Golden Greenery

v3 ~: Christine Fantasy

"What were you busy writing just now?" Curiously, she looked at the messy menu on the table.

"I... just saw you come out of the alley and wrote to the flowers what I said, involuntarily... I wrote this tune." The strange and familiar feeling of creation made Zhuo Yang completely infatuated with a beautiful mood. , Obsessed with the unparalleled girl in front of him.

"Is...because I...written?"


"Thank you... can you play it for me?" Looking into Zhuo Yang's eyes, the wave of light was affectionate.

Like all high-end Western restaurants, every store on the left bank has an upright piano in the corner as a decoration. Zhuo Yang didn't love that much. He hadn't shown off in the Florence branch. He had good luck. This Faccioli's tone and intonation are excellent.

Zhuo Yang played the music he just composed, the first work in his life. The soothing and quiet opening in f major flowed out of your fingertips, and the world became a sea of ​​flowers again.

The music perfectly reproduces the dreamy mood, as if a fairy in a fairy tale is in a dreamland. The movement becomes a flower language, and the notes and bars are blooming flowers.

I heard praise and deep love from the sound of the piano and heard Zhuo Yang's praises for the good.

This world is not bad, just because I haven't met you yet. With you, my world can be perfect. You are my most beautiful encounter, no regrets in this life.

At the end of the song, Yu Yin couldn't walk around the beam, and he and her were facing each other. His eyes were as clear as springs, and her eyes were drunk with slight eyes, and the similar love could not be turned away.

"Brother Zhuoyang, can you give me this score?"

"This piece of music was originally made for you." Zhuo Yang took out his pen and wrote ‘dedicated to Christine Josephine’ under the score, and handed it to her. At this point, the classic famous song "Kristin Fantasy" was officially born, and later also known as "Flower Fairy Fantasy zhyop1", Zhuo Yang No. 1 piano song.

"This is the first music I composed, and I am very honored to dedicate her to you."

The sprout of love is growing and spreading in Zhuo Yang's heart, but time is always the enemy of everything, and it's time to go to the airport.


"Brother Zhuoyang..."

The two spoke together and stopped again.

"I should be going……"

"I should be going……"

He spoke again and stopped together.

"I'll send you in." Zhuo Yang stood up. At this time, he was foolish and foolish. He didn't realize that it was time to go back to school and time to return to Hanover.

"I should go to the airport, start school..., the plane is going to Milan..."

Zhuo Yang burst into cheers and laughed more like a fool. "Is this a coincidence? Is this a coincidence?" At this moment his tone was like Yue Yunpeng who said crosstalk.

What a coincidence? This is clearly a deliberately scheduled route, no wonder all men in love will become stupid.

"Five o'clock! Flying to Milan, I am also on this flight, is this a coincidence?" I also live in Qianmen Street.

The two were as happy as two fools, picked up things and jumped straight to the airport. It was not until they left for a long time that Michelangelo Square seemed to return to the world of mortals again, and only the dreamy music remained in the flower lane.

Florence is less than 3oo kilometers away from Milan. Usually AC Milan kicks away by bus, and the flight, including the take-off and landing, is full and will not exceed an hour. Liang Chen was short, Zhuo Yang was reluctant to lift his **** from the seat.

The flight only stopped in Milan for 2o minutes, and Zhuo Yang was among the passengers of Milan who got off and got off the plane at the latest. Step by step, he turned back and said goodbye, and he ran as soon as he entered the tunnel.

Zhuo Yang ran to the large window of the terminal building in one breath, and the flight from Florence stopped outside the window. He was in the window, she was in the porthole, still staring deeply at a distance of tens of meters.

The plane was dragged by the tractor and slowly slid into the runway, and soon it roared up and continued to fly northward, and took it away. Zhuo Yang was deeply lost in reluctance.

Standing alone by the window for half an hour, his gaze was still following the direction of the plane's departure. At this time, it should have crossed the Alps and reached Germany.

Retrieving his car in the parking lot, Zhuo Yang slowly drove away from Linate Airport and rushed towards Milanello. Tomorrow is a league game. According to the team’s regulations, all players on the list must stay in Milanello before 9:00 tonight, Zhuo Yangming tonight.

On the way back, Zhuo Yang clearly knew that he was'again' in love this time, and fell in love with a little girl whom he had seen six years ago, but he didn't know how this love was different from the previous four times, except that it seemed More violently.

I really want to talk to her again, look at her two more times, her eyes are so beautiful. Zhuo Yang had calculated his schedule. The next time he went to Hanover, it would be half a month later. **** it! With a wailing in his heart, he felt that this half-month would be as far away as 150,000 years.

Because she was so beautiful, Zhuo Yang was impressed at first sight even when she was a child. After seeing 13 years old six years ago, she is the most beautiful and beautiful woman that Zhuo Yang has seen in her life.

How is this time different than before? Seems more eager to see her, much more eager than seeing Rishakova all day long in ‘first love’. 'S voice is better than Xiao Qing's, very soft, and hearing her voice will make people forget all their worries.

Her figure is more symmetrical and beautiful than Beverly. Beverly is too tall. The difference between the two looks is very big. Although Beverly is also very beautiful, it is very in line with her own aesthetic and perfect.

Her eyes are as big as Yu Mei's...

Suddenly, Zhuo Yang stopped braking in the middle of the road, and he was frozen in time and space like a lightning strike.

The eyes that have always appeared in the dream are not originally Yu Mei's, but! Yu Mei's eyes are black in the east, and her eyes are the light and pure blue in her dream.

God! I have dreamed of these eyes from six years ago. She was still in the dream a few days ago, as if I had something to say. For six years, I always thought it was Yu Mei's eyes, but I hadn't met Yu Mei again six years ago.

I'm always wondering why I dream of Yumei, which makes me very puzzled, but I can't ask others. It turns out that what I've always seen in my dreams is that she has lived since six years ago. Into my heart.

Six years ago, I was already in love!

This present shocked Zhuo Yang and made him panic. He was afraid of missing today and will miss this life. He can’t wait to tell: I love you and love you for six U-turn directly turn around Yang Hong went up the throttle and ignored the angry horn. At this moment, the world could not stop him from looking for it.

Italian men and women are feminine and like to drive petite and exquisite cars. Zhuo Yang used his bm-x7 waist and rounded his horn to scare people, and did not turn back to the normal direction until the next intersection.

Go **** the collective accommodation! Go **** game! I am going to Hanover, I am going to find!

Zhuo Yang has heard that the school rules and access control system of the Kissman Business School are extremely strict, but he doesn't care. Even if he learns that Zhang Cui's night party Cui Yingying will cross the wall, he will break into the Kissman Business School.

I’m going to meet, not call, I’m going to face her and say, I love you!


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