Golden Greenery

v3 ~: This is the most beautiful night

Zhuo Yang and Ko Kou got into a duvet bed and lay side by side on a soft bed. The curtains were wide open, and they looked at the bright moonlight on the top of the mountains outside the window.

After enjoying the beautiful view of the setting sun just now, Zhuo Yang turned out of his rucksack and carried the cold meal in the small kitchen to heat it up slightly. Of course, I did not forget to sip two glasses of grape wine to accentuate the atmosphere.

It was dark in the mountains quickly, and it was only at seven or eight o'clock that the sky splashed like the night, and only the faint glowing white near and far from the top of the snowy mountain seemed like a song of the night. There was nothing in the hut that could pass the time for entertainment, and after seeing Kou Kou's absent-mindedness, Zhuo Yang said, "I'll pack up and we will lie down and talk, and we're talking too much, and we fall asleep while talking."

After tidying up the leftovers of the soup, Zhuo Yang looked at the small dining table and prepared to move it out.

"I'm playing here on the floor at night, Josephine, don't come to seduce me!" he said with a smile.


"Otherwise, will I seduce you?"

"Huh." Koko said with a smile.

Beauty is like jade, smile is like a flower, Zhuo Yang's heart is swayed again. He knew that tonight will be a hard night.

He moved the dining table up, put it down after thinking about it, he should first open the door. At this time, Koko spoke.

"You... just sleep in bed!"

"Ask for it! But I dare not, daughter-in-law, concubine can't do it." Zhuo Yang said with a bitter smile.

"It's okay... it doesn't matter... just go to bed."

Even if it is known that it will be more struggling and more difficult, but to refrain from it, it is not hypocritical, but a bastard. At this time, a full moon quietly climbed to the top of the mountain.

Zhuo Yang lay in his bed, sniffing the faint fragrance of Kou Kou by his side. He knows that Coco's body fragrance is more charming, and when she embraces her, she will always be intoxicated by the Lan Fu Ningxiang from her body.

I really want to hug you. If you can’t hug it, you won’t be able to stop the car... Just hug it. Can't hold...

Zhuo Yang is struggling nervously, as the so-called heart ape. He didn't even dare to speak, because he just lay so quietly that he could hardly hold it. Alas, annoying canon!

He knew that Koko was also very nervous because she did not speak, otherwise Koko would have come to her ear and kept talking and laughing, biting his ear while saying. Cocoo likes to tease him like this, and when it comes to the moment of a thousand hairs, when he wants to punish her hard, she escapes with a giggle.

Koko seems to be indented in the bed because she can't hear her slight snuff. Zhuo Yang turned his head to look at the holy Haoyue outside, trying to use his eyes to find the outline of Yuehai to force himself to be distracted.

Zhuo Yang didn't understand Wu Gang's story when he was a kid. He cut and chopped every night. When the last axe was enough to cut off the laurel, he no longer had the strength to go to bed and rest. As a result, after sleeping, the laurel grew up again, and Wu Gang could only cut it from scratch, every day.

Wu Gang is a strange person, even stranger than the laurel tree.

Now growing up, Zhuo Yang also knows why Wu Gang always cuts. Because, cut off, the story is gone.

There was a rustling voice in the bed, and she kept moving, turning around. Zhuo Yang really wanted to turn around and hold her in her arms, coaxing her to make her fall asleep sweetly.

Wu Gang is still a very strange person. He shouldn't cut down that tree. He should find a way to fill the moon with osmanthus and the sweet-scented osmanthus in Guanghan Palace. He planted, planted, and planted non-stop, this story will be very long and long, and it will never be finished, and it will never end when it comes to heaven and earth.

Zhuo Yang thought for a while and decided to tell the strange Wu Gang to Kou Koo.

"Coco, can't you sleep? I..."

The quilt was opened by Kokoo to interrupt the story that Zhuo Yang hadn't started to tell. She followed her warmly and warmly into her bed. Zhuo Yang couldn't help reaching out to hug her tightly. Suddenly, with the sound of ‘Weng’, his head rushed into the blood as if it was about to explode.

Ningxiang nephrite enters her arms, and Kou Kou turns out nothing. "Brother Zhuoyang..." Her voice was shaking.

Zhuo Yang is not an elm pimple, he knows what Koko means by doing so. Zhuo Yang is not a hypocritical guardian.

"Coco, your faith..." He regretted it before he finished.

"Brother Zhuoyang, you are my faith."

The crystal-like moon shining on the jade wheel shines on this piece of ice and snow world, and the clear moonlight of Shen Bi makes the Sentis Peak shrouded in a holy haze.

He and she captured each other, worshiped each other, and believed each other. Faith is pious. From today, they will become the most loyal believers in each other.

This is a day in Coco's plan, she is going to present herself as a gift to her most adored faith. On the night of the "Blue Dream", she had already made a decision to dedicate herself completely to the most beloved in this secluded fairyland.

She told the secret to the old chandelier, who praised her as a brave girl. She confessed this secret to **** Christ, and the Lord gave her the gospel and blessed her.

Kou Kou knew that Zhuo Yang was afraid of losing her, and was afraid of dying. Although he didn't say so, she could feel it because she was a smart girl.

Zhuo Yang didn't hide anything from her before. She knew that there were four women passing by him, but it was just passing by. Zhuo Yang didn't have that kind of relationship with never once. Like her, he is waiting for each other in his life, waiting from the soul to the body.

Zhuo Yang did not regret the passing of those four times, but he was very scared because the final endings of the four times were both annoying and ended very quickly. Those four times were not a beautiful story. He didn't know if there was a causal connection with the relationship that he hadn't experienced. He hoped not, and he was glad that he didn't, but he was scared.

Zhuo Yang is afraid of losing Kou Kou, and is afraid of dying.

Kokoo does not want to make Zhuo Yang afraid, she wants to tell him that I am yours, and always will be yours.

Because she was also afraid of losing him, so afraid of dying.

Some things, even if they have never seen or experienced, but as long as they meet the best, although there is no comparison, you can be sure without hesitation that you have met the most perfect and wonderful in the world.

Coco's body, like her face, is perfect and flawless. She is the most beautiful elf in the world and the purest angel, and will always be.

This is the most beautiful night.
