Golden Greenery

v3 Chapter 99: Big news on April Fools' Day

"Real Madrid: 100 million euros + Kaka exchange Zhuo Yang! A preliminary intention has been reached with Barcelona. 》


On the day of the first round of the quarterfinals against Arsenal, the news on the front page of Aspen was so eye-catching that even Zhuo Yang was shocked to see it. Although it reacted immediately afterwards, the ridicule of Kaka in the title and the article made him very uncomfortable. After swearing in the mouth, he threw the newspaper aside.


   After the New Year came to March, Kaka's performance became more mediocre. The old injuries to his knee and groin had reached the time when he had to be cured, but he couldn't cure it. Because three months later is the World Cup, this operation will definitely be missed. Therefore, Kaka can only be treated conservatively as usual, and minor injuries can't go down the line of fire.


  Kaka is 28 years old. The accumulation of dark injuries has been too long. It is a blessing after a surgery. No one can say. It was sad to think about this summer after another four years.


   Actually, Kaka is not mediocre, but it behaves a bit far from people's expectations. Last summer, Zhuo Yang and Cristiano Ronaldo made the most of the four biggest players in the transfer market, and Ibrahimovic also managed to make it. Only Kaka of the four was slightly sinking.


   Last month, Real Madrid's "Marca" listed Kaka as the top ten La Liga parallels in the new season, and was on the same list as Asenjo and Negredo. The last person on the list is Shunsuke Nakamura who has returned to Japan, and the second highest next to Kaka is Ziglinski.


   In fact, people with good eyes can see that this so-called'ten big' is for Kaka, Real Madrid is looking for a scapegoat for the missed Champions League.


   Last summer spent so much money, not only was the league always suppressed by Barcelona, ​​the Champions League once again stopped in the round of 16, the massive silver did not exchange any progress in achievements, Real Madrid was under great pressure.


   Therefore, there must be someone carrying the pot, and others are not good enough, only Kaka is the most suitable.


But from the performance point of view, Kaka is the person who sent the most assists among the players of the Galaxy battleship. The performance must not be worse. Compared with the sharply reduced number of goals in the Milan era, Cristiano Ronaldo and Higuain can also arrange the main offense. Firepower's excuse to explain.


  However, Kaka's worth is so high that his performance on the court is always below the expectations of the media and fans. In addition, injuries and injuries also make Brazilian transfers significantly less cost-effective.


   There are too many versions of Kaka’s mysterious knee and groin injuries: Some people say that Real Madrid has been ac Milan’s injustice, some people say that this injury will accompany Kaka for life, and some people say that Kaka only needs one year to recover.


   In the media, there were even two Kakas at one time: one would claim that he still felt uncomfortable when performing poorly, and the other would emphasize his unharmedness before each game.


   But anyway, Florentino signed Kaka for the goal, to set the team's flag, not to open a seminar on groin and knee injury.


   Kaka's injury, of course, the Milan laboratory knows it well, but the laboratory director Dr. Nilino can't be complacent about his "prosperity" because he was scolded by Berlusconi.


  Beijing did not care about Kaka, he questioned the Milan laboratory: Why did Zhuo Yang jump up and down so far, his body showed no signs of collapse, even cramps?


   Dr. Niall Nino confessed: Probably...probability...


   "The probability of going to your mother, you can use this word to pretend that others can, I can fool you? Lao Lei mother! 80%, you must explain this 80% to me."


  If it is not the 80% probability that Zhuo Yang is given by the Milan laboratory, Lao Bei will never sell Zhuo Yang, and at least not plan to sell it within ten years. One hundred million euros sounds like a lot, but in front of these super tycoons such as Berlusconi, it is a small daily goal.


  Since Zhuo Yang was sold, Lao Bei tossed back and forth in joy and distress, and looked forward to the big news from Zhuo Yang from Spain. But one season soon came to the end, Zhuo Yang was a hat trick and a big fourth, how could there be a point of collapse.


  For Berlusconi, if the Milan laboratory made a mistake, it means that he has done one of the most stupid business since he entered AC Milan.


  Zi Gelinsky, who was runner-up on the top ten parallel list, was actually a bit wrong. The value of his 24 million Barcelona's most expensive defender in the history, and the contrast between his own ability characteristics and some of the violations of La Liga, make people look a bit unsightly.


   Qi **** is a standard German central defender, suitable for teams and leagues with a hard bridge and hard horse style. He doesn't lose to anyone today in frontal defense and header, and his sense of position and defensive consciousness is also passable, that is, turning and holding the ball is very disadvantageous in the place where La Liga, a rabbit elite wing, is affected.


   Coupled with his lack of qualifications for the European War this season, it is inevitable that people will be criticized.


  Qi **** felt that he had come to the wrong place. The giants were not kind, earning much fame, but all their shortcomings were magnified relentlessly in the spotlight. He revealed to Zhuo Yang that he wanted to leave Barcelona. If it was put in the past, Zhuo Yang would persuade him to persevere, and would pat his chest to reassure him that he would definitely help him on the court.


   This time, Zhuo Yang didn't say that, but let him think about it clearly, really want to go, and it's no big deal, where the loess is not buried.


   Although Puyol is 32 years old, it is clear that he is still the soul of Barcelona's defense for at least two years. So if Zigelinski wants to become the main force in Barcelona, ​​in addition to being willing to wait, he has to face the competition with Pique.


  Pike is what kind of person, through the contact of a season, Zhuo Yang already knows a lot. Thoughtful and courageous, although all-round, but still not afraid of offending people at critical moments. Not to mention golf skills, Zigelinski is not as good as Pique in these aspects. He is a rude bachelor in intellectual property who likes guitar and jazz. He is quiet and nostalgic.


  Zigelinsky doesn't like to be in the limelight, and Zhuo Yang always feels that there is something secret in his heart.


Zigelinski and Pique have little chance of winning the competition, and now Marcos is considered abolished. Milito is a dead bench. Even if Barcelona no longer enters the power of the central defender, Pike will die for a foreseeable period of time. Die pressed against his starting position. It's better for people like Pique not to have a bad relationship with him until they have no choice.


From the perspective of Pique, 24-year-old Zigelinski wants to stay in Barcelona, ​​he must first be able to bear his temperament, this quality he does not lack, so Qi **** is still hesitating, and Guardiola He didn't want him to leave. Excluding the fact that his brother is an agent, in Gushuai's view, although Zigelinski is not completely satisfactory, it is obviously not completely useless.


On the third day after playing the first round of the quarterfinals against the Arsenal Champions League, Barcelona in the 30th round of La Liga at home Camp Nou and Athletic Bilbao, Qi **** and Pique partnered as the central defender. Very good, Barcelona also beat Biba 4:1.


For the next round with Arsenal and the next national derby, Barcelona made a big rotation in this game, the front line was even played by Bojan and Hefron, Messi and Zhuo Yang were just After playing half of players will score one goal each, and Heveren also counted Hu in the first team.


   The game was playing smoothly, and as for the front page news of Aspen mentioned at the beginning, this is not surprising. That day the sensational headlines in European newspapers went away.


   "Inzaghi admits that he is gay!" 》Milan Sports News


   "Bolt signed with Manchester City, will wear a No. 58 jersey. 》The Times


   "Beckham and the hot girl Victoria divorce agreement! 》Sky News


   "Maradona will coach the Super League after the World Cup! 》Sports Weekly




   is scary, but no one will take it seriously, because this day is April Fools' Day. Even Kokoo called Zhuo Yang to confess: "Brother Zhuo Yang, I don't want to lie to you. In fact, my nose is raised..."


   hadn't finished speaking, she laughed first.