Golden Greenery

v3 Chapter 9: The curse was cracked by myself

In addition to crazy reports of the six-dollar achievements of Zhuo Yang Duzhong, media around the world are also supervising when Athens AEK head coach Serra Ferrer will finish classes.

From the perspective of the press, under the double curse of Zhuo Yang, Ferrer has been unlucky to his grandmother's house, unlucky enough to be unnatural and human. It is impossible not to leave get out of class unless he does not want to live.

"Coach Ferrer, do you think the'Curse of Zhuo Yang' is just a coincidence? Will you fight this curse?" At the post-match press conference, the reporters' interest in Ferrer was obvious.

"Zhuo Yang is a great player. Players who can live with him in the same era should be happy and very sad." Ferrer was very calm: "It is a very shameful thing to lose six goals to the opponent. I will bear all the responsibilities and be willing to accept all the accountability of the club. But it is not a shame to lose six goals to Zhuo Yang, he already has this ability, and is likely to be the only one in the world football today. People of this ability. Yes, Zhuo Yang is very remarkable."

Ferrer, while giving Zhuo Yang a high rating, expressed his acceptance of any decision made by the Athens AEK club, including letting him leave the get out of class. Immediately following in an interview with AC Milan in the back, since the opposing head coach loved him so much, Zhuo Yang was also a person who carried the sedan chair.

"Mr. Ferrer is a very good head coach. He has no need to prove anything. His resume at Royal Betis illustrates Mr. Ferrer's level. Today is just an accident, and it is the same for me." Zhuo Yang has been very comfortable with media-induced questions. "No, no, I never thought there was "Zhuo Yang's curse". There are so many interesting things in the world. My hat trick may be just one of them. What do you want to say that is your thing, but I am very Respect every head coach and every conscientious football player."

Ferrer Jing waited for the AEK Football Club's sentence to be sentenced to him. He didn't take the initiative to resign because he thought everything was doomed. He couldn't spend so much money in the summer and slapped his **** away. It is necessary to allow the senior management to make a calm arrangement and then break up peacefully, leaving a good relationship with each other. Ferrer is grateful for the club's support for the past six months, he has feelings for this.

As long as the senior management makes the decision to dismiss, or implies that he should take the initiative to resign, Ferrer will respond immediately without hesitation. It doesn't matter if the salary hasn't been received yet. Ferrer only wanted to return to his home in Mallorca, Spain, to his wife.

On the same night, Adamidis, the chairman of the board of directors of the Athens AEK Club, also had a close talk with the general manager, Bavis, and the topic was naturally about the departure and stay of coach Ferrer.

From the bottom of their heart, they are unwilling to fire Ferrer because the Spaniard's transformation of the team is quite effective, and who should he take over after he is removed? Can the successor allow the team to be filled with a large number of players gathered by Ferrer? Do these players' emphasis on technical characteristics coincide with the new coach's tactical style? The successor asked the winter transfer window to adjust its lineup, and where did it come from to fund it?

These are all problems.

AEK backstage boss is the Greek ship tycoon Melissanidis, whose enterprise was part of the famous Greek ship king Onassis shipping empire. The transfer funds Melisanidis gave AEK for the construction of this season have all been used up in the summer. The old man said that he would never pay another euro.

"Why can't we do this! There was a tumult in the outside and the Spaniards were out of class, this..." Chairman Adamidis's eyebrows grew hot.

"You see, we have also analyzed the problem. After class is easy, after class is troublesome. In fact, Ferrer is still good." Manager Bavis is not helpless. Although AEK is miserable at home, AC Milan, but because at the same time In another match in Group H, France Lille scored a 1:1 draw with Anderlecht of Belgium, so that AEK was still one point ahead of Anderlecht and finally ranked third in the group. The chance to fight in the cup. This is not a bad result, and it also meets the psychological bottom line of AEK senior.

"Slightly speaking, what about Zhuo Yang's curse? There might be something mysterious about Chinese culture from that kid, aren't you afraid?"

"It seems... it seems that this curse is only for the head coach, it has nothing to do with the management, and it has nothing to do with the club."

"Then what do you mean?"

"I can't look like this..." Manager Bavis is a brain-minded person. "If Ferrer resigns voluntarily, we will not stop, and the road will go side by side. He wants to continue without saying a word, then we will be confused, any retribution will only fall on him, and the family is ruined. For his own business, the club just sympathizes."

"...OK! Just do it and be confused."

As a result, Ferrer waited for the club to order him to resign, and AEK executives waited for him to take the initiative to speak up. In this way, the media's fierce gaze came down to the winter break and the east window opened, but nothing happened.

It has been waiting for the second half of the European mainstream league to reignite the battle in the coming year. Athens AEK has embarked on the journey of the UEFA Cup, and unexpectedly things have not happened. The media finally had to admit that the ‘Zhuo Yang’s Curse’ was cracked.

Ferrell became the first coach to survive under the curse, which shows that Zhuo Yang's hat-trick curse no longer kills women and children. Perhaps the curse has become the legendary future. To study, the media believes that the person who cracked this curse was not Ferrer, it was Zhuo Yang himself.

During the one-year cursing period, Zhuo Yang scored at most three goals in a single game, never exceeding the hat trick. From the media's point of view, it was this time that Six Stars Lianzhu broke through a wall of hat-trick, and thus cracked the timeliness of the curse.

Sure enough, in Zhuo Yang's career afterwards, even though Zhuo Yang has staged many hat or big hat tricks, but no longer let the opponent's head coach be like a needle felt, some bad luck teaching head Zhuo Yang does not necessarily need to Three goals are scored, sometimes one goal is not scored but the opponent should get out and leave.

The tragic '05-06 season Zhuo Yang curse' finally entered the dust of history, becoming a classic **** legend in football, the blood drops on the heads of European coaches also turned into ancient artifacts, and Serie A coaches finally no longer need to No matter how good or bad your grades are, you can't live in panic all day long.

There is a kind of ‘Stockholm Syndrome’ in psychology. Hostages will have sincere feelings of sympathy and hatred against the kidnappers. At this moment, the coaches looked at Zhuo Yang again, and they always felt that his eyes were beautiful and amiable.

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