Golden Greenery

v4 ~: Chapter 116 Manchester does not miss

The great three consecutive Champions League, Manchester City did it.

Originally, this glory should belong to Zidane's Real Madrid. Zhuoyang had dreamed about it, but it was because of his appearance that he changed the direction of history and became Manchester City's yellow robe.

6:2 is the largest number of goals since the restructuring of the Champions League, and it is also one of the largest point differences. In 1994, AC Milan destroyed Barcelona 4:0, and the point difference was also 4 goals.

Zhuoyang has become the only one who has scored four goals in the Champions League final so far.

In the 2018-19 season, Zhuoyang scored a total of 37 goals in the Champions League, which greatly improved his previous record of 21 goals.

The 2018-19 UEFA Champions League is also Zhuoyang's eighth Big Ears Cup and his ninth championship this season. Manchester City's eighth crown, Zhuoyang has one more Asian Cup.

100 league goals, 37 Champions League goals, so many years later, people still can't believe it really happened.

According to the media, 2018-19 is the annual ring of football dominated by Zhuoyang.

In the end, everyone laughed: It's been **** dominated for so many years, and you just said it today?

Indeed, Zhuoyang has ruled football for at least thirteen years, although he is not the only king every year, nor does he win all championships every season.

However, during his initial rule, no one would have imagined that at the age of 34, Zhuoyang could still reach a new level, leaving behind those who could barely sit at the same table with him.

Including his brothers.

In the 2018-19 season, Zhuoyang defeated all opponents, and the hat-trick team in the league had a share.

Conquered his brother in the Champions League. Defeated Juventus 7:0 and defeated the second brother Montolivo; 6:0 beat the Heat Spurs and convinced grandpa Mertesacker; 6:2 defeated Liverpool at halftime, discounting the butcher De Jong and piggy Schwei Insteiger.

Hand knife brother, bloody.

Only scarred Franck Ribery didn't come across him, but that guy is now a semi-good-for-nothing, and he was subdued without being beaten.

Brothers are for fighting, Bo Yuntian of the Six Musketeers profoundly interpreted this sentence.

The brothers concentrated on finding faults, and Zhuoyang concentrated on attacking this season and won a complete victory.

I used to fight with brothers, but they were not as concentrated as this season, and each had their own victories and losses in the past.

In the last season of Manchester City, Zhuoyang also finished with his brothers.

Back in Manchester, participated in the parade of the team and citizens, and unveiled his own bronze statue in the stadium square. The story of Zhuoyang and Manchester City is completely over, although the contract still expires in a few days.

Three years ago, Zhuoyang came back from the abyss of death in the dream. Manchester City and Guardiola accepted him, which actually took a great risk, because even Zhuoyang himself did not know whether he could fully recover.

Three years later, Manchester City reaped a dynasty, won three consecutive Champions League titles, two consecutive Premier League titles, and more than a dozen other championships. Zhuoyang's name was deeply engraved in Manchester City's team history, and Manchester City's name was also engraved in football's highest ranking. the hall of honor.

For this reason, Manchester City only paid a total salary of less than 200 million in three years, and the whole world thinks that they have made a lot of money.

The Manchester City club announced that the team's No. 18 jersey will be sealed and will not be distributed to others. When Zhuoyang retires, Manchester City's No. 18 jersey will also hold an official retirement ceremony.

Fort Maddie, Real Madrid, and now Manchester City, the three clubs have sealed the number 18, waiting for his return or retirement.

Milan and Barcelona haven't been sealed yet, so it's very ignorant.

However, Barcelona's No. 18 is the full-back Alba, and Milan failed to allocate No. 18 because no one dared to choose it. It has been vacant these years.

Amidst the jeers of the media, Jordi Alba-Alexander.

"Brother Zhuoyang, will you miss Manchester?"

"Probably... no, it's not like I won't come in the future."

"you know what I mean."

"Still not. Kou Kou, nostalgia is a very heavy thing, I don't like it."

"But you've been here for three years."

"Then let them miss me."

Kou Kou was speechless. "I miss someone because he died. You..."

"So, let's forget about Manchester and I, and don't miss anyone else."

Zhuoyang said: "Tomorrow the sun will rise as usual in Manchester, and a new rain will fall the day after tomorrow. When winter comes, there will be a heavy fog as promised."

"Look, there will be no change in Manchester and neither will I."

"Like you left Hannover, you left Milan and Barcelona, ​​and Madrid?" Koko asked.

"There are still differences."

"For example?"

Zhuoyang looked at Kou Kou with tenderness in his eyes: "After you brought me back from the dream, I came to Manchester. This is where I started again, the city where I shut down and restarted."

"Compared to cities like Hannover and Milan, in Manchester it's just you who are different, not the city."

"You're right, so I still don't miss Manchester."

Kou Kou asked again: "You only miss the world in the dream?"

Zhuoyang smiled wryly: "Nostalgia? I almost forgot about those days, and I can't recall many things."

"That was originally a dream." Kou Kou said, "Dreams are meant to be forgotten."

Zhuoyang nodded: "There is nothing forgotten, only you in the dream, and... a long time."

"Thank you, Brother Zhuoyang."

"Compared to the long time in the dream, the three years in Manchester are very short and fleeting, but the time is very vivid. Every day here, I have memories."

"We'll be back to Cheshire often in the future."

"Should come back, but not too much." Zhuoyang said: "In a few days, I will submit my resignation letter to the Manchester Royal Academy of Music. After that, I don't plan to teach part-time in other colleges. Let's talk about it after I retire. .”

"After resigning, I have nothing to do with the city of Manchester. Kou Kou, we will have a new life, a new city, and maybe it is still very busy, so here in Cheshire, we will rarely come here in the future."

Kou Kou said, "Is the house going to be sold? I can't bear it."

"Sell? Why sell? Koko, are you short of money?"

When it comes to money, Kou Kou is not sleepy, her face is full of the pride of a rich woman.

"We may come here once in a while, and let the hiring company take care of it the rest of the time." Zhuoyang said: "In the future, whoever the children like Cheshire, we will give him the house as a gift."

Kou Kou was happy: "We are going to have a baby tonight, UU reading, okay?"

Zhuoyang: "...wait a minute..."

Kou Kou pursed her mouth: "You are the one talking about everything, always talking about children, but you are never in a hurry."

Zhuoyang looked at her sideways, and said in his heart: I don't know if having a child will delay things? Am I alone having fun every night?

Seeing her husband like this, Kou Kou blushed.

Another night of fun and absurdity.

The next day, Zhuoyang and Kou Kou flew to Vienna. In Merrill Lynch Palace, an acquaintance secretly met him.

(end of this chapter)

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