Golden Greenery

v3 Chapter 693: Xiaobu love and? Fort

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The Brazilian team that Scolari doubled into the palace this time can win the Confederations Cup championship, which is somewhat beyond the expectations of others, because this samba team is really too'civilian' compared to the past.

The Brazilian team has always been known for its star clusters, especially on the offensive line, all the time is not the presence of a titanium alloy dog ​​eye. Scolari itself is not an advocate of the civilian team. At the 2002 World Cup in Japan and South Korea, the Brazilian team he coached won the championship in one fell swoop. At that time, the team's '4r' super king combination made the world famous. The freshly released Kakadu It’s just a little hello.

But this time the Brazilian team did not have Kaka in the frontcourt. Kaka was still the captain and core at the South African Confederations Cup four years ago. Without Pato is not surprising, but without Ronaldinho it is quite unexpected.

Last season, Ronaldinho scored 9 goals and 15 assists in Atletico Paragon. It was the Brazilian footballer and the South American footballer of the year. His limelight forced him to the heyday in Barcelona, ​​led by him This Brazilian team was originally expected.

But Scolari refused to let'return', he did not exclude big-name superstars, but he strongly opposed the star privileges. To be honest, Ronaldinho was really wonderful in football this year, but it is also a fact that it is more horizontal. It has turned over with the two clubs of Flamenco and Atletico Mineiro.

Scolari is afraid that he can’t hold such a great fairy. Kaka’s failure to be selected is also a factor. Because Kaka belongs to the selection, he has to play the main force or even the core type, otherwise the Brazilian people will not agree, Scolari Simply seeing is not upset.

Recently, the Atletico striker Diego Costa did not enter the Brazil Confederations Cup lineup. I don’t know why. Scolari had appreciated him. The disappointed beauty brother put his washbasin in Madrid. All smashed.

In the midfield and frontcourt of this year's Brazil lineup, the most dazzling star is the rookie Neymar who has been determined to join Barcelona in the new season. Other Fred, Hulk, Lucas, Joo, including Oscar, Paulinho and others, Very civilian temperament.

In the final, although he was about to become a teammate, Pique didn’t show any mercy to Neymar’s feet. A shadowless shovel allowed Neymar to toss on the ground for a few minutes before stopping, and the “Rolling Emperor” appeared ridiculously. Sent off.

The score of 0:3 is Spain's most disappointing defeat in the official competition in 28 years, without the appearance of world champions and European champions.

Neymar became the game mvp, small silver ball, Paulinho bronze ball. The battle for the best shooter is a bit interesting. Torres and Fred are both 5 goals and 1 assist. In the end, Torres became the Golden Boot of the Confederations Cup with shorter playing time.

Fred was not convinced: he entered 5 of them, and he only brushed 4 on Tahiti. Does he want a face?

Fred is indeed eligible to be dissatisfied. His five scoring opponents come from Italy (2) Uruguay (1), and two face-to-face with Spain in the final, with full gold content.

In this session of the Spanish national team, four of Real Madrid's Cassie, Aquaman, Spicy Dance, and Aveloa were selected, and Barcelona was a mighty nine. Alonso was absent because of injury.

Spain failed to complete the national team level, and returned from Brazil, Zhuo Yang also waited for the cloth in Barcelona.

In fact, as soon as Xiaobu heard that Zhuo Yang wanted to introduce him to him, he refused at first. However, Zhuo Yang could not stand the threat of force, so he came reluctantly.

Elena was out of curiosity and wanted to see what kind of person Zhuo Yang very solemnly recommended to her as a football star. She had never taken a professional player before, or even dealt with it very much.

Both Xiao Bu and Elena are celebrities, and they all knew each other before, and this is why Xiao Bu refused. Internet celebrity Elena, gives people a very jumpy, very unrestrained, and passionate feelings, in short, very noisy, such a girl Xiaobu naturally can not appreciate.

But as soon as the two met, they immediately realized that it wasn't the case. It was really like Wang Ba looking at mung beans. After five minutes had passed, Zhuo Yang and Kou Koo felt that they were a little redundant and the light bulbs were so powerful.

Turning his head Zhuo Yang proudly showed off to Koko: I think people's vision is correct?

Kou Kou is not indifferent to this. She thinks that love is a very private matter. Other people should not intervene, no matter how good or bad, they should not intervene, let alone go to Lalang. Xiao Bu and Elena meet each other, it doesn't mean that Zhuo Yang is reasonable.

Zhuo Yang said: Not only Xiaobu and Elena, but also Piggy and Sarah were the lines I specially led. See? No, the success rate is 100%.

In any case, Zhuo Yang repaid his guilt to Xiao Bu, and Xiao Bu and Elena eventually became a good story.

On the third day after the acquaintance, Elena, who was never interested in football, announced on social media that she became a Barcelona fan. A week later, he and Busquets released a group photo of the two at the same time and disclosed their love affair.


Zhuo Yang and Ko Koo walked into the interior of the Eagle Fort under Mr. Gabriels, who was in charge of the work here, welcomed them warmly. Gabriel Reis is a staff appointed here by the Habsburg family, and naturally accepts the leadership of Cod’s father.

The Eagle Fort has been built for nearly a thousand years since it was built. It was built in 1020 according to the Western calendar. It was in the history of the Northern Song Dynasty in the history of the Chinese Emperor. Regarding the construction of the Eagle Fort, there are two notions that are not very different.

After the decline of the Roman Empire, Frank, a tribe of barbarian Germans from the north, took the opportunity to enter today's France and established the Frankish kingdom. Around the time of the Northern and Southern Dynasties of China, the Duke of Frank Alsace had his own territory in the northern part of the kingdom. France still makes the northern region Alsace. This is the origin.

After several hundred years of development, the Duke of Alsace expanded its sphere of influence to the area of ​​the Aargau region in northern Switzerland.

Werner, the Bishop of Fort Tesla from the Alsace family, had a whim one day, and his brother Earl Depot built the Eagle Fort on the hilltop. This is the first argument.

The second origin says that Eagle Fort was built by the Earl of Depot with the support of the bishop, and they are not brothers. They are only distant relatives, but they belong to the Alsace family.

At that time, it was a time of war and chaos, and various data records were unclear and chaotic, and people in the past did not pay attention to this. Therefore, in the official records, Habsburg's ancestors fell to the ground and it was still a bit controversial that Bishop Wells was still the Earl of Derbert. But the Habsburg family is from Alsace, and Eagle Fort is Habsburg's ancestral home, which is beyond doubt.

But Coco told Zhuo Yang about the third origin of the Eagle Fort, and she said that the Habsburg family believes this more. But when Kouko said, Zhuo Yang had the illusion of'suspected old friend' in a trance.