Golden Greenery

v3 Chapter 511: 30,000 feet rubbed shoulders

Zhuo Yang drove directly to the Linate Airport terminal. There are three airports in Milan. Although they are all international airports, most of the short-haul routes stop at Linate.

When he stopped, he got out of the car, and the airport security quickly greeted him: "Sir, you can't stop here, please go... my god..." Zhuo Yang was recognized.

Zhuo Yang took out his carry bag from the passenger seat, and then asked him: "Do you know me?"

"Yes! I'm from the South Grandstand." The tone was full of pride. San Siro South stands, ac Milan die-hard fans gathering area.

"That's good." Zhuo Yang nodded and threw the car key to him. "Stop my car and drive to Milanello tomorrow." Then he took out a large amount of 5oo yuan from the **** pocket and handed it over. "This is yours, take the car to Milano, no matter who you hand it to, let him give you 5oo euros."

The security guard was holding the car key in one hand and the 5oo bill in the other. In the afterglow of Milan at dusk, it was messy.

I rushed to the ticket window and the credit card was slapped on the window sill. "A plane ticket to Hanover, everything is OK, be quick!"

"Hello sir, it happens that there is the last regional flight to Hanover today, the small Alitalia aircraft, which will take off in thirty minutes. Do you need it?"

"Hurry up!"

At the same time, the crowd following the gate walked out of Hanover Airport, and under the mast-shaped sailing hall outside the gate, she stopped.

She was very sad when she looked at Zhuo Yang from the window at Linate Airport. She didn't want to come back. Why is time so unreasonable, waiting for his day to live like a year, but when he saw him, it passed like a wind. I haven’t had time to tell him that I missed him for six years.

It was a little unwilling to go back to school just like this. This time I met for six years. Bye bye, I don’t know what year and month, then what kind of torture will be.

I looked at my watch and it was almost eight o'clock. Nine o'clock was the last time for the rollover of the school board. The time concept and school discipline rules of the Keesman School of Business are very strict. Like other elite schools in Europe, they are not the open management of ordinary colleges, but have a clear system and work schedule. Opening is only reflected in academics and school style. Rigorous to almost militarized.

This is the tradition of European noble children and elites receiving higher education, and the school is afraid of accidents and can not afford to pay. Every one is a golden egg, men and women who can come to school here, and there are prominent families behind each.

From the beginning of elementary school in Vienna, to the six years of Eton College in the UK, to the third year of Kissman School of Business, she has never violated any school rules and regulations. She has always been an excellent student who abides by the rules.

She is also a good child who is obedient and sensible, and the only time she has violated her parents' wishes is that she gave up the opportunity to study at Trinity College in Cambridge two years ago and insisted on going to the University of Kissman School of Business in Hanover.

Brother Zhuoyang did not know that I came to Hanover for him. He just thought it was a coincidence, as coincident as he was in Florence today. Today is a providence, but I must tell him that Kissman School of Business is not a coincidence.

I waited for him for six years, and I don’t want to wait any longer. I should tell him personally that I miss him, and I want to tell him: Zhuo Yang, I love you!

Turning and running towards the hall, my heart is full of anticipation and excitement: Hahaha, I'm going to violate the school rules! Hahaha~, I'm going to Milan, I'm going to find Zhuoyang~~Ahahaha~~The old chandelier on the bridge will definitely praise me for being brave.

"Please give me a ticket to Milan, the sooner the better! Thank you." The credit card shot straight on the counter.

"Hello ma'am, there is just the last crossing flight to Milan. It is currently landing and will take off in thirty minutes. May I ask what you need?"

"Yes, quickly!"

At 21:oo on the evening of August 3o, AC Milan assistant coach Tassotti was in Milano's rounds.

"Does anyone know why Zhuo Yang has not arrived yet?"

Mrs. Gilna, the director of the boarding house at the girls’ dormitory of the Keesman School of Business, is checking the roll call.

"Does anyone know why Christine Josephine hasn't arrived yet?"

Above the dark ridge of the Alps, at an altitude of 30,000 feet, Zhuoyang and two kilometers apart are staggered, and each other can see the lights in the other's porthole.


Standing under the mast shaped sail outside the hall of Hanover Airport, Zhuo Yang was silly!

According to the joy and expectation in his heart, he took out his phone and just dialed it and told her that I came to Hanover to find you. I was going to find you through the wall, but the phone rang first. Tell him: Brother Zhuo Yang, I came back to Milan to find you, at Linate Airport.

After being stupid, Zhuo Yang panicked! Milan’s social security is not very good, but the airport should be a very safe place, brightly lit, and soldiers from the Italian border brigade are on patrol on duty 24 hours with live ammunition, but Zhuo Yang is still very worried about safety.

She is such a weak girl, alone in a strange city at night, in case..., yuck yuck!

This is the fragility of love! At that time, Sun Yumei ran to the east and west of China alone. He didn't worry about it at all. He also praised the granddaughter aloud.

"Listen to me. Now you go to the rainforest coffee shop in the middle of the waiting hall. The door is red, and next to it is the duty room of the airport guard." Zhuo Yang, who calmed down, said: "You are waiting for me in the cafe , Don’t go anywhere."

"Well, I'm waiting for you."

"I promise you that I will return to you before midnight today, trust me."

"Well, I believe you."

After finishing the call, Zhuo Yang urgently thought about the countermeasure. In the past two years, he has traveled back and forth between Milan and Hanover for an unknown number of times, and he knows very well the time of flights between the two places. At this point, it is no longer possible to fly to each other.

Hanover is 7oo kilometers away from Milan. The car drove in the past and it was dawn. Not to mention running like Manchester, it was not enough to put the pants on the outside.

If the thing was three months ago, Zhuo Yang’s only way was to hijack a plane and hijack a flight to another place to borrow a word from Lao Tzu. Do you think that the man whose love is dizzy can’t do it?

But today, three months later, Zhuo Yang may have other options. This experience comes from last season's last trip to Manchester. After that time, Zhuo Yang would like to encounter this situation again when he is bored. It really made him think of several possibilities. And when AC Milan Sports Director Braida chatted with also said that he was stupid at the time, why not use his brains?

Zhuo Yang turned back and walked back to the waiting hall. Before he could start his action, the phone rang again.

"Zhuo Yang, where are you? Why haven't you come to Milano to report?" Tassoti.

"Brother in handcuffs, I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry tonight. I'm in a hurry. I can't go back to Milano. I'm sorry! I'm taking a temporary leave this time. It's so busy."

"You have to know after violating the team rules... Hey? Hey! Zhuo Yang... Hey..."

Hang up the phone, Zhuo Yang hurried to the airport duty counter. "Who is the airport duty manager today? Is it Jacob Dickley? Let him come to see me immediately, immediately!"


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