Golden Greenery

v3 Chapter 728: Although the ocean is far away

Pascal Granat introduced Zhuo Qiuqiu to his thoughts and plans in great detail. The elder sister listened very attentively and interrupted him from time to time to ask some more detailed questions. Zhuo Yang was listening beside him while thinking about things in his mind.

Ocean used the $3 million to register an investment company in the Cayman Islands in the Caribbean. Don't look for it, you can't find it on the map, because this place is too small. The Cayman Islands is the overseas territory of the British Empire and consists of three islands. It is a world-famous diving resort and the most famous tax haven.

Is the Apple phone you use American? Wrong, it's Cayman goods! Apple is registered in the Cayman Islands, not only Apple, Microsoft, Google, Coca-Cola, Intel, Cisco..., but also Alibaba, 360, Youku, EC Technology, etc., all have operating companies registered in the Cayman Islands . No other, because this is the first of the world's four tax havens.

In the Cayman Islands, personal income tax, corporate income tax, capital gains tax, real estate tax are not levied... Except for business registration and tourism tax, no other taxes are collected. I have never heard of it.

There is a very ordinary five-storey building on South Chapel Street in the Cayman Islands, but it is the registered office of nearly 200,000 companies around the world. The names of these companies will scare ordinary people. There are many such buildings in the Cayman Islands. It is impossible for every company to have an office, and most of them just have an email address here. Ocean’s ‘Kefentsedz-Investment Company’ is like this. The company’s short name is ‘KM Investment’.

Zhuo Yang asked him why he called the name “Kefenszemz Winnila”, and the ocean said: “You don’t understand. This is a transliteration from Tswana in Africa. I'll just go up and kill you. Do you understand?"

Zhuo Yang was confused: "How many meanings does this have?"

Ocean: "It means-although far from it!"

Anyone who commits a crime against a strong man is bound to die! Zhuo Yang served: "Fuck, you are so good!"

The Cayman Islands is not only a tax haven, but also an ideal place to hide sources of funds. ‘KM Investment’ was secured by the company’s registered capital, and through the Royal Bank of Scotland financing, a French company was acquired, and the French company’s office was in Luxembourg. The Luxembourg company has also acquired a small Swiss investment company registered in the Virgin Islands in Switzerland through the Italian Carrick Bank.

Eighteen bends on the mountain road, turning around, a company called'Ocean-Handel' (Ocean Trade) on London's Financial Street opened for business. In the future, all the profits of OH will eventually go to KM, but it is difficult to track it. The real relationship with KM investment, let alone the relationship with China.

Ocean’s later business, Zhuo Yang, could not understand it at all, and knew that he was very rich. He bought and sold those European companies all day, and endless tossing. So he was not surprised when KM Investment participated in the transfer of two football clubs, AC Milan and Inter Milan, many years later.

The cause of the ocean has already started quickly, and of course Zhuo Yang's can't stop. After the New Year, he officially kicked off the industry in the two fields of music and football.

After Zhuo Yang won the world's number one'Chopin Gold Award', the Zhuo family felt that the time was finally ripe, and after years of planning, they launched the'Zuo Le Education'. The piano is very hot in China now, and people will naturally pursue spiritual things when they are rich. Zhuo Le Education is a piano-oriented music education institution for children.

"Yiyang Realm" is the last investor of Zhuo Le Education. Zhuo Yang is the image spokesperson and artistic director of Zhuo Le Education. Zhuo Ma Yang Hong will become the president of Zhuo Le Education in the future.

Zhuo Le Education will start from the first-tier cities and take the path of rapid expansion. One after another, schools have sprung up like mushrooms. The initial investment is another 4 million US dollars, and later it will roll its own funds. In other words, after collecting the tuition fees of the children, they will start a new school with profits.

Zhuo Le Education does not engage in chain franchise. All schools in the institution adopt unified teaching materials and unified management. The head office managers of all stores are professional workplace elites hired by high salary. As for the lecturer, it’s really hard to find a job after graduation!

The textbooks of Zhuo Le Education come from the piano department of Hanover Music University, which is ranked first in the world. It is organized and compiled by the famous piano educator Professor Karl Norman. Professor Norman also serves as the general counsel of Zhu Le Education. All teachers of Zhuo Le Education are graduates of previous regular music universities, both in China and foreign countries. Zhuo Ma Yang Hong’s students and Zhuo Yang’s students at Hanyin University, as well as Miyin Academy’s students, are in different schools. Serve.

Zhuo Qiuqi plans to list "Zuo Le Education" on the New York Stock Exchange four years later, and spend a lot of money on foreigners. At that time, Zhuo Le Education will also go abroad and open the branch to Europe and the United States.

Investing in music invites fame and earns money, but investing in football is not all about it, it is more about gaining fame.

Zhuoyang Football School has also opened. As the captain of the Chinese national should do some basic practical things for Chinese football.

Zhuo Yang took out 3 million US dollars to develop a ‘Football Spring Bud Project’ and cooperated with the Chinese Football Association to select some qualified primary schools to carry out basic football teaching. This work will not see any results in the short term, and there will be no economic gains. Everything will be a long process.


In fact, the above is regarded as Zhuo Yang's investment in different fields, including real estate and borrowing, and he must not spend money arbitrarily. His real personal bulk consumption is only one purchase-a car.

Zhuoyang has three cars, all of which are from manufacturers and sponsors. They are all okay. The market price is basically 100,000 euros. This price is a good car in Europe. Most of the vehicles that family travels are under 10,000 yuan. Sixty or seventy thousand yuan can buy a sports car with very good quality.

Therefore, compared with ordinary people, Zhuo Yang's three cars are considered luxury cars, but in the rich class of professional players, they are barely enough to be unsparing. At the Yokohama World Club Cup that year, Zhuo Yang won the MVP and was given a Toyota GTR5.0 by the event organizer. This car is much higher than his current grade. If Zhuo Yang stays, it will basically reach To understand the driving level of professional players with bright stars. It's just that he dismissed it as Little Japan.

Toyota's store in Milan is waiting for Zhuo Yang to pick up the car. The reporters have all asked for the camera, but it is Nino Gianni, who is unknown to everyone, the small leader of the Zhuo Yang agent team. Zhuo Yang gave the car to Laiola, but the fat man hadn't drove for two days before he was taken care of by the butcher De Jong. While the fat man didn't pay attention, he drove directly to Madrid.

Zhuo Yang didn’t have high requirements for the car, and the quality was good. Don’t go out and don’t be too shameful. Koko.