Golden Greenery

v4 Chapter 1198: Do you dare to punish me

After watching the replay of the video on the sidelines, Brazilian whistleblower Wilton Sampaio decisively ruled that the goal was invalid and sentenced the Chinese team to offside first.

Who is offside?

Everyone, look at me and I look at you: Is that you? is it you?

Slow motion shows: Zhang Xian passes the ball to Liu Langdong, Langdong is not offside, he is at least two bodies behind Medina.

After Lang Dong cut inside, he blocked the ribs, and Pang Tiezhu got in behind and was not offside. At the moment of passing the ball, he was further back than Lang Dong.

Tie Zhu swept across the door from outside the waistline, not to mention, he was almost on the bottom line.

Lang Dong picked up a mistake and shot an empty goal, let alone offside.

Who is offside? Stand up for me!

Zhuoyang: "..."

Shot playback.

Zhang Xian steals the ball from Tiger Falcao, turns around and prepares to take the ball, and the national team shoots three arrows at the same time.

Zhang Xian was not sure about the position of the captain Zhuo Yang in the middle, so he passed it to the left. As it turned out, he was right, because at that moment, Zhuoyang was offside.

One more shoulder than Mina and Sanchez, who are left and right.

But Zhuoyang didn't catch the ball, and he didn't even touch the ball after the attack until the goal. Can this be considered offside?

able! As long as the referee thinks you can, you can't.

Sampaio's reason was that Zhuoyang, who was offside, entered the penalty area and interfered with the goalkeeper and defensive players.

Are you convinced?

I really don't want any face!

If such a far-fetched reason is written in the post-match technical report, it may be bearable if it is not intuitive, but it is not so judged in reality.

Otherwise, as long as there is an offside on the offensive side, no matter where the offside is, the offense can be stopped.

In fact, Sampaio belongs to the category of firing first and then setting targets.

The moment Zhang Xian passed the ball, the linesman did not raise the flag—he was not ill. From a precise professional point of view, Sampaio observed that Zhuoyang might be in an offside position.

After Liu Langdong scored with a supplementary shot, Sampaio took the initiative to contact the video assistant referee and asked for a judgment on whether Zhuo Yang was offside just now.

VAR is only an auxiliary means of the game, and all penalties are subject to the referee's decision, and he is the main referee. The referee can decide whether to intervene with VAR, and whether to use it after intervention.

It is now obvious that whether Sampaio received the 'order' to call the penalty for this game, or it was simply determined by his own personal position, his whistle today was outrageously biased, and his purpose was to prevent the Chinese team from winning and prevent the Chinese team The guests go further.

Fear of Zhuoyang and the Chinese team is generally pervasive in Brazil and even the top executives of South American Football Confederation, although no one talks about this kind of 'fear'.

Inviting Zhuoyang and the Chinese team to participate in the America's Cup is indeed a perfect business operation. With the help of Zhuoyang's influence, the America's Cup has fully developed the Asian and European markets for the first time, and this time it has earned more than the previous ten times.

But from a competitive point of view, the invitation by CONMEBOL and the Brazilian Football Association is purely naked and shameless.

In the past season, Zhuoyang has killed a lot of people in Europe, not to mention that he has no generals under his command, and he may be able to pick up a lot of gall with a shout.

Now that he is bringing the Chinese team, South America immediately has a sense of terror coming.

Zhuoyang is someone who can really challenge the traditional structure of America's Cup, no matter who he leads.

South American football, which used to be one of the two poles of the world, is now more and more vulnerable to Europe. In particular, the influence of the America's Cup is not worth mentioning compared to the European Cup, which is no less than the World Cup.

The club is no longer at the same level. The only place that can maintain equality with Europe is at the national team level, barely breathing.

But what if the private land of the America's Cup is taken by some **** stick?

Why has the Copa America not invited European powerhouses with good influence and commercial value? It's not that people don't want to come, it's that no one dares to invite them.

Last summer, the Brazilian Football Association invited the Chinese team out of enthusiasm, but Zhuoyang turned from a leader in football to a leader in the field, which made the hearts of South Americans cool.

It is still early from the America's Cup, starting from the "Mad Hatter", anxiety and fear are like ghosts, hanging over South America.

As a result, the media maliciously ridiculed the teenager Chunlei and expanded the description of the Chinese team's mistakes. It seems that except for Zhuoyang, the rest is a pile of shit. These are actually the spiritual victory methods of South American football.

But in fact, none of the major powers standing in the front row in South America had the confidence to win the battle against the Chinese team, but they were terrified in their bones.

The Chinese team "accidentally" lost to Chile in the last round of the group, and "smoothly" fell to the bottom half of the quarterfinals. I don't know how much relief the host Brazil in the top half was.

However, the CONMEBOL and the Brazilian Football Association did not do some unscrupulous things out of fear, not because of their high moral standards, but because in this era of information technology with no dead ends, countless pairs of eyes stared round and round. No matter what tricks you do, you will show your feet in the end.

When watching today's live broadcast, the South American bigwigs were also embarrassed by Sampaio's lack of cover-up.

There was no "decree" from above to give him anything. What Wilton Sampaio did was to figure out what he wanted, and under the shadow of the "horror" atmosphere, he added a play to himself. He has just been promoted to Brazil's No. 1 brother, and his heart is still hot.


"Hey, Mr. Referee, you have to be careful." Zhuoyang said: "Your penalty will probably be recorded in history. Of course, it will not be a good word."

Sampaio still had a fierce smile on his face, but his eyes were shining brightly upon hearing this.

"Mr. Zhuoyang, can I are threatening me?"

I have to say that the 38-year-old Sampaio is quite greasy. He deliberately led the topic to "threats", which made it very difficult for Zhuoyang to answer.

If Zhuoyang is on top. "That's right, I'm threatening you!"

Then, Sampaio's hand that has already touched his buttocks will pull out the red card and send Zhuoyang off on the grounds of "threatening the referee", and the horror cloud over South America will dissipate in an instant.

If Zhuoyang said: "No, you misunderstood, I just remind you and discuss with you."

That means that Zhuoyang admits to being cowardly, and he will bow his head in momentum. In today's game, no one can interfere with the majesty of Sampaio's referee.

So, 'Are you threatening me? ’ For Zhuoyang, it was a difficult question to answer no matter what.

However, Zhuoyang smiled and said, "Are you looking for an excuse to punish me?"

Sampaio: "…"

"I'll give you a chance." Zhuoyang said, "Look, now take out the red card and hold it high. The question is, do you dare?"

Sampaio is still smiling, but if you look carefully, you can find the corners of his mouth twitching slightly.

The right hand was touching the pocket of the buttocks, and it was shaking slightly.

"What? Don't you dare? As long as you take it out, you will step onto a new level in life, as long as you dare."

Sampaio's back molars were shaking.

The South American tycoon watching the live broadcast was divided into two groups of mood at this time, and one group said: Punish him, send him off! Let's talk about the punishment, let's worry about him... These people are rebels.

One heart said: Calm down, never dare. A red card will be a biggest scandal in the history of America's Cup... They are the establishment.

It's not that Zhuoyang can't be sent off with a red card. He has been red many times in his career. But with his current figure, he must have a strong reason to be popular, and he must be able to withstand the inquiries of all parties after the game.

Especially in the America's Cup where he was specially invited, if he is to be sent off, it must be heinous.

The world is bustling with people, all come and go for fame and fortune. Sampaio was excited, but he held back after all. He knew very well that as soon as this red card came out, it was the end of his career as a whistleblower.

It was certain that he would be thrown out afterwards to calm the situation. Sampaio wants South American football to be good, but he won't put all his future on it.

So, he was discouraged.

The smiling tiger was still smiling, avoiding Zhuoyang's sharpness kindly.

But Zhuoyang didn't intend to let him go.

(end of this chapter)