Golden Greenery

v3 Chapter 781: The devil wears Yang in 0 steps

In the antique courtyard of the Zhangbei grassland, Zhuoyang, Jiushan, Laomu, and Yanghai were together again. Now that he has brought Koko back, he must let his brother see him. Zhuo Yang is on vacation. Although the brother is busy, some things in his life are above everything else. In order to take care of Jiushan's time, the four people agreed on this time and place in advance.

Time is coming in August. Zhuo Yang and Kou Koo are afraid to show up on the streets of a metropolis like Beijing. Their combination is so eye-catching that they will be surrounded before they step out of the hotel door. And Zhuo Yang's transfer from Milan has become a boiling point in football, and journalists all over the world want to catch him, and can't allow him to publicly swagger.

The location set by Lao Mu was very interesting. The depth of the vast grassland was uninhabited, and the reporter couldn't trace it. Although Kou Kou is fairly well-informed, she has never been to the prairie. There is no such scenery in Europe, which makes her very excited.

What suits the grassland most? Of course it's a strategy! At this point, Kokoo opened everyone's eyes, including Zhuo Yang, really want to fight here, they all add a piece is not Kokoo's opponent.

Coco is by no means a weak woman whose hands are not touched by the spring water. Their kind of family will certainly develop their children in accordance with the comprehensive development of morality, intelligence and body. Riding is a compulsory course for traditional European nobles. It is not to learn to ride a horse, but because riding is a high-threshold and high-force sport. It is also a good way to cultivate temperament and exercise.

Coco only understands a little about riding. She can't do the difficult movements of hiding in the stirrup and crossing the five-layer bar, but it is still possible to play a dressage. Liberate your hands and use your legs to ride the gentle and stable Mongolian horse. It still works.

Every child of a traditional noble family has almost the same sports they are relatively good at. Of course, they should be those so-called ‘noble sports’. What is a noble movement? Sports that are fiercely antagonistic and competitive, but do not directly engage in physical confrontation in a barbaric manner, and have a certain threshold of money. Anyone can play and talk about "nobles"?

According to this standard, football and basketball are definitely not, and volleyball is the ‘king of noble sports’, can’t you think of it? There are also fencing, kayaking, sailing, horse racing... Tennis, badminton, and table tennis used to be the same, but bowling and golf were not. These two are only touted by the tycoons and forced vassals. It is more suitable to be called'business sports'. Traditional aristocrats don't approve, because these two kinds of confrontation are too low. The requirements for physical exercise are not high and there is no competition.

Coco is a master of modern compound bows, and archery is also a traditional noble sport.

Modern compound bows add pulleys, shock absorbers and other mechanisms on the basis of recurve bows and compound bows in the past. They are used to reduce the arm strength required when the bow is stretched. It can also save power when the bow is full and make the bow hold more. stable. Made with modern new industrial high-tech materials, the modern compound bow will save effort while not losing the potential energy when it is off the string.

All in all, modern compound bows are more suitable for women. Of course, it takes a little effort to practice on your arms, and you have to rely on practice. Kou Kou is very talented in archery. She only came into contact with compound bows when she was ten years old. At the age of thirteen, she monopolized the women's championship in the modern compound bow project of the British Inton College. You know, the girls who practice this are not the few in her original circle.

Today, Kou Kou is the top of the women’s compound bow of the Kissman School of Business, and his status is as stable as Mount Tai. No matter whether it is shot at 30 meters or standard 70 meters, no one can shake the style of Countess Christine Josephine.

These are nothing. His Majesty Prince Adam Hans, Prince of Liechtenstein, has repeatedly lamented that the Olympics do not have a modern compound bow. Otherwise, Koko will definitely play for the Olympics on behalf of Liechtenstein, because she is the women's national champion in this event.

The Royal Family of Liechtenstein has twice sponsored the European Archery Competition. Koko got two golds and two bronzes in these two competitions. Don’t forget that modern compound bows are just her hobbies, and Kokoo was under nineteen when she competed for the second time. It should be said that Kou Kou's talent in archery is no less than Zhuo Yang's playing the piano.

How can you be invincible in Jiushan, try to open a distance of 70 meters? Allows you to bring a dagger.

How can you Zhuo Yang kick away from the ground and try to let go of the 30 meters? Allows you to bring a nunchaku.

This princess dresses you up as a hedgehog, hum!

Although I haven't played riding and shooting much, and the moving target has also shot less, but Koco's talent and ability to wear Yang in a hundred steps are displayed here. Under the vast sky, she only heard her shouting: "Little Bunny ,sorry Sorry……"

Then, ‘Zeng! "The bow of the bow rang, and the cute hare was cruelly nailed to the ground.

Zhuo Yang's gang drove all the scared hares on the grassland in a four-wheel drive off-road to encircle the witch's head, and they looked happily like galloping on the battlefield of thousands of troops. However, after four or five hares were killed by Huang Quan, Kou Kou could only try to hide the rabbits. There are a lot of rabbits here, but let them toss so much, the remaining half scared away, half scared to death.

The five innocent hares were drunk by the men and ate their mouths full of oil. Everyone praised the chef's heroic posture, while the chef's craftsmanship was authentic.

Jiu Shan is single, old Mu has a woman and no girlfriend, Ocean has broken up with Diu Diu, and now he is single. Only Zhuo Yang of the four brothers is currently qualified to feed the dog wolf. If there is only one woman in Koko, it is inevitable that there will be some inconveniences, but the brothers are all caring.

Old Mute deliberately brought a female secretary of the cultural company, and also ordered Hou San'er to take his wife, as did the ocean, followed by a pretty school girl who had just applied to the company's domestic liaison office behind her butt. The girl was nervous and thought the boss wanted to dive her. However, they all did more, because Zhao Xue followed Cheng Hao on the grassland.

Zhao Xue followed Li Xiaoqing for more than a year in Hanover, but she had met Midel but had not seen Koko. Before coming, she had a trace of resentment against Zhuo Yang, because only Zhao Xue knew who Xiaoqing worked so hard for.

She wants to see what kind of girl is bad for Xiao Qing. She thinks that no woman in the world can deserve to make Li Xiaoqing so worthless.

But from the first time Zhao Xue saw Coco, she lamented in her heart: Xiao Qing... there is no chance. UU reading www.uukanshu. A girl like com makes people feel no resentment.

Zhuo Yang knew that Zhao Xuefei wanted to follow him, but he didn't go to explain specifically to Zhao Xue, and he didn't need to pay attention to it. At this time, he was busy accepting small congratulations, congratulating him on finding a good wife who is unique in the world.

He smiled and deliberately asked the ocean: "I'm still afraid that you will lose face with a farm animal?"

"What kind of face did I lose if I ate too much?"

"You are the supreme defender of the Han nationality. I have found a foreign daughter-in-law. Do you old people not call me a dog blood sprinkler?"

"You don't understand this!" said the true color of the ocean: "If you can see it, you will show that Koko is his own person, and the so-called Huaxia into Yidi is Yidi..."

Zhuo Yang then joined him and said, "...Yidi enters China to become China! Hahaha..."

The prairie in August was filled with joyful songs and laughter, Zhuo Yang temporarily forgot the worldly diversity, and only enjoyed this simple moment of joy. At this moment, the matter about his transfer has actually settled, he knows, but he is not willing to ignore it tonight.