Golden Greenery

v3 Chapter 747: Late night party 3 things

At half past midnight, Maldini and his wife Adriana arrived in the country pub in formal attire, and once again triggered the collective cheers waiting for the teammates here, just like the arrival of Zhuo Yang and Koko.

Adriana Fusa was a model before. She was born in Venezuela, a country that specializes in producing beautiful models. Adriana's father is Italian. In 1988, 20-year-old Maldini and 19-year-old Adriana fell in love at first sight and walked into the church together six years after falling in love.

Tonight Maldini didn't invite the club's top executives, but almost everyone on the team came, and many people also brought their wives or girlfriends.

Ancelotti and his Marina, Zhuo Yang and Koko, Kaka and Caroline, Beckham and Victoria, Pirlo and Deborah, Gattuso and Monica, Inzaghi and Alecia ·Ventura...

Baresi also came, the fan's filth did not affect his friendship with Paul. Police baton Costa Kuta is also back. He just resigned from the second-level club of Mantua because of his poor record. The handcuff Tassoti is also here. He has decided to join Ancelotti's personal coaching staff. He will follow Ann Fat to Chelsea next season. This is the first time he has left Milanello in 20 years.

Ancelotti had seduced Zhuo Yang and Kaka to go to Chelsea, but Zhuo Yang was absent-minded, and Kaka was also famous, so An Fat played Pirlo's idea again. In fact, from the perspective of Bole and Maxima, Milan Nellori's truly fat and fat powder is only the fair-haired son.

At that time, it was Ancelotti's super-high-sightedness that discovered the potential of an organized back waist that even Pirlo didn't know, so that the sleeping skin was successfully transformed from a crappy avant-garde and mediocre waist to world football. One team's brain, this kind of know-how, re-created parents. The gratitude of Zhiyu was grateful, and Pirlo was moved. The Premier League undoubtedly has a strong temptation for him. Geniuses like to see the world scenery.

And now that Milan has Zhuo Yang, Pirlo's brain function in the midfield is no longer indispensable. He has agreed to Chelsea's offer to Milan after the opening of the summer window, and also allowed his agent to prepare for negotiations with that side. This matter is no longer a secret in the team.

However, another fat-loving lover, Ba Ye Gattuso, refused. Although he had a good relationship with Ancelotti, the director Braida was the lord of Ba Ye, and Ba Ye also had feelings for Milan. Deeper.

Not only these people, but also a lot of former Milan players were invited tonight, they all had a relationship with Maldini. Vieri, the business partner of the Colts, the old love Saint with his broken mirror and his girlfriend Melissa; the round table veteran Angelo Caboni, who just retired from the third club Patria last year; Lorenzini When he was in the AC Milan youth team, Maldini was his substitute.

Dario Simic, who left last year's free transfer, also came. He is the main defender of Ligue 1 Monaco this season. It's just that Monaco's performance this season was unsatisfactory, and it finally fell to the 13th place, almost not relegated. Zhuo Yang listened to the face and said that the Monaco club had a big move next season, and the Grimaldi royal family could not tolerate the fall of the former Ligue 1 giants.


The feast in the bar lasted until more than two o'clock in the evening, and Maldini had never wanted to go to the battlefield. Both Beckham and Zhuo Yang rushed to pay, but was stopped by the already drunk Maldini. With a big wave of the horse, the crowd followed him to the Hollywood Ballroom not far away.

In fact, first-line stars like Zhuo Yang and Beckham do not come to this kind of place on weekdays. There are too many paparazzi and there are many right and wrong. They prefer to go to those niche entertainment venues. But tonight, Maldini has the biggest face, no matter where he wants to go, everyone will be there.

Maldini is a person who can enjoy life very much. He not only has a villa on the shore of Lake Como, but also on the Carrida Avenue in Milan's city, from 1 to 8 is the residence of the captain of Milan. In the extremely large living area, it seems that every corner has been carefully designed by Maldini. Zhuo Yang has been to Maldini's house many times. There are murals and sculptures everywhere. The decoration of each place reveals the designer's ingenuity, which makes Zhuo Yang admire.

Maldini's No. 3 jersey will be retired in AC Milan. From then on, Milan will no longer have the number '3', just like Baresi's '6'. But Maldini once told Zhuo Yang a secret: he was actually a Juventus fan when he was a kid.

When Maldini remembered, his father Cesar Maldini had retired. The horse team had never seen Daddy Ma play football, and that was when Juventus ruled Serie A. At that time, Maldini's room was filled with Juventus posters. His most admired star was the greatest striker Bonipertti in Juventus history.

Maldini's love for Juventus didn't stop when he started playing caddies for AC Milan at San Siro when he was 6 years old. He didn't stop until he was 9 years old when he entered the Milan echelon.

Zhuo Yang asked him: Do you still like Juventus?

The horse team replied: Who hadn’t done anything ridiculous as a kid?


Zhuo Yang doesn't know what Maldini thinks of Kaka, Pirlo and others going to leave next the Colts don't care anymore, but Zhuo Yang himself is still a little sad. In his seven-year career, even after experiencing the parting with the brothers of Six Musketeers and also the life of saying goodbye to Maddie, Zhuo Yang is still not used to being different.

He knew he could not stay in AC Milan forever, and there would be more rushes in the future, and he never expected that the ‘18’ jersey would retire in Milan like ‘6’ and ‘3’. Milan retired 3 and 6, not only because of the excellence, greatness and loyalty of Maldini and Baresi, but also because they were captains. The fact that they were born in Milanello is also an important factor.

Tassotti is one of the most powerful right backs in Milan's history, and even one can be removed, but he was born in Lazio as a young player, so the No. 2 jersey he once wore is still alive. Although Costa Kuta came from Milan youth training, he is also one of the best marksmen in Milan history, but compared to the three of Barmata, the baton brother is still a little influential, so when he retired the previous year, the Milan club mentioned that Did not mention the number 5 shirt.

Zhuo Yang, who was sitting in the crowded box, seemed very silent. Koko asked him what was wrong. Zhuo Yang said that he did not like to parting, so Koko held his hand tenderly.

Looking at the already familiar face of the house, Zhuo Yang is not sure who will continue to appear in the dressing room of Milan in the new season after the summer. The football thing can never be determined until the moment the transfer window is closed. This summer is destined to be a noisy hot weather, no one will be forever.

The climax of the party was the Hollywood Ballroom presenting a six-liter bottle of giant champagne to Maldini. The Colts held it high, just as they lifted the Serie A trophy a few hours ago.