Golden Greenery

v4 Chapter 132: 1 day after waking up

Zhuo Yang is back!

When he finally regained consciousness and finally reunited with his smile, Kou Kou did not move, still lying on the edge of the bed with his head sideways.

She felt weak all over, her strength seemed to be drained in an instant.

She wanted to greet her lover's return with a smile, but the corners of her mouth couldn't help but become trembling, her brows frowned, and tears welled up.

Zhuo Yang gently touched her fingers in the heart of his hand. He broke through the darkness, broke through the barrier between life and death, broke through the confusion of life, and returned from dreaming.

He has found himself, the love that has lasted for thousands of years.

Koko pulled his hand over his face, buried his head in his warm palm, shrugged his shoulders, and sobbed silently. Zhuo Yang didn't know how long he had been lying down, but he could feel the pain of her waiting.

Her tears melted in the palm of his right hand, Zhuo Yang stroked her hair and fragrant shoulder with his left hand, passing his comfort to her.

In the first morning of 2016, the snow stopped, and the crystal clear white world has changed over the years. What remains unchanged is the majestic Zhongnan and eternal love.


Kou Kou stopped crying when his sister Zhuo Qiuqiu came in.

Mothers who take care of children less than one year old are always very hard. Besides, Zhuo Qiu has two more. In the past nine months, her biggest physical and mental feeling is lack of sleep. Even so, Zhuo Qiuqiu wakes up early every morning, the first thing he will come to his brother's ward, come to see him.

Only Kou Kou will be earlier than her sister, because Zhuo Yang's ward is her bedroom, and she is always the first to get up.

Zhuo Qiuqiu gently opened the door and came in. Before she could say ‘Happy New Year’, she was stunned.

Kou Kou and Zhuo Yang held each other's faces and smiled like spring flowers.

Seeing her come in, Kou Kou smiled, and Zhuo Yang shouted, "Sister."

The crying became Zhuo Qiuqiu, and the eldest sister staggered her head to the bed, blindfolded and burst into tears.

On the first morning of 2016, the snow stopped. In the unpredictable world, it is mutual affection that is always cut off.


Yang Hong and Zhuo Tongtong simply bid farewell to each other at the airport. As a couple who are middle-aged and into the elderly, they are no longer inseparable after a short separation, and there is no affectionate farewell behavior. They just exhorted each other a few words.

Yang Hong has to go to the fishing port because of Zhuo Le Education’s listing, while Zhuo Tongtong has a charity fund problem and needs to travel to Switzerland.

The son's accident broke the peaceful and slow pace of life of the husband and wife. They were very busy for Zhuo Yang's career during the year. Today's separation has become the norm.

New Year's Day and New Year's Day, for them, are no different from other days, they are all rushing around.

But 2016 New Year's Day is a day worth remembering.

After adjusting her husband's tie, Yang Hong turned and was about to walk towards the security checkpoint. Her flight departed half an hour earlier than her husband's.

The phone rang.

"Mom, Zhuo Yang is awake."


Yang Hong hurried back from the airport to the Xiaoshuixie Courtyard of Zhongnan Mountain. Zhuo Qiuqiu stopped crying anymore. She was standing beside Zhuo Yang's bed with her baby in her arms, smiling with a spring breeze.

After getting out of the car from the yard, Yang Hong would not be able to walk into the house if it were not for her husband to help her.

Stepping into the door, seeing the orderly medical staff inspecting Zhuo Yang, everyone was laughing, including his son who had been silent for more than a year.

Zhuo Yang's "Mom" made Yang Hong limp at the door immediately, tears could no longer stop, she cried bitterly while hugging her husband.

Zhuo Tongtong hugged his wife tightly. He didn't cry, but clenched his teeth and tried his mouth hard, staring at his son who broke through the life and death danger.

Zhuo Yang clenched his fists and raised them, calling him, "Dad."

Zhuo Tongtong closed his eyes and nodded desperately.

On the first morning of 2016, the snow stopped.



Various inspection data showed that Zhuo Yang, who had recovered, was in good physical condition and normal physiological indicators. Just looking at the data and indicators, he is completely a normal healthy person, who can get out of bed immediately and do whatever he wants.

The fatal injuries suffered on the banks of the Thames 14 months ago, multiple fractures and penetrating knife wounds, as well as injuries to internal organs, are now perfectly healed, and there are no scars on the skin. His skin is as smooth as a baby.

If it is not for the belief that he has experienced cruel harm, just looking at the current physical phenomenon, no one would believe that a tragedy has happened.

There was no activity for 14 months, but his muscles did not atrophy at all, just a little bit of normal relaxation, thanks to Kou Kou’s daily uninterrupted massage.

His long hair was shaved for treatment at the beginning, and he has kept short hair ever since, and his singer-style beard has also been shaved cleanly by Kou Kou, so that he can wash his face every day.

Zhuo Yang now has delicate skin and refreshing features, looking like a teenager.

But after all, he was lying motionless on the hospital bed like a stick for 14 months. Zhuo Yang is currently a little weak, mainly because of his strangeness to the body. People still have hard arms and legs all night, let alone sleep for 14 months.

So now he still has to stay in bed for the time being. There is no doubt about his ability to return to normal, but he has to make progress gradually.

Zhuo Yang already knows what time it is now, knows where he is, and knows that he has been lying down for 421 days, from 2014 to 2016, crossing 2015 directly.

More than a year, 421 days, how many 421 days can there be in life, but for Zhuo Yang, who has just woke up after 648 years of being lost in a dream, 421 days is already very lucky.

He is still alive and he has not let down the waiting of his lover and relatives. This is the most important thing.

Looking for lost in 648, persisting in 648, Zhuo Yang finally succeeded, he found himself. Therefore, Zhuo Yang knew that he was not great, nor worthy of praise, nor was he a hero.

On the contrary, his willfulness and loss, sorry to all those who love him and care about him.

If it were 421 days ago, he would not have realized this, because at that time he was the number one star in football, the youngest piano master, the proud son of the spring breeze, and an idol surrounded by halo and praise.

After 421 days, he understood, because he was Zhuo Yang, he found himself.

The long world in the dream was quickly blurring, but he always remembered who he was, where he came from, and what he wanted to do.


Kou Kou, mom and dad sisters, UU reading even a pair of nephews who don’t know what happened but Gu and Hengwei are smiling like spring with the adults.

Xiaotong, Ye Zi, and all the medical staff and staff were immersed in the laughter of pain and joy, and the waterside courtyard was filled with happiness and joy.

Zhuo Yang lay on the bed and smiled at everyone, always looking silly with joy.

Everyone in the courtyard is rejoicing that Zhuo Yang wakes up, and everyone is thinking about who should tell the good news first.

But everyone has forgotten a vital person, a person who played a decisive role in Zhuo Yang's awakening and returning in this world.

It gets dark early in the mountains in winter, but the crystal clear snow sets off the small courtyard in the evening and is still very bright.

The Taoist Liuxianguan stumbled and ran into the small courtyard. He cried and told Zhuo Yang.

"My master... Master he... has become an immortal."

Yeah, return to Yuan!