Golden Greenery

v3 ~: Fang Lonely Sniper

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In this worldly matter, apart from life and death, which is not a matter of idleness!

Jiushan was able to express such emotions. He was definitely not guilty of Wenqing disease. He was not Zhuo Yang or Montolivo, but the true feelings from his heart. Because he experienced life and death, just a few months ago, in the battle of fangs with heavy casualties.

At the beginning of the year, the Military Commission’s intelligence investigation revealed that a mobile anti-aircraft radar vehicle of the more advanced three-coordinate laser comprehensive radiation suddenly appeared in an abandoned Qingzhen Temple in the wilderness of a small town outside a country’s western border. type. Moreover, this radar is not owned by the country’s military, but by a hostile force that the domestic separatist terrorist organization depends on overseas.

The place where this radar is located just happens to be the only way for our military aircraft to travel in secret. I don’t want to alarm the military radars of the two neighboring countries. It is difficult to get around here. Although it is unclear whether other parts are equipped with surface-to-air missiles, the radar itself has already posed a serious threat to Chinese aircraft, and it was obviously detected by radar tracking twice.

Can't raise a tiger, kill him!

The fighter plane should not be missed. The guy said that he ran away as soon as the car drove. Once the radar was closed, it was too difficult to find it. The Military Commission decided to let the fangs attack immediately. However, the decision was right, but some chiefs made empirical and bureaucratic mistakes.

According to information, there are only about fifty armed men here, without heavy weapons, and they should be very good at nibbling. It is recommended that the nineteenth general brigade dispatch a small group of twenty soldiers to carry out missions in light clothing.

The chief executive thinks that 20 people are enough for 50 people. Last time, two hundred people were not enough for two hundred people! Kill the chicken with a cow knife.

However, the deputy brigade commander Duan Yunhan did not think so, fangs have always been lions fighting rabbits, with absolute superior strength and firepower to defeat the overwhelming annihilation battle, this is also the key to the fangs can win a hundred battles. Last time in Country T, because the information was very detailed and the preparation time was very sufficient, a number of all-terrain and off-site simulations were carried out in advance, and this was a big win. And the last 200 people were enough to encircle each other, and the long-range fire attack was also very sufficient.

But this time is different, the intelligence is very vague, it is not easy to penetrate into other countries, and there is a hostile armed control area, it is difficult for the government forces of the country to get there. The enemy situation is unknown and the mission is urgent. At least two squadrons should be dispatched, carrying heavy weapons to strike from the air until the ground is completely cleared.

Brigadier Duan's idea is also very good, but the head of the department is distressed by the money. The cost of tusks every time is astronomical, and the whole army is assisting, and it is necessary to speak with money.

"The 19th Comprehensive Brigade is a special type of special type. They are born to win more by less, otherwise what is called special type?" The chief commander was very dissatisfied with the brigade commander. "It's not going to fight the American Anteaters, not even the Delta Beret, it's dozens of militia militants with broken AK."

Anteater is a dark army like the fangs of the US military, and its combat power is no less than that of fangs.

"Fifty militia, our twenty soldiers are enough. Comrade, if you can save, save a little..."

Duan Yunhan is the soul of fangs, he is in charge of the overall command during the battle, but he can't be the master of where to fight, how to fight, and how many people to fight. Guan Da level crushed people!

After fighting for it, the 19th Brigade finally dispatched 30 soldiers, led by the fifth squadron squadron leader Nan Weijun, and crossed the border to blow up the enemy's mobile radar. Still saving and neglecting the enemy, none of the routine peripheral support forces of the Army and Air Force had issued combat readiness missions, and thirty soldiers became isolated. So, this time, something went wrong.

Thirty soldiers carrying light weapons, including Jiushan and their Qiu Meng group, were still airdropped at 10 kilometers from the target at night, and quickly sneaked to the radar. The battle was still very smooth. More than 50 armed elements could not withstand the fight, they were wiped out in an instant, and the radar car was also blown into debris.

However, they did not know Jiushan, and the Chinese military did not receive intelligence. A large number of hostile armed personnel were gathering at the nearby town this night in an attempt to launch a summer offensive against the government army for some time thereafter. The gunfire of the battle attracted countless enemy armies, including five T-80 tanks, and seventeen heavy machine gun pickups. Two heavy helicopters bought the country's engineering helicopters used for emergency response to the troops and turned around, but they were still hit by a shoulder-mounted rocket launcher.

While the encirclement of the enemy had not yet formed, Brigadier Duan Yunhan, who was far away in Beijing, decisively ordered the troops to withdraw into the town, relying on street fighting to avoid tank fire.

The individual combat capability of the 19th Comprehensive Brigade was very strong. Thirty soldiers stayed in the town all night, destroying three tanks and killing countless enemies. Outside the town were full of enemy corpses. Before dawn, nine fang warriors died.


It was finally dawn, and China also prepared a backup retreat plan through various channels. Fifteen kilometers southwest of the town, there was a rudimentary defense line built by pro-Chinese tribes and helicopters.

Two brave Chinese Air Force pilots, with almost no intelligence preparation and no tactical preparation, posed two J-10A fighters for a long-distance attack, flew over the battlefield with a missile to explode the encirclement, opening a gap for fangs Start a new way. After returning home, the full fuel was almost empty.

When Duan Yunhan ordered the remaining fighters who had almost exhausted the food to cover their withdrawal positions in turn, Jiushan happened to stay on the front line. The 19th Comprehensive Brigade never abandons its But no one will be indecisive when someone must make a sacrifice, and the war cannot tolerate tenderness.

Jiushan has planned to throw his 21-year-old life here, he is not afraid of death. In fact, at this time, I can't remember whether I am afraid of death or not, and fighting is the only instinct.

The troops had been disturbed and scattered, and he didn't know who else was nearby until dawn. After dawn, Jiushan saw the two comrades on the second floor opposite were blown into the sky by tank shells, and their legs fell on the street next to them.

When he shifted the shooting position, he saw the bodies of three comrades-in-arms. Jiushan knew that he didn't see more. Throw away his gun that has been hit by empty bullets and become a burning stick, and pick up the weapons of the fallen comrades.

Finally, he could no longer hear the gunshots of his comrades around him. He was either killed or evacuated from the town. The bullets of Jiushan were empty again, and even the captured AK-47 was also empty.

Jiushan did not know how many enemies he killed, fifty, maybe one hundred, but he knew he was going to die too, without weapons and cover, he could not escape.

Just as Jiushan clenched his dagger in his bunker, preparing to fight against the enemies that were getting closer, suddenly, in the building behind him, the familiar sound of the Barrett M82A1 sniper rifle was heard. There is no such weapon in the enemy. This is the gunshot of the comrade-in-arms, and the nearest enemy falls.

There was a hysterical sound: "Withdraw -", the sniper rifle sounded slowly and slowly, every time an enemy died. A lone sniper put all the enemies near Jiushan in place.

Jiushan's cheek was torn open by shrapnel, and the blood scab solidified around his eyes. But when he retreated back to the lonely comrade-in-arms, tears came out of his eyes.