Golden Greenery

v3 Chapter 81: Phone door aftermath

Totti scored twice!

In the 37th minute of the first half, Broki lost the ball in the midfield fight. Tadei made a good pass to Mancini Jr., the bike king did not blindly step on this time, but flicked Pirlo away with speed and returned to knock. The wolf king Totti plugged into the penalty area from the back, turned the ball and opened Maldini, then kicked the ball, and the football entered the net.

Just like the Milan Derby, AC Milan was behind at 0:2 at the end of the first half.

The Roman midfielder was alive, AC Milan was a little careless about the head, the trident in the front court was vigorous, but it only failed to bear fruit, five times the door frame was hell, five times offside Inzaghi, of course, two of them were misjudged. , But you have no temper.

Zhuo Yang is more apt to say that he is still very active. More than half of the pressure on the AC Milan front line comes from him, but Kaka is very restricted, and Perota makes it difficult for him to rush. Baggio once said: If Kaka is not allowed to run, he will have little effect. Although this statement is biased, but once Kaka can not exert his advantage of ball control in high-speed assault, the deterrent power does drop a lot.

In the first half, Kaka was more involved in interception and dispatch in the midfield. To the front, he could only grab points and rush people at the front of the penalty zone like Inzaghi.


In the 42nd minute, Pirlo pierced the needle and led his ball to Roma Perotta and Tadei in the midfield to form a bamboo basket to draw water. AC Milan formed a local advantage with four arrows. Zhuo Yang received the ball After speeding up, they entered the restricted area. There are many options, Kaka, Inzaghi and Seedorf are all in good positions. Zhuo Yang can give the ball to any of them to form a complete attack, but it is necessary to deal with the Mex before him.

Zhuo Yang twisted like noodles suddenly, and Mex felt a little hungry. Panucci's lateral defense, Mex squeezed and squeezed against the face, both of them were shaken by Zhuo Yang's noodles, and Zhuo Yang was considered an impossible position from all over the world-between them, forced suddenly In the past.

Meeks turned and dragged, shoveled under his feet, and the toms in the three caves fell into a ball. The football was confiscated by Inzaghi.

"Penalty! Penalty!" Zhuo Yang shouted at the referee Messina with his hands spread out on the ground. Messina stroked her hands, indicating that there was no foul, and then ignored him.

In fact, this foul was still very obvious. Zhuo Yang controlled the ball in front of them. After losing his balance before being pulled down, he poke the ball out. The San Siro big screen released the replay without delay, but Messi Na didn't turn his head to look at it, but just let the theoretical Maldini and others back away.

"It was you who pulled me down, both of us knew clearly." Zhuo Yang said to Max.

"The referee said it was, but it really was." Meeks gathered the blood in his eyes and replied calmly: "It's no use shouting at me, I'm not talking."

This is the truth, the unbreakable truth of ancient times. Zhuo Yang can only give up, and he can only swallow his stomach.

Ancelotti was also helpless sitting down the court. This is the reality facing AC Milan today, one of the sequelae brought by the'telephone door'.

Dust settled on the surface of the phone door incident, but it was still undercurrent under the table. Milanello’s internal players never talked about it, as if it was a taboo, but management could not circumvent this scourge, and AC Milan executives knew the turmoil of the storm.

On the bright side, AC Milan was only fined 8 points in the new season. The Champions League started from the qualifiers, a penalty at home was finally cancelled by the appeal. It seems that the punishment is not heavy, the board lifted high and gently fell, nothing more. But in fact, the telephone door has a great influence on AC Milan.

First of all, in terms of signing, because of the damaged image, we can no longer do as we please. The hidden danger of the team's back line is so obvious, can Ancelotti and Galliani be unclear? But he has privately solicited from Zivo, Mex, and Zambrotta of Rome, and was finally rejected by the hesitant player himself.

Stam didn't say, shevchenko and Rui Costa left, who dare to say that there was no factor to escape from the phone door? AC Milan was not ideal at the beginning of the summer transfer operation. The main reason is that the phone door caused it. Therefore, Prime Minister Bei Pei angered the bidding of Wang Zhuoyang, and he also had the mentality to make a sigh of evil.

On the one hand, the phone door hit the internal morale very hard, especially those old gangs with high football status, which is undoubtedly a stain on their careers. This subconscious psychological blow is even worse than the contrast brought about by the decline of the World Cup. After the start of the new season, not only the veterans, but also Gattuso and Pirlo, who are not very old, are obviously not as good as they were in previous years, but they were disturbed by these factors.

From the external environment, the teams involved in the call this time are all Serie A interest alliances with AC and Juventus Allied League as the core. The big difficulties come and fly separately. Now there are complaints and blame between each other, and the alliance no longer exists. As a result, some interest swaps have lost the basis for cooperation. As a result, Milan is naturally not as stable as before in the league.

Juventus went to the second level, in a sense to avoid the storm, AC Milan has become the most dazzling target of the phone door incident, many clubs that have been suppressed by the Holy League over the years have come up, and AC Milan has beaten the chicken Like blood, there is grievance and vengeance, which makes Milan more difficult in the league.

Moreover, many officials of the Football Association, including the referee, in order to clarify themselves and to show that they are standing on the side of justice, they will overkill and deliberately aim at AC Milan, using the oppression on and off the court to show the position of envy and hatred.

The penalty that was just awarded was the referee's ruling made under this psychological factor. In a similar situation, AC Milan has experienced a lot in the new season, and the former overlord is a bit mean to be bullied by dogs. Even Zhuo Yang has not scored many goals in the new season.

So AC Milan is before such an important match. Still squandering the internal punishment of Giladino and Oliveira, just don't want the outside world to find an excuse to attack the club.

Before the start of the season, the well-planned Ancelotti can already estimate that, not to mention Galliani and Braida, who have been traveling for many years, they can only see farther and more thoroughly. At the AC Milan high-level meeting before the season, after all considerations, everyone is not very optimistic about the team's short-term prospects.

AC high-level instructions: Over a five-year period, in the near future, bear the burden of humiliation and avoid the outside world. The team uses Zhuo Yang and Kaka as the core of the competition. It will gradually be replaced in five years. AC Milan will be led by Zhuo Yang and Kaka five years later. Step on top of Europe.

Senior management is full of confidence and full of confidence, but Ancelotti does not recognize that AC Milan will regain its glory five years later. He does not believe in Zhuo Yang and Kaka, but has no confidence in Serie A.