Golden Greenery

v3 Chapter 513: I imagine your password

Standing in the center of the living room of the lakeside villa in Como, she slowly looked at her familiar but strange house.


"What number is this?"

"It's 153 kilometers and 323 meters away from my home in Vaduz, and 726 kilometers and 651 meters away from my dormitory at Kissman School of Business."

"..." Zhuo Yang was moved to tears.

"This is my password, I think they are very important to me."

"This is also my password, thank you, this is our password." At this moment, Zhuo Yang immediately decided to buy this house. "Wait a minute, let me recite it..."

"If we get lost in the future, or if we get confused, we can use this password to find each other." Zhuo Yang was so beautiful that she smiled. "Are you okay?"

"Okay! No matter how you disguise and change your appearance, even if you change your appearance, you and I can use this password to find each other. This is our joint code."

I will find you with a password that belongs to you and me, and find myself. [Note]

"Let me memorize again...... Wait a minute!" Zhuo Yang suddenly showed something.

"Du Sao Mi, Mi Lai Mi, Xi Lai La, La Sao!" Zhuo Yang pulled straight upstairs to practice the piano room, and his creative inspiration surged again.

These two sets of four quarters and twelve numbers happen to be among the seven notes in the numbered musical notation. If there are o, 9, or 8, it will be troublesome. For Zhuo Yang, numbers are notes, and there is nothing more perfect than turning this line of code into music.

In anticipation, Zhuo Yang recorded on the stave while deducing on the keys. The twelve-character password does not change the order, the six tones in each group form a melody, only the octave and tonality. He repeatedly blended these four measures, and penetrated the whole music in various ways, starting over and over again.

Half an hour later, "Password Imagination" and "" officially came out.

Zhuo Yanghe celebrated with an affectionate kiss.

After half an hour, my lips were numb, and the two of them were reluctant to let go. During these half an hour, from a little trembling and clumsy, to voluntarily cater to you after completely relaxing. This is the first kiss, but her strong learning ability is definitely not covered.

Returning to the sand in the living room, the love in her blue eyes could no longer be melted away. She gazed affectionately at Zhuo Yang and murmured.

"Month 14, November 6. 2oo3 January 8, 8 May 24. 2oo4 January 1, 28 August. 2oo5 May 22, 2oo6 January 11, April 2o, December 31. February 9, 2oo7, January 1, 2oo8, and August 3o yesterday."

",what are these?"

"It's every time I see you in these six years, every day I remember."

"On the 14th of the month, I met you for the first time, the day you rescued Midel by the Hanover Canal."

Zhuo Yang remembered and remembered the crowd that gave him a glimpse, but he did not remember the specific date. On the 14th of January, I always thought that the first date with Reshakova was the beginning of my first love. It turned out that it was really the day when my first love started.

"November 6, Middel, me, Aunt Ophelia and Uncle Andrew went to Hanover University of Music to find you. It was the second time I met you in the professor's office."

On this day, the girl who had been sitting silently in the corner had difficulty hiding her breathtaking beauty.

"On January 8, 2oo3, at Chesterton Manor in Munich, Midale's eighth birthday dinner."

"On May 24th, my cousin Jeffrin and I went to the Munich Olympic Stadium to watch you play. The final of the German Football Association Cup. On that day, you won."

"January 1, 2oo4, Hanover Municipal Concert Hall, your first New Year's concert "King's Fantasy World", I'm going to listen to your concert."

Zhuo Yang did not know that she was coming.

"On August 28, my mother and I went to Monaco and met you outside the Bay Hotel."

This time Zhuo Yang remembered that he almost went into the room with Beverly that day.

"On May 22, 2oo5, my dad and I were invited by Ergul to the Alvard Stadium in Lisbon to watch your UEFA Cup final. That day, you won again."

"On January 11, 2oo, I met you again at Midale's closing ceremony at the Royal Palace in Lacken, Belgium."

Zhuo Yang remembered that he still wanted to find something to talk about, but he was dragged away by the Latin song Xia Laqi.

"On April 2o, my uncle and I went to Highbury Stadium in London to watch your Champions League game. On that day, you almost won." It seems that the victory mascot attribute is still not enough.

"On the last day of 2oo6, my parents and I went to the Golden Hall in Vienna. You played "23# Concerto Soft Board" at Ms. Elena Grimo's Mozart Memorial Concert."

"On February 9, 2oo7, the winter vacation was over. My cousin Jefflin and I returned to school and saw you at a distance from Hanover Airport."

"On January 1, 2oo8, the New Year Concert in the Golden Hall of Vienna, I went." Not only did I go, I saw you and two beautiful women kissing and hugging, hum!

"Yesterday, Florence."

Zhuo Yang has been silly, he did not expect such a deep affection. These days in the six years, he knew a little, some didn’t, but he remembered so clearly, and didn’t know how many times she experienced repeated memories.

Zhuo Yang felt like a stupid pig, the stupidest pig in the world. Bai Bai lived up to six years, and lived up to the good times of six years.

'Snapped! Snapped! 'Give me two big mouths straight, hard to see the corners of the mouth trembling.

"My bastard, I'm stupid..." Zhuo Yang couldn't swear in front of her. "...Stupid! I have lost six years in vain. I am a blind man. I should have loved you six years ago, and I should have started from the day by the canal. I am stupid like a hippo..."

In the posture, he had to pump himself, quickly plunged into his arms, and covered Zhuo Yang's face with his hands. He can't bear to draw again.

"I was 13 years old six years ago, and I was still young."

"If I can go back to six years ago, I will grow up with you and look at you every day. I will grow up with you without blinking."

Zhuo Yang’s mother and sister are both very strong women. When he was a teenager, the women he subconsciously admired would be the type of mother and sister, which made him look at the female students around him.

After coming to Germany, there were four ambiguous women who were older than him. This kind of psychology also played a was five years older than Zhuo Yang and two years older than Xiaoqing. Beverly was three years old, and even Sun Yumei was two months older than him.

At the first encounter with 13-year-old, Zhuo Yang fell in love with her, but in Zhuo Yang's mind at that time she was too small, and her inner sense of morality involuntarily suppressed this love, and in his slightest Unconsciously hide love deeply.

Except for yesterday, Zhuo Yang last saw the Lakken Palace at the beginning of the year. At that time, she was only over 16 years old. In the sense of adult Zhuo Yang, she has always been the minor girl. The bottom line of morality and kindness made him afraid to touch this emotion at all, suppressing and hiding this love in the deepest part, so deep that he knew nothing about himself.

Until I met the grown-up again, this rich and almost substantive love could no longer be hidden, and it exploded like a volcano.

Zhuo Yang took his hand and rushed upstairs.


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