Golden Greenery

v3 Chapter 984: Love is only a memorial service

In the Merlin Palace in Vienna, Zhuo Yang and Ko Koo had a heated quarrel.

Midea admitted in public that it was her Lord who had attacked the Pilgrim Road four years ago, and then she stormed out the door at the stormy night and left the Merrill Palace. The tribe failed to stop him, and it did not seem to really want to stop, only her father Andrew and mother Ophelia chased them out.

Zhuo Yang wanted to stop Midai, but his fiancee, Kou Kou, was about to lose control of his emotions. He could only calm her first.

The Habsburgs who came to the Merrill Palace to prepare for the second day of Zhuo Yang’s lordship ceremony gathered together to discuss what happened just now. Zhuo Yang took Koucuo away from the conference hall and came to the quiet side hall next to him. Tell her reasoning.

Are women used to reason? Not to mention a woman in extreme grief and indignation.

"Why do you want to protect Midea without principle?"

"Coco, people sometimes have to be unprincipled. Midale cannot do such a thing..."

"Why are you sure?"

Zhuo Yang said: "I don't have to be sure of anything. I believe in Midaier, just like trusting my sister Zhuo Qiuqiu. Coco, can you imagine that my sister will kill you and me?"

"Zhuo Yang, you are arrogant."

"Coco, calm down. Let's recall the details of the Pilgrimage Road. That day, Smolin and the three of them were very strong, but they were only directed at me. If their initial goal was you, it is likely that you There will be no chance to open the bow, right?"

"Are you trying to prove that Midale didn't want to hurt me?"

"No, it has nothing to do with her at all. You think about it, if it was really Schmolin hired by Midea, if she arranged all this because of the jealousy of the woman, her goal should be you."

"Zhuo Yang, you're wrong!" Kokko snarled: "You don't know women at all. It was because she wanted to take you away from me, and she tried everything to destroy you."

"What kind of chaotic logic is this? Koko, you can't make assumptions first, and then fill in the evidence that doesn't exist, these things are not suitable for free mind."

"You don't understand women at all!" Coco said again. "Zhuo Yang, if I were disfigured and became a woman who would have a nightmare when she saw it, would you leave me?"

"No! Absolutely not, and I will never let this happen."

"But women will." Coco said: "Man has too much to pursue besides women, so men can tolerate a woman who has been disfigured. But for many women, men are everything to her, when this After everything was destroyed, he could only find another man who could give her everything."

"Coco, you mean that if I was seriously injured by Smolin four years ago, ruining football and piano, all my talents were gone, you would leave me, would you? You would abandon in that situation Me, is it?"

The sad expression on Coco's face: "Zhuo Yang, I will not, I will never leave you, whether it is life or death, whether you want me, I will never leave you. But..." Kou suddenly became hysterical: "Midele thought I would--! She thought that ruining you and turning you into a waste, I would abandon you so that she could easily get you."

"Coco, your logic is really chaotic." Zhuo Yang is telling logic to an emotional woman.

"You yourself promise that you will always guard a crippled Zhuo Yang, a Zhuo Yang who has no talent and nothing, but firmly believe that Midel will like to turn into waste? She is deliberately trying to get a waste that you dislike? Coco , Listen to your logic yourself."

"This is the logic of the woman." Coco said: "Midel is such a logic, so she will order Smolin to only hurt you and let me go, so that she can show off her noble and sincere in front of me. In love, she can laugh at me as a vulgar and powerful woman."

"Do you understand?" Koko said again: "This is the truth of the matter."

"You are simply unreasonable!" Zhuo Yang didn't agree with Coco's inference at all. In his view, this was the nonsense of her emotional out-of-control, just as Midea just admitted that she was a murderer because of grief and anger.

"It's you who protect her without principle!" Koko said tit-for-tat: "Don't it happen? Did you remember when you were in Barcelona, ​​did you tell me what Rose told her colleague? "

"Rose's colleague, that girl and another girl loved a man at the same time. She did not hesitate to stab him in order to get him. Are you familiar? Is the plot familiar? This is what you told me."

Zhuo Yang remembered that when he was in Barcelona, ​​he went to Oslo to play a friendly match with the national team, where he saw Sun Yumei, who had just started working shortly after graduation. Throughout the afternoon, Yumei was excited to talk about the case that just happened to her.

"Coco, I think you are making trouble unreasonably." Zhuo Yang said: "You can't use one case to infer the psychology of all women, let alone use it to infer Midel. The woman in Oslo obviously has psychological problems, she is a lunatic , Is a pervert. Is Midel pervert?"

"She is! So the women in love are all perverted and crazy."

"You are not. You were a fairy when you and I were in love. You are like a lunatic only now."

"I'm a lunatic. I can't be mad. My fiancé is desperately criticizing me. My fiancé is trying to protect his woman who wants to kill him. I'm really crazy."

'boom! ’Zhuo Yang punched the sandalwood bookshelf with a punch, not caring about the fingers that would still play the piano. There was severe pain from the punch, and blood stains were left on the back of the hand.

"You are so unreasonable, why are you like this?"

People with out-of-control emotions can't speak at all. Kokoo didn't see Zhuo Yang breaking the back of her hand, she only saw the aggressiveness he showed.

"You hate me, right? Maybe you are not unprincipled favoritism, you are principled, because you like her, you think it is better than me, she understands you better than me? You are protecting her because You love her, if not because of moral constraints, you may already be with her."

Zhuo Yang turned to look at Coco, and at this moment he suddenly felt that she was very strange and seemed to have never seen her.

"...When you were in Brazil, what happened with you..."

Coco's beautiful face can't bring Zhuo Yang any joy at this moment, this face is so strange and grim at the moment. UU reading books www.

"...You have long wanted to throw me away like old socks, and then go with Midel..."

Zhuo Yang is no longer angry, he is only sad, and there is endless disgust, he was so disgusted with Koko for the first time.

Coco is still chattering angrily, but Zhuo Yang lowered his head sadly, he was sad about his disgust. Once the perfect flower fairy finally disappeared completely, which in itself is a thing enough to collapse the world.

Zhuo Yang closed his eyes and raised his head. He suddenly understood the meaning of perfection and the meaning of eternity.

Before the perfection can't be lost, leave the perfection still in the bottom of your heart, leave her, away from the past goodness, let the once perfection stay in the memory forever, and form an eternal memorial.

Life is a purgatory, love is only a memorial service.

"Coco, break up."

"what did you say?"

"Let's break up."