Golden Greenery

v3 Chapter 896: Messi ran out again

"Zhuo Yang, were you just blindfolded?" Mascherano asked him.

"Absolutely not." Zhuo Yang said honestly: "I didn't even think about shooting, his mother was kicking."

My little brother: "..."

In fact, Mascherano was very dissatisfied that the head coach asked him to play Zhuo Yang in this game.

Pony and Zhuo Yang were opponents and teammates. Whatever his identity, he witnessed how terrible Zhuo Yang was once fierce. In May 2007, Zhuo Yang led AC Milan to revenge Liverpool with one shot and one pass in the Champions League final. Pony brother and Zhuo Yang played each other at the time, and it was him who suffered the last.

In the year that Barcelona won the Triple Crown in the 10-11 season, Pony and Zhuo Yang were teammates. The two had no personal contact but were also kind. Barcelona bought him because Yaya Touré was gone and the team needed a defensive midfielder.

Tu Lei left because he was not willing to be marginalized, let alone to be seen by the action blue-collar, but he didn't want to have a chance to perform on both offense and defense, but he really can't speak in Barcelona, ​​and he is more than Tu Lei. If you are sensible, you will feel at ease when you come.

But in the Argentina national team, Mascherano is actually the leader of the "veteran", he received the gun of Belon.

The locker room of the Argentine national team used to be divided into'Boca Gang' and'River Gang'. Later, as more and more little demon left the country early and went to Europe, all reputations were accumulated from the five major leagues, such as Messi, Aguero, Di Maria, Higuain and other people.

These people have gradually become the mainstream of the Argentine national team. The Boca Gang and the River Bed Gang, which started from the country, have merged into one under pressure, forming a so-called "veteran group."

Mascherano is very valued by Maradona, not only gave him the captain's armband, but also let Pony brother work as a hub in the midfield, similar to his partner in Liverpool Alonso.

Football is based on success or failure, the polo king has failed, and Pony brothers have also handed over the armbands, but coach Sevilla still likes Mascherano's pivotal ability. Asia must be stronger.

But for Zhuo Yang today, Xiaoma became a pure blue collar. The key is that this work is very difficult to do. If one is not careful, he will lose his head. As long as Zhuo Yang scores a goal, the full-time guard against his little brother will definitely be responsible.

The 30-year-old veteran is a little bit more normal in the game.


The score was suddenly leveled, and the Argentine players came up a bit and immediately set off a revenge attack.

Higuain went back to the left side of the penalty area, and Aguero pushed the far corner 13 meters in front of the door and was handed out by Wang Dalei with one hand;

Two minutes later, Angel Di was pulled down by Zhang Xizhe on the left, and then he took a free kick to cross, Rojo’s header was higher than the crossbar;

After 4 minutes, Angel Di broke into the penalty area again, and Zhang Linpeng was blocked by a close shot;

In the 41st minute, Rojo made a cross on the left, Di Maria shot from a distance of forty meters, and flew out of the border of the lateral column;

A minute later, Zheng Zhi overthrew Messi, and May boss personally took the excellent free kick, but failed to return.

This wave of attack was more inhuman and denser than the opening period. Zhuo Yang has been forced into the back, constantly driving Argentina's football to the side. Even so, the dangers in front of the Chinese team are still one after another.

In the 43rd minute, Wu Lei, who returned to the defense, pushed Gago from behind. Messi took a free kick from the left side. 190's Garley and header grabbed a spot on the crossbar.

Just seeing how far the football collapsed, I knew how much Garrett had made it. If there was no football, he could pull his head out of the cavity by throwing it in this way.

Hao Junmin got the ball outside the penalty area. In terms of ball control ability, Xiao Hao is the second person behind Zhuo Yang in the Chinese team.

Just running across the center line with the ball, Hao Junmin was caught up by Gago. He knew it was difficult to get rid of, so he guarded the ball and walked to the side. Without looking back, Hao Junmin knows what to do and what to do.

As expected, Zhuo Yang soared down the middle of the road with a scream, and Marco and Sabaletta chased each other one after another.

Hao Junmin sprinted forward to Zhuo Yang to pass the ball forward, but his intention was exposed too early, and he turned back on the halfway of Gago who blocked him, and also joined the team surrounding Zhuo Yang.

For other people, the ball was basically gone, but Zhuo Yang added nitrogen directly to the engine at this moment, and the speed pulled another section out of thin air, just hitting the football in front of the toe of the Gago shovel.

But when the speed reaches the peak, it means that the action is old. Zhuo Yang poke the football but can't avoid Gago. Because of the inertial forward leg, Zhuo Yang flew out like a fired shell after hanging together. Fly directly outside the top of the arc into the penalty area.

The referee on duty in today's game was the Serbian Marzic who sent off Pepe, whose head was Mu Erwa, with a red card without hesitation in the first round. Zhuo Yang's extremely violent flurry failed to deceive him, giving a free kick but not giving Gago a sign, no yellow card.

The whole charge and chase stopped at the moment Zhuo Yang fell out, and everyone was breathless.

Zhuo Yang bent down and carefully repaired the turf at the location of the free kick. It is about 20 meters away from the goal and the position is very correct. Romero is gesticulating and commanding his teammates to line up the wall, five is not enough to six.

No one noticed Messi, who was far away from the focal zone. He bent down to support his knees. He first gasped for breath, and after a few more nauseas, he spit out a large mouthful of pickled liquid.

Boss May vomited, he vomited again.

Messi vomited several times during the national team game. At first, he thought he was tired, and leg cramps were a But later people found that he didn't vomit in Barcelona, ​​only in Argentina .

And it is not at the end of the second half of the game, it should be the critical point of physical fitness. For example, this time, the game was not over in the first half. Even if Messi was not a physical madman known for not running, he should not be tired and vomiting now.

Just looking at the running distance, 22 people on both sides of the field, except for the two goalkeepers Wang Dalei and Romero, Messi is the least running of the remaining 20 people. It is not necessarily the case that Ma Zhiqi is a referee.

Therefore, there is only one conclusion: If boss Mei does not have a difficult disease that cannot be detected by medical examination, it must be too mentally burdensome.

Mineiro Stadium is paying attention to the upcoming free kick confrontation before the top of the arc. Fernandez and Zhang Xizhe shoving each other. Aguero and Wu Lei dragged each other's foot. No one went to see Messi, and no one had the leisure to care. he.

Only the live TV footage showed Messi, who was alone and vomiting, to the world. At the moment, he felt so helpless.

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