Golden Greenery

v3 ~: The white truffle of brother 2

  Zhuo Yang stayed in Italy for three years, but he was not familiar with Turin. He didn't visit Turin specifically except for playing games.

   Turin is Italy's third largest city and was once the capital. Speaking of this city is still very good, there are a large number of Baroque, Rococo and neoclassical style buildings, if you really want to travel, it will be somewhat rewarding.

  Torino suffers from the contrast, there is no lack of elements such as culture, fashion, classics, and art, but in these respects it has been ruthlessly crushed by Milan, Rome, Florence, Genoa, Venice and other places. So after seeing and eating, Turin left outsiders with the only different impression of industry, which is the most industrialized city in Italy.

  Who have you seen take a special trip to Detroit on an American tour? This is why Zhuo Yang hasn't been to Turin much.

  Real Madrid came to Turin for a game, staying at the Golden Palace Hotel about five kilometers from Alpi Stadium. The Champions League game usually starts at 20:45 GMT, and it will be very late after the end. If you don't want to toss, most teams will rest on the spot for one night and then go home slowly the next day.

   Madrid is more than a thousand kilometers away from Turin, which is roughly equivalent to Beijing to Shanghai. Real Madrid does not need to toss, and the giants do not lack money for five-star hotels.

   Brothers arrived in Turin, and the second brother of Mongolia always wanted to find the friendship of the landlord from the beginning, so after the game, after washing, he drove Zhuoyang directly from Alpi Stadium to LaMadia restaurant (LaMadia).

  Ramadia is not in the city center, but on the slightly remote east bank of the Po River. The Po River is the largest river in Italy, running through the urban area of ​​Turin. It originates from the southwestern foothills of the Alps, turns from west to east in northern Italy, and then flows from Venice into the Adriatic Sea.

  However, the Ramada restaurant is not far from the golden palace where Real Madrid is staying, and it is three kilometers across the river. The second brother Meng had been in Turin for a long time, and he knew what was the most suitable dinner.

  Let's come to Turin in the late autumn season. It's better not to come without white truffles. Italy's best white truffles are produced near Turin, this is its most delicious harvest season. The aroma of the wine is not afraid of the deep alley, and the taste of the white truffles of Ramadiya cannot escape the dog nose of the second brother.

   also came with Pirlo and Jiao Jiao, they are old friends. Hedila, Pogba, and Marchisio. They are the Maddie Gang. Marcelo is a joyous party member. As for Isco, going out with a younger brother will feel very face-saving.

   followed along with Julius Wu, also known as Xiaotong.

  Xiaotong will follow Zhuo Yang as far as possible, Real Madrid will give Zhuo Yang convenience in this respect, of course, all expenses incurred are Zhuo Yang's own. Now whether in Madrid or elsewhere, Zhuo Yang's private party Xiaotong will follow.

  Meng Er They inevitably feel a little strange, Zhuo Yang frankly told that it was a bodyguard, so everyone ridiculed him in the face of outsiders. However, Julius does not look like a bodyguard. He is an ordinary passerby no matter in size, appearance, temperament, which makes their strangeness add another three points, and Zhuo Yang is too lazy to explain.

   But soon they will not be surprised, because Xiaotong is good at'invisible'.

  As usual, Xiao Tong will not disturb the gathering of Zhuo Yang and his friends. He will sit alone in the most suitable place. After ordering anything, he will quietly and silently take control of everything around him.

   His ordinary just happened to be the best disguise. Unless he was deliberately looking for it, it would be difficult to notice the existence of Xiao Tong. Meng Er and they soon forgot such a strange person who was not strange at all.


   truffles are one of the most luxurious foods in the world. In Western food, caviar and foie gras are mixed with them and they are called "the three kings". Among the truffles, white truffles are much more expensive than black truffles, and they are respected as'white diamonds'.

  White truffles are actually a fungus that grows on the roots of oak trees. It is said that they cannot be planted artificially. They can only be harvested by specialized truffle hunters after the natural maturity between the end of October and December each year.

  I don’t know if this is a gimmick deliberately packaged by the white truffle merchants, because everyone also said that white truffles can aphrodisiac, basically foods with rich fragrance have this label. But the white truffle is indeed very rare. It is only produced in Piedmont, Italy and some places in Croatia. Turin is the capital of Piedmont.

The best white truffles in the world are exposed in Alba near Turin. The white truffles here are basically around 2,000 euros per pound (less than one pound). The most expensive one was sold in the United States for one kilogram. Thirty-five thousand dollars.

   As the so-called thing is rare, expensive, expensive prices will naturally bring a different experience to taste. If you don’t tell it that it is white truffle, if you don’t know it, you will be treated as a chicken leg mushroom, and you won’t feel any difference.

  Although white truffles are just condiments and accessories in food, no one takes it like a bun. When the staple food is buried in the head and chews, it is afraid that it will lose money. However, it takes a lot of money for ten people to eat it.

  How much does Zhuo Yang spend? Meng Er will not be distressed, and he is not a scar. For Xian Er, whose money is something outside of him, it is worthwhile to invite friends to dinner even if they go bankrupt.

  The second brother of Mongolia is half a year older than Zhuo was also born in 1985. He is a famous love prodigal in football in Italy and the world today, and he is also the leader of a new generation of love. But the love of Meng Erge, like his football, is always very unexpected.

The second brother's true love career began with Miss Vivian who was derailed while still in Maddie. Since then, Meng Er has been wandering in the world of love completely, and the girlfriends around him have traveled like Jiang Zhi crucian carp, The average term ranges from half a year to eight months, but basically does not exceed one year.

  Meng Er is a poet. He said that every love affair is unforgettable, and he left only to have it forever. Zhuo Yang thinks he is actually playing rogues.

  Meng Er's last girlfriend was Cannes film actress Jessie Trica, and her second brother took her to Brazil to spend holidays with her brothers. Last spring, the second brother and Jesmy broke up as expected. The second brother said it was also a love legend.

  Every brother's love affair was interpreted by him as a legend, acquaintance and breakup are legends.

   The ears have heard the cocoon brothers naturally sneered at this, but because of the face, everyone still wished him to open another ``legend'' as soon as possible.

   Sure enough, just last fall, just in the last white truffle harvest season, Meng Erge had a new girlfriend. Although the girl is also pretty, it is only a very ordinary one in the second brother's legendary experience. Obviously, she is just a transitional role.

The brothers joked that the second brother was only temporarily placed during the maintenance period of the barrel, but just as they are chewing white truffles today, the second brother only has a soft spot for eggs with traditional Italian sauce, the poet's choice It will always be unexpected.