-shake attack turned the score into 2:3.

This is Witsel's first performance.

In the 53rd minute, Martins took a tactical corner kick, Witt Serne sent a reverse straight, and came off the bench in the second half. The rabbit who played in both Barcelona and Real Madrid, Argentina's famous star Saviola, single-handedly pushed The shot equalized the score 3:3.

Messi's status now, Saviola's status in Argentina eleven years ago.

In fact, before Zhuo Yang, Saviola also transferred directly from Barcelona to Real Madrid in 2007, or free transfer, but did not cause any public opinion waves. Three years after Real Madrid, he was sold to Benfica for 5 million.

This left leg, once worth 30 million US dollars, is also 31 years old this year.

In the 58th minute, Benfica made a comeback. Another Argentinian Enzo Perez knocked on the heels. Witsel shot directly outside the corner of the penalty area. The football crossed Adan's head and fell into the far corner. Benfica 4:3.

It took less than 15 minutes to play in the second half, and Real Madrid seemed to be unable to play. Not to mention Mourinho, who had a crooked nose, Zhuo Yang and Kaka were also dumbfounded.

Hesse, Matos, Lucas, Fabinho... The names that haven't been heard by a bunch of gangs have been played by Mu Shuai like chickens.

In the 70th minute, the two captains came to Mars and hit the earth. Higuain and the 2010 World Cup Brazil national team main defender Louis Song struggled hard, and then the small cigar was lifted with his leg covered, Ales. Fernandes replaced him.

After looking around, Adan took over the armband of Real Madrid's captain.

Two minutes later, Witsel returned from the right side of the penalty area. Carlos Martins scored at 13 yards. Captain Adan caught the football from the net for the fifth time.

In the 85th minute, Witsel broke into the penalty area and was blocked. He leaned against Varane to shovel the football to the middle with a shovel pass. Follow-up 20-year-old Dutch winger Ola John pulled the foot and slammed the goal.

At 6:3, the last time he could win Real Madrid so many goals was the six-time champion named Barcelona.

Even if the main players are the second team, you are still called Real Madrid;

Even an insignificant warm-up but you are Real Madrid.

Benfica only had 5 shots in the second half, shooting 100%. Real Madrid shot 13 feet in the second half, none of them.

In this tragic 45 minutes, Real Madrid created more and better offensive opportunities, but it was always close to the goal. Benfica's overall performance was not smooth, but Witsel's three passes and two shots smoothed out the Galaxy Battleship.

Real Madrid played even more tactically than Benfica, and there were no mistakes in tactics, even if they were mainly reserve players on the court, but they were all elite carefully selected by Real Madrid, and they did show stronger tactics than their opponents. ability.

But the score is 3:6, who do you reason for?

The day after the game, Witsel 40 million transfer to Zenit, Saviola regained the call of La Liga Malaga, Xavi Garcia 16 million transfer to Manchester City, they all rely on their own in Real Madrid World War I Performance, get what you want.
