Golden Greenery

v4 Chapter 1213: Look around at Marlowe

Is the 31-year-old Maro considered a first-class full-back in football?

Maro is obviously a bit reluctant if he is required to be "first-class" by the standard of the main players of the five major leagues. With his strength, he can gain a foothold in the five major leagues and live a good life, but to be honest, he doesn't have much confidence in securing the main position of the giants.

Maro was known as the "New Cafu" back then. He was characterized by his strong assist ability and fast speed, but he seemed a bit brainless when he was young.

Later, the timing of assists, the ability to pass the ball, and the ability to organize sideways became Maro's new selling points. He is indeed quite good in this regard.

In terms of shortcomings, it is a common problem of his type of full-back that he is prone to losing his position in defense. The sugar cane cannot be cut at both ends. This is mainly made up for by the formation and the protection of the midfielder. The three central defenders also made up for the problems of the two wingers to the greatest extent.

From a personal point of view, shooting is Maro's weakness. It's not that his footwork is not enough, but that he always has a bad grasp of the timing of shooting, either shooting abruptly or barely.

Speaking of which, this is still a common problem of this type of fullback. From the real Cafu, to Maicon, to Dan Erye Alves, in fact, they all have two knives in shooting.

The Chinese team went east and west, and Maro strode in from the open space on the left. After catching the ball, he adjusted and broke into the penalty area, and then shot with his foot.

Frankly speaking, the shot was rushed.

If you catch the ball a second ago without adjusting and shoot directly, it can be considered just right, because the defender and goalkeeper are too late. But whether Zhuoyang shot or not, I adjusted.

Zimo endured, but still held back.


It was slightly the same, that time no one jumped down, but Zhuoyang suddenly accelerated and rushed past the right forward Tagliafico.

It's obvious that the Argentines are stupid, but we have a way for a while, so we can only be forced to play tricks, which is quite embarrassing.

As for Pezera, who is the only one in the front line who has no ability to hit the ball, it is not the reason why I can be selected and serve as the main force, but in the current situation, whoever gets the ball dies, it is all slow and slow. What bike do you want?

When Mou Cai shot, there wasn't even a fly around me.

The key to this is because Argentina's entire midfield is full of gangsters, and there is a shortage of people who can get the ball out. After counting, there are only one and a half.

'Boom! '

Messi didn't have 10,000 horses in his heart.

Marlo was full and stuffed. Remember that? But today the local Gremio fans remember, and we also remember last year's World Cup semi-final match, the Chinese team and Brazil 4:4 penalty kicks, the first player Zhuo Yang played Alisson with a spoon.

The boos came from local Brazilian fans and were for Mou Cai.

Therefore, Argentina's comprehensive passivity before the opening is not supported by technical analysis.

Few have forgotten, including Marlowe. Some people in the Chinese team still remember that after Mou Cai, who was still called Mattioni, left Brazil for AC Milan eleven years later, he was a Gremio player and the star of hope there.

The football escaped Armani's fingertips, but did not escape the goal post and went out of the baseline before hitting.

It's the same today, Marroman is reasonable and oppresses the left. Argentina's midfield is slightly offset. The big wall has no space and timing to take the ball calmly. Paul ran like a pig and a wolf.

Definitely go one step deeper at this time and then shoot again. This is called unsure, because it can completely grasp all the anti-center of gravity angles of the goalkeeper, which is also quite perfect.

"Brother Ma, he should have passed it to you just now, this opportunity, tsk tsk" he shook his head while chattering.

When the opening DJ introduced the players of both sides, Zhuoyang heard boos, but it was not so obvious. After all, local fans in Brazil only occupied one-eighth of the stands.


One is the attacking midfielder, the 'big wall' comes from Andro Paredes, and half is the central midfielder Pezera.

Marlow looked at it in surprise, and understood what the boos were referring to.

Li Zimo was the most annoyed. When Zhuoyang caught the ball, I escaped from the depths of the penalty area and retreated quietly to the white spot.

Although the shot was retreated, Zhuoyang's long-range response was still a very small threat to Argentina.

You are the best left midfielder, and Mou Cai is like a big fart kid. I squinted and said, "Wait."

The speed plays a role in the center of gravity.

In order to avoid the palm of Franco Armani, who was flying desperately, Mou Cai shot from as far as possible.

In the 9th minute, the Chinese team copied and pasted almost exactly the same operation as the one after that. Before Argentina's left side was blocked into a pot of porridge, the football passed to Zhuoyang on the other side in time.

Zimo was very aggressive, swearing at everyone, and when Ma Luo persuaded him to get out of the crowd, he even gave Boss Mei a push.

In January of this year, Paredes transferred from Zenit to Little Paris for 40 million. He really expected me to point out the way for the masters under the striker, but how does Tuchel look down on me? The root of the crime Still fast.

In fact, the Gremio fans are not sick. The Chinese team didn't play there in the first game of the big group match. There are no boos at the moment. It can only be said that the reflex arc of the Gremio fans is too long.

From the point of view of Zhuoyang's worst solution just now was indeed to hit the ball horizontally to Zimo.

To waste such a good opportunity is basically tantamount to a crime, even Maro couldn't help but roll his eyes at Zhuoyang.

It wasn't until he went to Rome, the "Eternal City" and was transformed into a Pirlo-style midfielder by Rudy Garcia, that Paredes finally found a posture to shine.

Paredes paredes is the plural of 'wall' outside of Spanish, so I call it big wall. Now 25 years old, I was abused in Serie A in the past, and my opponents bullied me for my fast handling of the ball.

The booing at this moment is harsh between the noise of the Argentine fans who have survived the disaster and the encouragement of the Chinese fans who have not yet arrived.

Next, Marlow still led the men to beat Argentina's left side fiercely, attacking them to save them, and then surrounded them to fight for reinforcements, with the ultimate goal of attacking the east and the west.

I was born in Porto d'Alegre, but played there for seven years.

Ke Yige was somewhere between hitting the right spot and not knowing what to do, but his shot at this time seemed to be slow.

The 27-year-old Ajax midfielder was willing to give it up. He turned around and directly pinned his hips, carried Zhuoyang two meters away, and fell to the ground and stopped rolling.

Li Zimo was very righteous, he was the first to rush down to seek justice for Zhuo Yang, and the retreat caused a small-scale conflict between the two parties. The Ecuador referee Zambrano struggled to separate the booers.

Argentina escaped, and the Argentine fans in the stands exclaimed in unison. Then, a quiet booing spread under the stands of the Gremio Olympic Arena.

It is said that Viquerme is the "first classical midfielder", but in fact I am still, and Paredes is. My idol is not Viquerme, and his playing style is exactly the same.

Zambrano showed Tagliafico the first yellow card of the game, that's all.