Golden Greenery

v3 ~: Gattuso transposition

"Hello, Zhuoyang. I used to hear the butcher talk about you in Madrid. He hung you all day long."

Although Gravesen and Nigel De Jong are in position competition, their relationship in Real Madrid is not bad, this is mainly the butcher's character. A man like De Rong who is justified and sturdy and wealthy, unless you want to humiliate him or his brother, the butcher and anyone can be friends. People who have a bad relationship with De Jong can only be their own responsibility.

"Hi Thomas, I often hear the butcher mention you. How about, are you still used to Scotland?"

"It's not bad. I have been in the Premier League for a few years. It's actually similar to the Premier League." The bald face and Yan Yue looked fierce, but they looked like a living Buddha. During the greeting, the living Buddha's words changed sharply: "I tell you Zhuo Yang, your brother butcher is absolutely interesting, but it is a pity to meet Capello as a coach. I tell you, Capello is counseling..."

Beep, beep, beep...

Zhuo Yang: "..."

In fact, Butcher De Jong's Real Madrid in Capello is also very popular. Just like his friend's character, players like Butcher are not used well. That only shows that you are not a coach. More suitable.

Now in Real Madrid's midfield, the two Capello's heirs love Emerson and Diarra in turn and De Jong in the throat partner double back.


After Gravesen came up, the Celtics defended the midfielder and 21-year-old Eden McGiddy stepped back to play the left back. Darren Audi came up to become a left-back, and Gravesen is a free man. Zhuo Yang this.

In this way, Zhuo Yang must face Audi's speed and flexibility at the same time, as well as Gravesen's toughness and sturdiness. The difficulty is much greater at once, and he can no longer walk like the first half. And after moving forward, Audi occasionally rushed Odo and Ambrosini on the sidelines, and AC Milan's back line also felt pressure.

In the 53rd minute, Audi flicked away the assistant on the left side with a speed, grabbed the pass from Toshio Nakamura before Otto came up, and directly passed the ball forty-five degrees. Falling into the restricted area, Karaze was only 0.1 milliseconds faster than Miller, and the danger was undermined again.

Carazze's return from injury is crucial to AC Milan's defense. When Nesta cannot play, the central defender formed by Carrazer and Maldini is the most reasonable and reassuring combination, which is better than the old handcuffs. Costa Kuta and Neura Bonera appeared on the central defender to feel more at ease.

All of them are the best in football. The AC Milan midfielders did not need to remind Ancenotti, they made fine-tuning on the court according to the situation.

Ambrosini's characteristics are somewhat restrained by Audi. He is suitable for defending intelligent players, such as Pirlo, which is unreasonable. Audi is not a side dish. But someone could deal with this British motorcycle. Bato Gattuso and An Fu changed positions, and he would cut off Alto's throttle line.

AC Milan is not very suitable for the British play of the Celtics, but Gattuso is very familiar with this style.

After making his debut in Perugia and having a little fame, because of the eagerness to play the main role, Gattuso, who was under 19, joined the Celtic rival Glasgow for 800,000 pounds. In the two seasons of Glasgow, Gattuso is not only the absolute main force of the team, but also added a mad dog-style tough label to his Italian style big midfielder style. It can be said that it is the tempering of those two seasons and laid the groundwork. It is the foundation of Gattuso, the grandfather of mad dogs in international football.

Not only that, Gattuso still fell in love with the Scottish girl Monica at first sight, and resolved her marital affairs early, and her career and love were both harvested.

Two seasons later, because the Rangers changed their head coach, this made Gattuso very dissatisfied and simply returned to Serie A Catania with a value of 3 million pounds. After another season, the smart-looking Galliani spent 9 million to bring 21-year-old Gattuso to San Siro.

Those were Milan's turbulent two seasons. After three coaches of Zaccheroni, Maltini and Trim were not taken seriously, Ancelotti came to Milan and Gattuso quickly became Milan's iron waist. And he was turned into a stone by gold, and he changed the bad fault of burning roaring assists. In addition, Pirlo’s waist reconstruction was completed. The two partners became a perfect match. Gattuso finally became the world’s football player. Ba Ye.

Carlo Ancelotti has many supporters within the team, and Gattuso is undoubtedly the most **** fan among them.

The kind of ‘pass to myself in three seconds’ style in Audi’s assists is rare, but it is absolutely impossible for Gattuso. During his two seasons in Scotland, such opponents were everywhere. Just pull your sleeves or kick you, as long as you can hinder your figure a little, you won’t even be able to catch the ball.

This small trick and small technology seem to be simple, but the most important thing is to grasp the timing, not everyone can do it.

Zhuo Yang was temporarily blocked by Audi and Gravesen during the attack. Audi’s assault was also caged by Gattuso. But without Gattuso's stumbling blocks, Shun Nakamura, who almost disappeared in the first half, became alive.

There are more than one Audi that the Celtics can stir up. The midfielders are all gangsters. Having said that this style of play is a little restraint in Milan, Pirlo and Amb have gradually begun to resist Gravesen and Egypt. Wander Snow's rampage during the offense forced Kaka to retreat substantially to assist in defense.

As a result, Shunsuke Nakamura, who has the best passing skills, missed out.

As a matter of fact, as long as the most troublesome chain-style snatching by Asian players is not encountered, Toshiyuki Nakamura's passing level is world-class. Even if Regina was caught in a Serie A suffocation midfield blockade, Nakamura's pass was still East Asian class... This is why he finally chose to leave Serie A.

Two straights led to AC Milan's back defense bursts of panic, three rib passes, and Zhuo Yang in the distance praised silently. Fortunately, Karaze was on the field today, and his condition was always good. He and Maldini resolved all these five dangerous situations into invisible.

This is the case with football games. Oftentimes, you are rushing for a while, forcing me to only defend, and after being excited, it's my turn to pretend again. So although the Celtics have a certain advantage this time, the experienced Milanese are not worried, it is our good days to survive. The greatest reliance that can survive the past is the bravery of Karaze today.

However, the pitch was always fickle and he was kicked in the 63rd minute of the fight with Miller when everyone watched Kaha Karaze’s steadfastness on the back line. After heeled his heel, he could only be limped and replaced by the nerve knife Bonella.

As a result, the danger faced by the Milan defense became a substantial threat.