Golden Greenery

v3 Chapter 6: Baresi parting round table

The TIM Cup and the Berlusconi Cup are just warm-up games. The European Super Cup is, after all, the official and serious game of UEFA. Even if AC Milan is not very important, it is still very festive to get a season starter. Who would be too hot to be honored.

In the laughter all the way, Zhuo Yang and his teammates took the team bus back and returned. As a squad player, he is undoubtedly everyone's pistachio. But in the laughter, Zhuo Yang was a little puzzled about a detail that happened during the award.

UEFA President Platini presented captain Maldini with the Europa Trophy designed and produced by Milan's Bettoni factory, and Prince Albert II of Monaco was invited to give Zhuo Yang the Carlsberg Best Player award. The atmosphere at the scene was harmonious, the prize winners were affable, and the prize winners were like Mu Chunfeng.

Zhuo Yang didn't find out, but he was still told by Peng Peng Peng Peng Peng Peng David Lewis: Zhuo brother, when you received the award just now, someone in the back looked bad at you.

Zhuo Yang was surprised: "Why is there a bad way?"

"It's like my cat's bad looks at the yellow dog next door when I was young."

Zhuo Yang: "..."

"What does that person look like?"

"Thirties, it's a talented face, but very beating."

Looking back for a long time, he did not remember who was sitting behind the prince and Chairman Pu, and he did not know anyone. The entire Monaco Zhuo Yang had dealt with the prince and Lord Bono. I haven't provoked anyone here, what is the origin of this?

After thinking for a while, I still have no clue. After all, it’s a trivial matter, maybe it’s the one who ran the old lady’s dead father’s jealousy. I look handsome. Zhuo Yang flicked his head and left the matter aside, and continued to work with his teammates. Gagged and laughed. He has forgotten this episode since then.

The look came from Albert II's illegitimate child, the Crown Prince of Monaco, the chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Monaco Club, and His Royal Highness Prince Ergul.

Ergule only learned the playfulness and cynicism of his father when he was young, but did not learn the wisdom and grace of his father. In fact, he is a bureaucratic bureaucratic person, with nothing to look at in fact, he has nothing to do, and he looks down on ordinary people in his pretentious manner.

Albert II used the ‘Lord’ chips to solicit Zhuo Yang. From Ergul’s perspective, Zhuo Yang’s play-like character in the eyes of nobles has no reason to refuse. All athletes, actors, models, singers, El Güle think they are all entertaining actors.

Football is the first sport in the world, it can bring great prestige and fame to people. The identity of Ergule’s club is more famous than that of the crown prince. He has already reserved himself a chair for the future Monaco Football Association. In the Football Association, he can direct everything, unlike in the Monaco club, he still has to listen to the shouts of the royal directors and supervisors.

But Zhuo Yang refused, letting him burst into joy, and since then there was no hope. He would be strange to see Zhuo Yang with his eyes.

I don’t know how to lift, give a shameless face to a lowly civilian. This is the evaluation given to Zhuo Yang by His Royal Highness Prince Ergul.


Returning to Milan, the place was unrelenting. Zhuo Yang and his group of friends who lived near Como had a dinner together before returning to the lake. He received a phone call from Brocky and told him a surprising news— -Baresi withdrew from the Knights of the Round Table.

Baresi was the captain of AC Milan for 15 years before Maldini. He was one of the founders and the thickest person in the round table group. His withdrawal is undoubtedly the most serious personnel accident in the history of the Knights of the Round Table.

What caused a beam and pillar at the core of the round table group to make such a decision? There are many opinions within Milanello, but they are not afraid to ask questions.

It made Baresi disheartened and made a decision to go away. This idea came about half a month ago. Several things happened continuously, giving him a deep sense of powerlessness, but also his own beliefs and self. Value raises doubts.

First of all, the round table knight Massimo Odo insisted on leaving AC Milan, but Baresi's persuasion did not have any effect. Otto is a new knight in the round table group. How can he leave Milan at his young age? It's not that the club drove him away, on the contrary everyone did not doubt his first-class strength in Serie A. What made him prefer to betray his own glory and give up the beliefs of the round table to leave here?

Baresi did not know the reason, and Otto did not answer his doubts, but his attitude of leaving was very strong. For the first time, Baresi, as the leader of the round table team, failed to save a round table knight and playing player.

Immediately afterwards, Peach Gilardino strongly requested a transfer, and Baresi's persuasion failed again. Even if he promised to let him sit at the round table this year, Peach was completely unimpressed. Baresi failed to save the Milan player for the second time.

Otto and Gilardino have different ages and different positions, but in common, they are both Italian players, both protected within the round table group, and have first-class strength, and the club does not want them to go. But they all left, and Baresi left none.

Old Franco never felt that the round table group had weak appeal like now, never felt that the round table group had lost its cohesion like today, he only felt his own weakness and weakness.

Zhuo Yang abandoned the Italian national team and gave Baresi the final blow.

This is the thing that makes him most incomprehensible. Zhuo Yang's choice is a return to his original heart, but from Baresi, his decades of paranoid and unconscious life beliefs completely collapsed.

Old Baresi had deep confusion and doubts about his own value and the value of the round table When the round table lost its aura of glory and lost its cohesive force of honor, when it was The influence of Milan's soul is no longer moved by people. After several days of panic and overwhelming, Baresi chose to escape.

Franco Baresi made a resignation to the AC Milan club for physical reasons, resigned from the position of head coach of the youth training, and then waited for everyone to stay, he packed up his things and returned home, and he did not close the door for half a year.

The day after he left, Maldini announced at the meeting of the Knights of the Round Table: the issue of the expansion of the round table was suspended, and in the short term, the round table will no longer expand new members.


Milanello's changes had little to do with Zhuo Yang. He and Baresi had a great conversation but they did not have too deep friendships. Zhuo Yang prefers the Brazilian gang, there is no such heavy burden here, only everyone is happy to get along with each other enthusiastically.

Three days after the end of the European Super Cup, Serie A is about to start the first round of the 2008-09 season, AC Milan will also usher in the new season's first opponent Bologna the day after tomorrow. Tomorrow the team rests and adjusts the day, Zhuo Yang is planning to return to Hanover at dusk as planned, but unexpectedly received a call from Professor Karl Norman before leaving.

"Zhuo Yang, you will not be used at the University of Music tomorrow. Tomorrow you will visit the chief conductor Ricardo Muti at the Mayflower Opera House in Florence. I contacted him and he will be there waiting for you tomorrow morning."