Golden Greenery

v3 Chapter 524: Spiraling conversation

Mourinho withdrew, he didn't want to make today a meaningless argument. The purpose of Jojo Yang came over to talk about it is to seek his support in the locker room, rather than to quarrel between Inter Milan and Barcelona three years ago.

   "If you missed the second round of the semi-finals with Bayern Munich last season, Real Madrid should have a chance to win the Champions League."

   Zhuo Yang nodded: "It's such a reason, Chelsea was very fierce last season, but it hasn't been played, who can say it."

   Mourinho said: "Chelsea can only win the championship with Ribery. He is indeed an outstanding player. You are brothers and you should know him better."

   "Yes, in my opinion, the scar is the best winger." Zhuo Yang said.

   Mourinho said: "If Ribery is not a non-sale product of Chelsea, both Mr. Florentino and I want to bring him to Real Madrid, and I very much hope to cooperate with him again."

   Zhuo Yang smiled and shook his head: "The scar is coming, what should Ronaldo do?"

   Mourinho: "..."

   Mu Shuai thinks that Zhuo Yang looks like this, it is easy to talk to death. Zhuo Yang feels that Mourinho is always insincere, and will talk to death.

   In the matter of scars, Mourinho couldn't help Zhuo Yang, he was not only a brother or the same agent as the scars. The twists and turns are secret, Zhuo Yang is very clear.

   Mourinho really wanted to recruit scars when he was in Inter Milan, but Inter Milan's strategy at the time was to encourage scars and Chelsea to fall over, and then took advantage of the opportunity to bargain. Such a move, how to see how unreasonable.

   Real Madrid also threw olive branches to the scars, but at that time coincided with the downturn of Ribery, Mourinho could not give specific plans for how to configure the scars and Cristiano Ronaldo. Both are fond of the left-winger position, and Mourinho's ambiguity is obviously lack of sincerity.

   Maybe Mourinho really wanted to compensate for the scars that threw his head at the time, but this guilt accounted for the multiple weights in his heart, but it was an intriguing question.

   Mourinho decided to change the subject again.

   "Zhuo Yang, what do you think of Real Madrid now?"

"Everything is possible."

   "I mean, do you have the ability to win the Triple Crown?"

"Everything is possible."

   "You don't understand what I mean." Mourinho swallowed. "I mean this season."

   "I also said this season."

   "Oh, we are now 8 points away from Barcelona."

Zhuo Yang pouted: "José, when I was first promoted from the youth team to the first team ten years ago, Fort Maddie ranked the penultimate of the C-League, with only 4 points and 10 points from the penultimate. The gap. At that time, including Hasler and Slag...Mr. Klopp, thinking about how to relegate, I told them that they still have the possibility of scoring B."

   "No one took my words seriously, but six months later, we not only advanced to the second level, but also defeated Bayern Munich and won the German Football Association Cup."

   "Jose, everything is possible."

   Mourinho didn't know much about Zhuo Yang's experience in his early years. He heard such a legend and didn't feel that Zhuo Yang was showing off, but had a fascination.

Also in the 2002-03 season, Mourinho won the Portuguese domestic doubles + UEFA Cup'mini three crown' in Porto, and he led the team to win the championship in the famous dark horse year next year. The glory of Inter Milan.

  Despite this, Mourinho is still yearning for the magical story of Fort Mady. Zhuo Yang said lightly, but as a football player, Mourinho knew what a thrilling it was and how sullen it was.

"Zhuo Yang, I didn't expect you to be so exciting at the beginning of your career, and thank you for your confidence in the team now." He said: "You think if we want to succeed this season, um... like the Triple Crown Success, what else is Real Madrid missing?"

  The topic of spiraling coils is finally getting closer to the point.

"It's true, Jose." Zhuo Yang said: "I don't know much about you at Inter Milan, but Real Madrid may not be as good as the team's strength on the boards compared to the successful years of the former Fort Mady, Milan and Barcelona How much, but there are still gaps in other areas."

   "For example?"

   "For example, unity."

   was silent again in the office.

   The 05-06 season of Maddie is likely to be the most united team in football history, so it is possible to reach the top with youthful vigor in the young and young years.

   08-09 season of AC Milan, Zhuo Yang and Maldini sincerely unite, the team formed an iron plate, all interference from the management was expelled from the locker room.

  Barcelona in the 10-11 season, although not as pure as Fort Maddie and Milan, but also one of the few people in recent years, the murmurs of the team have been suppressed.

   But what about Real Madrid now?

   But Mourinho did not agree with Zhuo Yang's point, because his team has never been known for unity, including Inter Milan in the 2009-10 season. He actually doesn't like the players being too united, and the rigidity is always a nightmare for managers.

   Mourinho only needs the players to perform their tactics on the field without any compromise. If you have any opinions, don't talk nonsense in the media and suffocate me. Other than that, it doesn't matter how much love loves to be jealous.

"Zhuo Yang, the human heart is very complicated, even if a team can be completely concentric, it is only a temporary phenomenon." Mourinho said: "I don't deny that the three teams you said are doing well in this regard~www But that's just a special case. It's normal to have disputes and differences."

   "The team is a technical team. As long as everyone can do a technical job on the court, that is, professionalism, it is enough. In fact, there is no need to force everyone's ideas into a model."

Zhuo Yang did not refute Mourinho this time, he nodded: "I agree with you, Jose. Sincerity is an important factor in the success of football, but it is not a necessary factor. Some things, just make up I’ll get it."

   "Yes, I mean that." Mourinho was satisfied.

   Zhuo Yang is actually not the same, but he really does not want to compete with Mourinho on this, because obviously no one can persuade anyone, Feiner labor is purely idle.

  Sanguan Most of the time, there is no one who is right and who is wrong. Just like some people like to eat noodles and others like rice, there is no single standard.

   But the three views are different from each other, and it is easy to form a fart in the crotch when talking-two forks, so don't force it to screw together.

   "Zhuo Yang, what do you think of the dissonant voice inside the team now?"

  Bone finally arrived, Zhuo Yang smiled with raised eyebrows.

   "José, you just said that the team is just a technical team. These things work together, it is not true."

   Mourinho: "..."

  You are here to block me?