Golden Greenery

v4 Chapter 1: I come from his dream

In November 2016, it has been a whole year since Zhuo Yang was attacked and cut off all sensory contact with the outside world. He is now a standard vegetable, falling into deep sleep.

Only in November, scattered snowflakes floated on Zhongnan Mountain. Kou Kou stood in Yukou, staring into the valley in a daze, the snowflakes quietly touching her face and between her eyebrows.

Kou Kou has often dreamed of this mountain and the valley here recently.

She also saw Zhuo Yang in her dream.

Kou Kou's weird dream appeared more and more frequently after she fell asleep, and the dream became clearer and clearer. In the dream, there are majestic snow-capped mountains, the sea at the foot of the mountains, and the rolling snow-capped mountains, the peaks one after the other.

She hadn't seen these mountains, and she didn't know where they were, but the Zhongnan Mountain in her dream was right in front of her.

There is still fire and war in the dream. But more is the mist of boundless darkness, and Zhuo Yang is in the mist.

In the past few days, Kou Kou began to see Zhuo Yang in his dream. Although he couldn't see his face clearly, she could feel that it was him, accurate.

Zhuo Yang was trapped in the dark mist and couldn't get out. Wherever he rushed, the mist was shrouded in it, and he couldn't get out.

Kou Kou was so anxious, she wanted to run in and took Zhuo Yang's hand to bring him out, but she ran and ran in her dreams, but she couldn't get close or touch him.

Last night, Kou Kou was so anxious to cry in his dream and woke up from crying. After waking up, she hugged Zhuo Yang, who was in deep sleep, tears still streaming.

She knew that if Zhuo Yang could break through the dark mist that enveloped him, he would be able to wake up beside her.

In the dream, Zhuo Yang was very dangerous. There were many demons rushing towards him in the dark, trying to kill him and devour him. Zhuo Yang fought bravely against the demons and kept fighting them back.

The demons also tried to rush out from the darkness of the fog to catch Kou Kou, but every time they were driven away or killed by Zhuo Yang.

There was fire everywhere in the dream, but the light of the fire could not disperse the mist in the night. Kou Kou mustered up the courage and ran towards Zhuo Yang in the mist with the torch, but still couldn't run to him.

After getting up in the morning, Kou Kou washed Zhuo Yang's face and massaged his whole body.

She didn't know what Zhuo Yang was dreaming about, or whether she was in the dream. It's been a year, and I don't know how many years Zhuo Yang passed in his dream.

A few years ago, they watched "Inception" together. The movie was very brain-intensive and not many people could fully understand it.

According to Inception, the deepest dream is called the Lost Domain. Once a person falls into this level, he will not know that he is dreaming and will be lost in it forever.

The passage of time in dreams is not the same as in reality, especially in the dream of Lost Realm, where a lifetime has passed, but in reality it may be just a moment. If outsiders who are not soberly aware that this is a dream come in and guide, those who are trapped in the lost realm will never get out.

Kou Kou knew that it was just a movie, a commercial literary work, but she couldn't help but associate the setting of the movie with Zhuo Yang's current situation.

Is Brother Zhuo Yang lost in his dream? Does he know he is dreaming? Have you found a way to wake up or come back?

How should I become an intervener like in the movie, how can I bring Zhuo Yang out of his dream?

Kou Kou decided to find the answer from the content of her dream, so she walked out of the small courtyard at the foot of the mountain and came to the nearby Yukou.

The valley is a valley. She has seen this valley in her dream. Although it is not like this in the dream, there are no steps in the dream, but the shape of the mountains on both sides has not changed.

In the valley, Kou Kou only went in once, or seven years ago Zhuo Yang took her into the valley and went to Liuxianguan.

Kou Kou slowly approached the valley along the steps, watching as she walked, sparse snow fell around her.

She also saw the valley where Liuxian Temple was in her dream, but there was no Taoist temple in her dream. It seemed that there was only a wooden building, which was small and delicate.

Ye Wuji was not in the Liuxian View, only his apprentice corrected the floor. Kou Kou knew that Ye Wuji was on the Five Sacred Mountain above Liuxian Temple, and she looked up there. Ye Wuji had been on the top of the Five Sacred Mountain for almost a year.

Kou Kou knew that Ye Wuji was there to help Zhuo Yang, help him find a way back, and help him wake up.

She climbed to the top of the Five Sacred Mountains along the slippery mountain path. Ye Wuji, who was already pale, heard the movement and opened his eyes from the meditation.

"Mr. Ye, I saw Zhuo Yang in my dream. He was stuck in the dark." After nearly a year of Chinese study, Kou Kou can now communicate with the people here in Chinese without barriers, and she can even understand the dialect here. .

"Ye Wuji pays homage to the saint. Brother Zhuo Yang needs guidance."

"How to guide? Why do you call me a saint?"

"Senior brother was in a long, long dream. He only found you after walking a long way in the dream. You are now in his dream, and in the dream you are a saint."

"Mr. Ye, you mean, I'm in Zhuo Yang's dream? Stay with him."

"Yes. Saint, don't worry, you are the guide in the brother's dream, and you will bring him back."

"What should I do now?"

"Waiting." Ye Wuji said, "Senior brother is a hero. The splendid world in his dream did not let him get lost. He has never given up his persistence. He has been looking for a way home and has been looking for you."

"Respected saint, brother has found you and found the guidance in the dream. He just needs to find himself again and remember that he is Zhuo Yang." Ye Wuji said: "When the brother remembers where he comes from, think of Whoever I am, I found my way back."

"Mr. Ye, you said that I am the saint of Zhuo Yangmeng, who is his guide. Hasn't he already found me? Why does he need guidance? Can he not recognize me?"

Ye Wuji thought for a moment, and said: "It's like a lock and a key. When the brother finds you, he finds the lock and the right direction, but he still needs the key."

"Where should I find the key?"

"I do not know."

"Mr. Ye, how do you know this?"

"Because I come from Brother Zhuo Yang's dream."

"Have you seen me in his dream?"

"Yes, I have seen UU reading You are the saint of light."

Kou Kou looked at the old Ye Wuji and shook his head: "I can't remember. Mr. Ye, you are from Zhuo Yang's dream, don't you know where his key is?"

Ye Wuji said, "I don't know, I didn't wait until that day."

"You mean you didn't see Zhuo Yang come back in your dreams."

"Yes, I didn't see it."

With deep doubts, Kou Kou returned to the small courtyard outside the mountain. She didn't fully understand Ye Wuji's words, just like she didn't fully understand "Inception". But she knew that some things would not be clear if it was okay, such as Zhuo Yang being surrounded by the devil in the dark mist.

But Kou Kou felt that Ye Wuji was right about one thing: to make Zhuo Yang remember who he was and the world in his dream.

what can we do about it?