Golden Greenery

v4 Chapter 1: 2 strange bets

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Manchester City boss Sheikh Mansour in the stands at the Etihad Stadium today.

He is now a number, including the Deputy Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates and the Minister of Presidential Affairs. Although there are not many minor affairs, he is still relatively busy, and he does not come to see the team's games in person.

I can come today to accompany the owner of Fulham, the richest man in Pakistan, Shahid Khan. The two have friendship and business dealings.

In the football world, Mansour ranks the second richest club owner and Shahid the eighth. The first is RB Leipzig owner Dietrich Mateschitz.

Zhuoyang's acquisition of Madibao was made of the "Six Musketeers Sports Fund" instead of using personal assets directly. Otherwise, Mansour would still be second on this list, but Shahid might drop to ninth.

There is no boss who does not like his team to win. Mansour was very pleased with the score of 4:0 in the first half, but he obviously would not be as unbridled and joyful as the fans. Rich people should not be too careless.

Of course, not every rich person is reliable. For example, Zhuo is often very sloppy, always lowering the lower limit of the rich.

Taking care of the mood of the guests around him, whenever a goal comes, Mansour just claps a few times in a very decent way, just let the camera catch it.

"Shahid, the game was very exciting. In fact, Fulham performed well, it's just bad luck."

"Hehe..." Shahid laughed dryly. "Fulham and Manchester City... one Zhuoyang is short."

"Zoyang is indeed very great." Mansur said: "There is no doubt that Manchester City has Zhuoyang, which is equivalent to having a champion. However, Shahid, Zhuoyang only has one, and Manchester City also has Guardiola."

"You think there's something wrong with my coach?" There are no fools with money.

Mansour said: "I don't know football very well, but I can still see that there is a problem with Fulham's tactics today."

Shahid shook his head: "Jokanovic... is a very good coach."

"Yes. But some coaches are only suitable for completing the phased tasks of the team, such as the promotion of the British Championship and the primary construction of the team." Mansour said: "Mancini, Pellegrini, they are very good coaches , but the team has developed to a certain level, I have to sign Guardiola, not let them continue."

"No, no, I have confidence in Yoka."

Rich people are very self-centered and will not be easily persuaded by others, especially Shahid, who is about to be 70 years old, in front of Mansour, who is less than 50 years old.

In 2013, Shahid Khan, who already owns the American NFL team Jacksonville Jaguars, spent £185 million to acquire Fulham from Egyptian billionaire Fayyad.

Fayed's son, Dodi Fayed, was the man who died with Princess Diana in a Paris tunnel car accident in August 1997, a famous **** and polo player.

The season Shahid bought Fulham, the team was relegated from the Premier League. In the 2014-15 season of the British Championship, Fulham was double-killed by Watford, especially in the 20th round of the 0:5 home defeat. Shahid’s boss happened to witness it on the spot. The trip to Watford coached by Jokanovic was as smooth as water Do not surprise him.

That season, Jokanovic coached Watford to return to the Premier League, but because of conflicts with the club, he left after the end of the season and went to Maccabi, Tel Aviv, Israel to entertain his loneliness, and led the team to score as soon as he left. The UEFA Champions League.

By the end of 2015, Fulham's performance in the British Championship was still not improving. Shahid thought of Jokanovic.

From then on, the important people will ask for money and give money, as long as they can upgrade. The world only saw Shahid spend a lot of money this summer. In fact, he spent a lot of money every year in the British Championship, and finally let Fulham return to the Premier League this year.

Shahid firmly does not believe that Mansour knows more about sports than himself, because Mansour is only a second generation, and his money is not his ability, but just reincarnated.

It is also because Shahid has acquired and successfully operated the NFL team Jacksonville Jaguars for two decades, which is his focus. In fact, Shahid's acquisition of Fulham is very important to open up the British market for the NFL and the Jaguars.

Shahid believes he understands sports better, but there is a huge gap between NFL and traditional football. American professional football does not have the religious beliefs of English football, and it does not have the profound social class solidification. American professional football is more entertaining, but it does not have the thickness of the counterattack of dicks, because there are no **** in American football.

How many years did Abramovich take to recast Chelsea? How much did you invest? How many years did it take Mansour to create Manchester City? How much did you invest?

On the football issue, Shahid took it for granted, and the simplistic way of borrowing the American Football to quickly reach the top is not feasible in the Premier League. There is no shortage of money here, what is lacking are top stars and head coaches, and it also takes time here, football is far more important than rugby.

Shahid hasn't figured it out for the time being, so he doesn't understand why the FA rejected his £600 million acquisition of Wembley Stadium.

So he didn't like Mansoor's attitude of being a winner and a superior to teach him even though he tried his best to hide it. Coupled with the fact that the loss in the first half was indeed a bit miserable, Shahid was inevitably upset.

Fuck your grandma, when I was dumping second-hand tanks in Peshawar, you were a little kid who could only lift the maid's robe.

"I admit that Fulham is not as good as your Manchester City at the moment, but we are on the right path and will perform better and better."

"I agree with you." Mansur didn't want to engage in verbal disputes. "Hope Fulham have luck in the second half."

When there is anger in the heart, there will be sand in the words heard in the ears.

"Hehe, at least in the second half it is impossible for Fulham to concede four more goals."

"Oh? I hope so."

Mansur's slightly contemptuous tone made Shahid completely commit an old age axis.

"Or you and I will use this half-time bet, and half-time will determine the outcome."

It seemed like a rambling statement, but Mansoor knew what it meant.

Naturally, Mansour started with oil, while Shahid started with auto parts and vehicle modification, which is still their basic business. But capital will inevitably be financialized in the end.

Recently, the consortium behind them has been eyeing a new energy venture capital project in the UK, mainly in small battery energy storage. The investment scale is not large, and the expected return is not very high, but there are still prospects of 800 to 900 million pounds. The key is stability.

Just because the investment scale is small, two consortiums can't be accommodated, so it's very boring to play together. This is equivalent to ordinary people opening a barbecue stall together. If you have the time to gossip, it's okay to open a family alone.

Both sides are in contact, each hoping that the other will withdraw. It will definitely not hurt the peace, but it also needs a reason.

Shahid's proposal is here.

Mansour readily agreed, and then verbally agreed with Shahid: If Manchester City wins four or more goals in the second half, Shahid will withdraw from the venture capital competition, and Mansour will withdraw in turn.

A gamble worth 800 to 900 million pounds was born, and it seems that Zhuo is not the only rich person who has not slipped away.


There was no fight in the passage.

Zhuoyang said that, but it is impossible for Manchester City teammates to let Betinelli punch him, and the Fulham people dare not let him cause such a big incident in the away game.

With this punch, the consequences of Fulham's rationale have become incalculable, and Fulham is almost a brand new team. Brand new means unfamiliar, which means it is far less popular than Manchester City. together.

It is indeed Manchester City's fault. No matter how Delph and Debig hit someone first, Manchester City will definitely be punished if the news spreads. As the captain, Zhuoyang must make big things smaller.

"You don't say 300,000, and I don't say a punch. How about it, I will score you three more goals in the second half, and you will pay 300,000. If you don't make it, you can punch me again when you find time. "

This is not a big deal, it's a bully at all.

Bettinelli was about to explode in anger: "Impossible, I can't let you score three more."

"Okay, then it's settled. Let's go."

Just like that, 900 million was bet smartly at the opening stage, and 300,000 was forcibly bet in the passageway.

Mansour accepted the bet, not with a certainty of winning. He has been the owner of Manchester City for ten years, and he has been working in the UAE Football Association before. He still understands football to some extent.

Leading 4:0 in the first half, this is a three-point league. There is no need to rush to save goal difference, and there is no feud with the opponent. This score is basically the same. Whether Guardiola or Manchester City players, they will not do things. Absolutely.

Agreeing to bet is just a step up for Shahid and an excuse for himself to withdraw from the limelight competition. After all, there are many places to make money. Having this 900 million income is certainly pleasing to the eye, but without it, I can't lose my figure.

Coincidentally, Zhuoyang and Bettinelli made a bet, and they didn't really insist on entering three more of them. The main purpose was to find a step to get both of them back to the dressing room quickly, so as not to freeze in the passage.

Zhuoyang is confident to score three in the whole game, but if he insists on scoring three more in the half, a tough man like him would not dare to say that he can catch it easily, and it often depends on luck.

So the bet was to fool Bettinelli and keep him from blowing things up. Afterwards, he complained of grievances again, and couldn't afford to turn the waves.

If he can't get three, let him punch him, as long as he has the courage to punch, and Zhuoyang didn't say he can't dodge. Close your eyes and let you fight, as long as you can touch, I will lose.


"Don't cause trouble." The old melon said.

"Don't lose the ball either." The old melon said again.

"I don't care how you play in the second half, but you must not lose the ball. Zhuoyang, did you hear that?"

The new season started with six consecutive victories, and today's seventh victory is in sight. This is definitely the achievement of Guangzong Yaozu. Compared with the 2016-17 season, the first ten consecutive victories, this seven consecutive victories have higher gold content, and the number of goals has increased significantly. The tactical connotation of the game has also reached a higher level.

But the fly in the ointment is that they conceded the ball in all six games, and none of them survived.

As a perfectionist, Guardiola is gradually intolerable, although he is a firm supporter of 4:3>1:0 doctrine.

When Zhuoyang heard the roll call, he naturally wanted to cheer for the old melon.

"Did you hear that? Did you hear all of them? You defenders, you spend your whole day waiting to die, and the club pays you such a high salary just to make you concede every game? Keep your spirits up in the second half and pay attention to your opponent." Do you still want to be shameless?

The defenders and Edson all slandered: For Arsenal and Hurricane, it was you who asked us to put one, otherwise we would have achieved zero seals...

Of course Guardiola knew that what he said was for Zhuoyang. I can't take you for a good person. I bake sesame seed cakes on the bed in the middle of the night.

The English are all prudish, and the Argentines are mostly sleazy and bad. Otamendi stood up and said: "Sir, I suggest that if you concede another goal today, the whole team will be closed for three days of training as a punishment."

'Slap~' The slap was taken by Guardiola.

"Good idea!" Everyone said in unison.

Zhuoyang: "..."

If you want to talk about who in the team is most afraid of closed training, it must be him. A group of bad guys, Zhuoyang gritted his teeth.

Dig a hole for me, right? You want to see me laugh, don't you?

"Listen to me. In the second half, not only can I not concede a goal, but I must also ensure that I score three more goals. My bet is not in vain. If I fail, then the Fulham...who... goalkeeper will punch me , you all get punched by Lao Tzu one by one, and no one can run away."

"If I concede a goal in the second half, or if I don't score three, the whole team will go directly to the base hotel after the game, disconnect the Internet to collect mobile phones, and even write letters. I will take the lead, and the whole team will have three days of physical training. Want to run away."

The teammates widened their terrified eyes: Lao Zhuo, are you serious?

"Uh~uh~uh~~" Zhuoyang and Lao Gua laughed evilly together.

In another locker room, coach Jokanovic is still trying to make personnel adjustments in order to save face. Failure is inevitable, but you have to go home with a face.

He didn't know that because of the two erroneous bets, and because of Zhuoyang's inexplicable threats to his teammates, a shocking murder was brewing.

This is a game that will go down in the history books of the Premier League.

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