Golden Greenery

v4 ~: Chapter 119

In the early morning of dawn, Zhongnan Mountain is completely silent in the early morning of summer. The mountain is shrouded in clouds and mists, making it look like a fairyland.

The small courtyard at the foot of the mountain had already woken up from his sleep. Zhuo Yang’s father, Zhuo Tongtong, pushed the five-grain soybean milk in front of his wife. Gaps.

"Let's eat, and watch while eating."

Mother Yang Hong turned her eyes from the TV to the dining table, picked up a spoon and slowly stirred the soybean milk.

The TV is broadcasting the final round of Group C of the 2019 America's Cup group match, the match between the Chinese team and Chile.

Yang Hong shook her head with a smile, and said to her husband, "After so many years, I still don't feel that football has any...attractiveness. I probably still don't like football."

[In view of the general environment,

Zhuo Tongtong said, "It's normal. Let's eat first."

"If it wasn't for our son in the football game..." Yang Hong said, "I definitely wouldn't watch it."

Zhuo Tongtong: "Well... well, let's eat."

Yang Hong picked up the soy milk, but put down the bowl. "I don't like football, I didn't like it before, and I don't like it very much now, but my son is the best football player in the world. Tongtong, don't you think this life is amazing."

Zhuo Tongtong: "It's wonderful, yes, it's wonderful. Eat it quickly, it will be cold in a while."

"Crack!" Yang Hong suddenly slapped the table, startling her husband, who was staring at the TV while eating steamed buns, and almost poked the tauzi with the steamed buns in his nostrils.

"Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat, eat, eat. Zhuo Tongtong, you have changed."

Zhuo Tongtong: "..."

Yang Hong said angrily: "You used to listen carefully to everything I said, but now you are absent-minded about everything I say. Hmph, years are like a butcher's knife, the surname is Zhuo, you have changed."

There was still half a small bun sandwiched on the fast bun, Zhuo Tongtong didn't know whether to eat it or put it back on the plate.

"No...why did I change? Where did it go... Honghong, you got up early to watch the football game, and I was supposed to sleep in." Zhuo Tongtong held the bun in his hand: "I got up early to make it Alright, let’s go early, you see, I made the steamed stuffed buns, made soy milk, and cut the side dishes, you see.”

"Did I wrong you? You got impatient when you said a few words to you, and you finally hated me, didn't you?"

Zhuo Tongtong sighed slightly: Here we go again...


"Don't call me." Yang Hong stood up angrily: "You eat by yourself, you hate me, I'll go."

After speaking, he pulled away the chair and left.

Zhuo Tongtong sighed, stuffed half of the steamed stuffed bun into his mouth and ate it hastily, then brought a small pot and plate, covered the soy milk, steamed stuffed bun, and food on the table first to keep the temperature.

On TV, his son Zhuoyang was breaking through with the ball, but was stopped by the Chilean player with a shovel. The referee's whistle blew, and Zhuoyang lay on the ground and didn't get up.

Even after getting used to it, Zhuo Tongtong was still a little nervous. He didn't feel relieved until his son stood up from the ground and started running again to start the race.

Looking at the watch, Yang Hong went out in a fit of anger for about five minutes, and Zhuo Tongtong planned to go out to find her in another minute.

Half a minute later, Yang Hong came back and sat back at the dining table.

"I'm sorry, Tongtong, I'm in a bad mood."

"It's okay, I was just going out to find you."

Yang Hong pouted, "We shouldn't have retired, we both had nothing to do to make trouble."

Zhuo Tongtong comforted his wife and said, "It's Qiu Qiu and Zhuo Yang who feel sorry for us, and you and I really can't move anymore. If you don't accept it, you can't do it."

"Huh! They love us both?" Yang Hong said dissatisfiedly, "Okay, come back and stay with me! How many times can I see them in a year now?"

"Hehehe, staying by your side all day? Are you happy?" Zhuo Tongtong said, "Everyone expects their children to be successful, but you are fine."

Yang Hong shook her head: "Oh, success is success, but the process of success is also worrying. In the past few years, Zhuo

Yang... I don't want to go through it again, I'd rather he is worthless and mediocre for a lifetime. "

Zhuo Tongtong put the soy milk back for his wife. "Like a professor in your college? His son is as old as Zhuoyang, and now he is eating at home all day. Are you happy that Zhuoyang is like him?"

Yang Hong also picked up the steamed stuffed bun and said, "There's nothing wrong with the old Ren's family, at least you can see it every day, don't worry."

"Haha, when Zhuoyang was seventeen years old, but you were determined to let him go to Germany, and you let him go alone, and you didn't listen to anyone who advised you at that time."

Yang Hong: "..."

"Alas—" Yang Hong said, "I was still young at that time, with a stubborn temper and impulsive nature. I made up my mind that even nine cows would not be able to pull me back."

"If it were now, would you still let the seventeen-year-old Zhuo Yang go to study abroad alone?" Zhuo Tongtong asked.

"Actually, I regretted it just after Zhuo Yang left that year." Yang Hong said softly, "I don't know how many tears I shed when I carried you behind my back..."

Zhuo Tongtong said heartily: I saw it, I know...

"...If it were me now, I wouldn't let my son go."

"Even if you know that Zhuoyang will achieve his current achievements in football and piano, you won't let him study abroad again?"

Yang Hong hesitated: "I...I don't know."

"Honghong, what do you think Zhuoyang would be like now if he hadn't studied abroad?"

"Hmm...should be working as a piano teacher."

"Impossible, Honghong, we understand our son, Zhuoyang may graduate from the conservatory of music, and he will go to a middle school to be a music teacher honestly. But he will definitely not work for a long time. The profession of a teacher is too boring. After a long time, he couldn't hold back at all."

Yang Hong said excitedly: "Then he will be like the old Ren's kid, resign to play in the band, go to training classes, and borrow money to buy motorcycles?"

Zhuo Tongtong was also very happy: "And then I didn't do anything, so I can only go home and eat the old?"

Yang Hong rested her elbows on the table and held her face in her hands: "I agree! Zhuoyang can eat old age, but he can't sleep late."

"You can chew on the old, but refuse to lie down." Zhuo Tongtong added.

The couple: "Hahahaha..."

After laughing, UU Reading Zhuo Tongtong said: "I know you miss your son. Look, won't he come back after this match? Wait a few more days."

Yang Hong said: "When I come back from summer vacation this time, I must let Zhuo Yang stay for a few more days. Also, he is not young anymore, I have to urge him again, what are you waiting for with Kou Kou?"

"Tongtong, let me tell you. Last time I asked Kou Kou why she and Zhuo Yang didn't want a child yet. Kou Kou blushed and said that Zhuo Yang didn't want it for the time being. If you don't want it, you don't want it. Why is she blushing?" ?”

"Is it your wicked mother-in-law who urged you?"

"Bah! Who is the evil mother-in-law? Kou Kou is my own daughter."

"Haha, that's only if my mother is willing."

Early in the morning, the husband and wife bickered every day, and the competition was in full swing on TV.

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