Golden Greenery

v3 Chapter 82: Dotted back Christmas tree

"Sir, this kind of tactics without frontiers was the earliest between me and my second brother Montolivo at Fort Mady, so I know better." Zhuo Yang said to Ancelo in the locker room at halftime. .

None of the seats in the locker room are not battle-hardened and have been immersed in football for many years. Everyone can see where the Roma team is today. But it does not mean that there is a good way, so the discussion is very lively.

"Um—" Ancelotti nodded. "Then tell everyone about it."

"Midfield! All the organs are in the midfield." Zhuo Yang was slightly proud.

nonsense! Who can't see this? However, everyone is a person of identity, and nodded gently, pretending to give Zhuo Yang a face.

"The rotation of the midfield position is the key. When attacking, multiple attack arrows will be formed, and the defense will form a local number advantage." Everyone can see this, how to crack.

"However, it's not that I underestimated Rome. They played this set far less than I did with Montolivo when they were in Fort Mady. Don't mention them, Barcelona are far away." Zhuo Yang said so In fact, three games three years ago, the six swordsmen of Fort Mady in many games, only relying on running position and rotation can make the opponent dazzled, the opponent vomited not one or two. Of course, at that time, Maddie was in the German second division, and the pressure given by the mediocre opponents was also an important aspect.

"Like Rome, their personal abilities may be stronger than those of us three years ago, but their mutual understanding of formation positioning is far from the essence."

"So the offensive and defensive axis of Rome is difficult to fix, and if it is fixed, it will be stiff. They can only rely on the temporary transmission line formed by two or three people to become the offensive and defensive axis, unlike when we were in Madi at that time. The axis is fixed at the time of the fort."

Kaka was very curious: "Who was the offensive and defensive axis at Fort Mady?"

"Guess, dear." Zhuo Yang twitched his eyebrows with his head tilted.

Kaka: "...You're so mad!" He understood.

Everyone understands, who else can be besides Zhuo Yang? The problem is, knowing where the difference is and how to crack it is still clueless.

"So how do you limit Rome?" The head coach asked Ancelotti.

"Let me come!" Zhuo Yang said: "Let me pull back to play in midfield, and I can find their axis and block it."

"Okay!" Ancelotti didn't hesitate for even a second, and seemed to wait for Zhuo Yang to take the initiative to say this. "Where do you want to go back to midfield?"

"I'll go side by side with Xiao Bu and Pi Shao, the Romans can't turn the sky." Zhuo Yang's favorite is the lower back position.

"Marco, you start warming up at the beginning of the second half, ready to go." Ancelotti snarled Borriello again.

Borriello's eyes are very bright. This game is very important to him. If he can seize the opportunity of Ji Taozi and Austrian Waterfront not to score and be banned from the inside, and have an outstanding performance after the bench comes out, it is likely that the major event can be determined.


Just one minute into the opening in the second half, AC Milan scored.

In fact, in the first half, Zhuo Yang noticed the triangle line of Totti-Mancini-Tadei. Although Rome’s non-forward midfielder relies on the temporary running position to determine the offensive axis, it may be due to the player’s personal habits and familiarity. In the near and far, these three people started the route involuntarily more often, but Zhuo Yangbian was too long to take care of it in the first half, and the opponent's roaming position was fleeting, and it was too late to remind Xiaobu or Pipi. If Gattuso can be on the field, it is estimated that with his talent for sweeping, it may be able to contain Rome.

After the kick-off, Totti retreated very deep as usual, and fell slightly. He handed the ball to Perota and then hooked up to get back, and then gave Mancini little. At this time, Zhuo Yang found that De Rossi retreated unintentionally, and walked to the location of Totti, while Tadei also quietly located the premise.

This is a sign that Totti is about to launch an offensive in the back, and it will be Tadei who joins him.

For the same purpose, Zhuo Yang also quietly ambushed near the pass line of Little Mancini. Sure enough, he intercepted the football before Tadei, talking about the counterattack after the midfield counterattack, AC Milan all over the world did not accept.

In an instant, the formation spread out like a bean, AC Milan played an equally classic offensive line. Zhuoyang-Brocky-Sidov-Kaka, and when Kaka used a straight pass to split the Roman defense, Mex and Zivo couldn’t keep up with Inzaghi’s anti-offside pace.

Duny could only watch Jiuye pierce the goal in front of him with a stiff and clumsy pace. He couldn't help it. Inzaghi always played the most uncomfortable corner of the goalkeeper.

1:2, AC Milan changed immediately. Zhuo Yang's retreat made up for the unfavorable factors such as the weakening of control caused by Gattuso's absence. Although Broki provides much more energy in attacking than Ba ​​Ye, his consciousness in space control is still there. gap. However, Zhuo Yang can provide these contents. Although he and Ga Ba Ye have different styles in midfield defense, Gattuso is crazy and has no dead ends. Zhuo Yang is more precise and more purposeful. Gattuso is a carpet bombing. Zhuo Yang is a precision strike.

In this way, Zhuo Yang, Pirlo and Brocchi are very complementary to each other and the line is more clear. Coupled with the double front waists of Kaka and Seedorf in front, AC Milan even has a peak Christmas tree reproduction the meaning of.

Next, Zhuo Yang made several magical Rome's offensives all die in the womb, and it will disappear in the future, and the Roma team was confused by this change, and the scene was finally reversed by AC Milan. .

However, today's referee Messina is determined to take strict control of AC Milan, leaving no face at the door.

In the 54th minute, Zhuo Yang cut off the connection between De Rossi and Totti, and cut from the left-back of the Roma left back Max Toneto to the ribs, causing a chaos to the rear defense. Ji Xin's spirited rhythm rushed to the horse, and the passing between the two was really enjoyable. However, before Jiuye got up and hit the door, Messina's whistle rang and Inzaghi was offside.

According to reason, striving is only a gesture, nothing can be changed, although Zhuo Yang and Inzaghi know that it is a good shot.

In the 62nd minute, the same scene happened again, the difference was that Inzaghi broke the goal this time before the referee whistle came late. Jiuye got a yellow card in a desperate protest. After the team pushed Zhuo Yang away, he messed up with Messina and set the truth with him.

There have been explanations in the club, and there was controversy in the competition. The stunned young people under the age of 28 can stand on the periphery to coax the seedlings, but are not allowed to be the first bird, and it is easy to be attacked by the referee as a target. This includes Zhuo Yang. Negotiations with the referee are all handed over to the horse team and other 33-year-old veterans. The seniors are highly respected and respected. The referees also have to weigh them carefully. The brand in hand will undoubtedly be a lot heavier.

The referee can invalidate the two offensives, but he can't change the situation in AC Milan and reverse the situation on the court. It can't change the live Christmas tree once again. It's a pity that the good times don't last long. Just when Zhuo Yang and his teammates resisted the oppression and prepared to make trouble in the Heavenly Palace, the important branch of the Christmas tree-Seedorf, he couldn't run again.