Golden Greenery

v3 Chapter 815: Hedira refuses to lay crown

   Zhuo Yang was not as bad as Ronaldo. After he penalized the penalty smoothly, the score became 2:2 and the total score was 5:2, which has completely killed Dortmund's only hope. The following time is a battle of dignity for the Dort, but for Real Madrid, it only takes twenty minutes to run out.

Ancelotti waved the flag, Real Madrid returned to the regular formation, De Tu and Hedi La returned to the midfield and the Magic Flute to build a three-waist, Zhuo Yang no longer stood outside, he pulled back in Tu He Control the whole middle road in front of the demon.

   Grandpa Mertesack was very helpless. He wanted to make a good move with Zhuo Yang through the breakthrough that came in time, and Nai Cheng wanted that cunning dog thing to directly call people to fight. Grandpa Mo did not lose to Zhuo Yang, but lost to Zhuo Tuhe and the three men.

   Grandma Mo is a German defender who has inherited Bekenbauer and Summerer's back defense, and now there is only one player of this type in football. Germany has high expectations for him. This year is the year of the World Cup, and the 30-year-old Mertesacker is bound to have one.

In the Dortmund team, Royce and Hummers have almost confirmed their selection for the German team in the summer. Bend, Weidenfeller, Schmelzer and Durham also have great hopes, as is the Grand Cross. Grandpa Mo is their captain, both the club and the national team, he does not want to let them down.

   even includes Hedira opposite, captain Mertesacker does not want to disappoint any member of the German national team.

In the 65th minute, Grandpa Mo suddenly took the ball forward, and Isco tried to use a small chicken thief to steal the ball under Grandpa’s feet, but was protected by a back of Grandma Mo, letting Isco hit his back like Hitting the mountain, nosebleed almost sprayed on Grandma Mo's waist.

   After Zhuo Yang came up, the grandfather didn't get entangled, nor did he immediately knock on Kirsch and the big cross that had been prepared to respond on both sides. Instead, he signaled Levin to pull back and then kicked the ball to him.

   At this time, the course operation with Grandma Mo as the axis was completed, and he was like a vortex that stirred the whole battle.

   This is Grandpa Mo's exclusive ability, Zhuo Yang can break through the sky, but he can't play this. All he can do is try to destroy and resolve.

It was not until the top of the arc in the forbidden area that Zhuo Yang blocked the vortex made by Grandma Mo, but it is likely that Grandma Mo was not willing to spin, because Real Madrid’s defense line has been turned into thin pieces at this time, except for Zhuo Yang and Grandma Mo. Face to face like a tango dance, and the air leaked everywhere else.

   got the ball from Mkhitaryan. He made a cross in the penalty area. Lewan left the ball to escape the golden hair Cohen and then shot with his right foot. He was out of luck today, avoiding Casillas's blockade and pushing the football on the goal post. This is the fourth time Dortmund hit the door frame today.

   Zhuo Yang has always been known for his super fast response, but this time Grandpa Mo is faster than him, and only needs to take the first step. The mountain-like body block Zhuo Yang behind.

   If he had not already received a yellow card in the first half, Zhuo Yang Zhen would shovel Grandma Mo in the penalty area.

  The two fell to the ground at the same time one after the other, Grandpa Mo shot and Zhuo Yang tried to make a siege. Grandpa Mo is in front and has a long one-meter-five leg. Zhuo Yang is only 10 centimeters away. The football was smashed by Grandpa Mo and smashed into the top net of the goal. 3:2, Dortmund led again.


   Losing to the brothers is not disgraceful, but if you can’t lose, you lose, how can you not pursue a little temperament.

Grandma Mo just ignored Zhuoyang after making a supplementary shot and broke the door. After turning up from the ground, he said that he stretched out his friendly hand and pulled him from the ground, but rushed directly into the goal. Pulling away Casillas, he picked up his football and greeted his teammates and ran back. Cassie muttered in anger.

   It’s better to be a German butcher. He pulled Zhuo Yang up and patted his ass. "Well, do you want another one?"

   "Do you think I should enter another one?"

  Tu Tu ignored him, pretending to be thirsty and went to the sidelines to drink water.

In fact, the person who wants to score more than Zhuo Yang is Hudira. He face is a bit unlucky in the 13-14 season. However, when returning to the national team, he will come back with injuries. Ancelotti has already been there. Looking at him with disgusting eyes.

  The season has come to an end, and He-Hai really didn't play many games. If he doesn't make any contribution, Real Madrid's achievements this year, He-Hai will become the first person in the team to win.

  He face is now very stable in the German national team. He and the piglet are the double backs of the disease-free and disaster-free. He also likes playing football with Zhuo Bo.

  Sami Hedira is 27 years old. The year Zhuoyang went to Milan, he also left Madieburg and returned to Stuttgart. Five years later, he gathered at Real Madrid. He knew that Zhuo Yang was going to Manchester United at the end of the season. Zhuo Yang also asked him if he wanted to go together. He face did touch his heart, but obviously, Real Madrid let Zhuo Yang go and it was impossible to let other people go in this position. .

   Therefore, He face thinks that it is better to stay in Real Madrid, anyway, with the character of Zhuo Bo, it is impossible to kick to death in Manchester United. By that time, Mr. Zhuo was interested in where he was, and he would go to him again.

   But when I thought about it, I was probably over thirty at that time, and the unknown giants in the future would not think that Zhuo Yang was old, because Zhuo Boss wouldn’t be old at all, but they might be abandoning their 30-year-old self. Thinking of this, He's face was sad and desolate.

  Professional life is This season is the last time to join hands with Zhuo Bo to create more glory. Would Herface be willing to lie down and win, when he did not lie down in the three crowns of Fort Mady.

   In the 79th minute, Hedira connected to Zhuo Yang's diagonal pass in the penalty area. After a step of adjustment, he shot long shots. He has feet.

   Kirch swept He's face down from the side.

  Her face was angry, and it was not a problem to shoot yellow, there was still a chance before the game ended, but this leg that had just been injured soon was the golden pimple.

  Oliver Kirch is an old ball oiler who has been in the middle and lower reaches of the Bundesliga for many years. His movements are not big, but he is aiming at Hedila's injured leg. If He's face is brave, it is no problem to complete the shooting with quality and quantity, but he is afraid of his leg, and he subconsciously gives up the shot and makes a dodge action.

  Hedira rushed angrily and urged Kirch to blame, and his mouth was very hard to hear, and the referee was called by Skomina and a yellow card was given.

   After Grandpa Moore pulled Kirsch away, he couldn't care about savoring the indignant feelings of He's face, he said: broken, broken!

  The position of this free kick is so touching, Grandpa Mo knows how well Zhuo Yang is sure. He turned his head and looked at Weidenfeller, who was more nervous than himself, and then looked at the wall of the six crotch and chest protectors, and finally sighed: Obey fate.

   Zhuo Yang called out loudly: "If one loses five, I will lose 50,000 if I can't get in, and I will win 10,000 if I get in. Does anyone bet?"

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