Golden Greenery

v3 Chapter 632: Messi Success and Failure

There are legends of Zhuo Yang in Camp Nou, but these legends have nothing to do with 24-year-old Yordi Alba.

Although Alba was born in La Masia, he was sold very early and was actually eliminated. It wasn't until last summer that he played a famous role in Valencia and won the European Cup with the Spanish national team. He was injured by Abidal and Maxwell left Barcelona, ​​who seriously lacked the right back sequence and bought it back.

Alba and Zhuo Yang don't have any problems in Barcelona. If you have to find a connection, he may be wearing a red and blue 18 jersey now.

After Zhuo Yang left Barcelona, ​​the number 18 was vacant for a year, and the new aid Fabregas and Sanchez did not choose the number 18. The old man in the team did not request a number change.

Last summer, the newly joined Alexander Xiaosong did not have the idea of ​​playing No. 18, and a large number of newly arrived second-team teenagers, such as Tiago and Tello, did not touch No. 18.

Everyone either respects or hides. Only Alba, who arrived at first sight, wears the No. 18 surname, but instead makes the Barcelona club who is already preparing for him the jersey No. 12 very stunned.

No one knows what Alba thinks, but this confidence really makes people thumbs up.

As a left back with strong assists, Alba has not lacked goals every season before, but after all, scoring is not his main job, and shooting is not his strong point.

After Alba intruded into Real Madrid's penalty zone at high speed, he actually used his strength under the inertial blessing. He is not Messi, he can't do the technical action that can still change direction or shoot losslessly at high speed.

Octopus Diego Diego Lopez is an experienced goalkeeper. His lateral attack blocked the passing and shooting angles of Alba as much as possible. Zhuo Yang, who came from the defense, was an old defensive fritter in defense. Barclays behind him forced him to continue to the bottom line, and finally let Barcelona's offensive end.

Zhuo Yang didn't think that the purpose of Alba's attack was himself, or that Zhuo Yang was negligent.

Alba believes that taking advantage of Zhuo Yang once will quickly please Barcelona fans and is a shortcut to becoming a darling of red and blue.

When it is better to hit the timing, when he saw Zhuo Yang leaning into the corner of his eyes to make up his defense, he had such a calculation in his heart. Therefore, it will not slow down in advance, but it is very unreasonable to continue to go down at a high speed, like a brute player.

Zhuo Yang leaned on him from the side and back, which is actually a very common confrontation on the football field, but the premeditated Alba immediately lost control of his feet and fell very realistically. I have to say that the small guys in La Liga are very good at this, especially when acting against the big guys. The live effect is very good.

Of course, with the exception of Boss May, he has his own insistence. Well, most of the time.

The confrontation scene in the high speed flashed over, which tested the head referee, but it was clear that Mr. Marinko did not stand the test today, and he whistled and pointed to the penalty without much hesitation.

Many similar fouls are actually ambiguous. The two do have physical contact, but the strength of the contact will cause a fall. Only Zhuo Yang and Alba know clearly, even if the octopus is close. You can choose your own opinion according to your stand.

Zhuo Yang bent down and yelled at Alba: "Grandson, what pretend, do you want a face?"

Zhuo Yang knew very well that there was such a risk in the inside of the restricted area. He used this trick before to overshadow others. But people are always like this. When **** falls on one's head, it is impossible for me to comfort me with plain karma.

Alba sat on the ground and spread his hands, trying to make an innocent appearance, but his eyes could not hide the cunning pride. At this time, Camp Nou's warm cheers and applause were his best reward.

But the excited Barcelona fans soon became worried because Zhuo Yang was a person with a penalty kick and they knew it very well.

In those two years, Zhuo Yang blocked the penalty kicks of many opponents on this field, and everyone remembered his tacit cooperation with Valdes. So when Messi took the football and took it to the penalty spot, the scene gradually became quiet, very abnormally silent.

Boss Mei stood four meters behind the football with his arms akimbo, and Zhuo Yang watched closely from the top of the arc behind his side. Facing the old club, Zhuo Yang can not take penalty kicks, but he will not put water when there is a penalty.

Camp Nou fans are very contradictory, I do not know whether to cheer or boo at this time.

Boo Zhuo Yang, Ke Mei boss needs to cheer; cheer Boss Mei, will Zhuo Yang be proud?

Brother Octopus stared closely at Messi, but Yu Guang looked at Zhuo Yang. Although his return to Real Madrid is still short, it is the top priority for Real Madrid goalkeepers to receive training with Zhuo Yang.

However, it took less than a month for Brother Octopus to join, which is really shorter.

Boss May was also hesitant. He didn’t care if Alba just fell or not. This is a football stadium, not a gentleman’s ball. Boss May hesitated to use a free throw to defeat Zhuo Yang, not Diego Lopez, he was not worried.

Facing Zhuo Yang’s team in football today, the prevailing practice of penalty kicks is to vigorously shoot the dead end with people with superior mental qualities. This is also the choice with the highest success rate, but the resulting mistakes Has become more.

Boss Mei and Zhuo Yang had nothing to say in the past, and now it is. He learned from Zhuo Yang that there is another way, and the higher end is easier to succeed.

-Deceive yourself!

I don't know where I want to shoot, Zhuo Yang certainly can't predict.

However, this method is simply not something that ordinary people can figure out, and requires extremely high strain and random ability. Fortunately, Boss Mei is not ordinary.

Messi started running with a small step, and it was straight from behind the football, not his usual right side position, because he was his left foot.

As a result, at least at this stage, I don’t know which Messi will shoot, and he doesn’t know.

Boss May is just like a football beginner. He doesn’t want to go to the front of the football, but he suddenly commits a difficult task.

Still left foot. The left foot poke, the ball is not fast.

But Zhuo Yang couldn't predict it at all. Like a cheap plaster statue, he could not give any instructions to Brother Octopus.

Brother Octopus was also dumbfounded. He had been waiting for which finger Zhuo Yang popped. So Zhuo Yang didn't move, and he didn't move either. Messi's shot had screamed. He still seemed to be given a charm.

At this moment, Leo Messi defeated Zhuo Yang and defeated the penalty kick. The talented Messi has given the world a bright path, and he no longer has to succumb to the dark rule of the great devil.

Zhuo Yang looked at Messi's back in surprise. Boss Mei lowered his head without looking at him.

Camp Nou sighed.

The football jumped over the beam and fell into the stands behind the goal.