Golden Greenery

v4 Chapter 138: Leek is a good thing

Shen Quegu and Shen Hengwei were tired from crawling on the lap of their uncle Zhuo Yang, and they were carried back to the crib by their mother, and continued their most important thing at this age-sleeping.

When Zhuo Yang got down, he nestled on the sofa in the large living room, watching Kou Kou and leaves making dumplings.

The spoon in the right hand puts the stuffing into the dumpling skin in the left hand. Kou Kou uses the remaining four fingers to hold the soup spoon, and then takes the free thumb of the right hand to match the left hand, gently squeeze the two thumbs in the middle, one The swollen dumplings are ready.

The shape of dumplings in Shaanxi, especially in Xi'an, is different from other parts of northern China. The dumplings in Xi'an are relatively round, slightly smaller, and very compact.

Such dumplings can be eaten on a plate dipped in vinegar according to the tradition, or they can be poured into a bowl and poured with sour soup, called sour soup dumplings, which are local specialties of Xi’an.

So when you eat dumplings in Xi'an, the boss will ask you: dry?

People who don’t understand will wonder: Is it still wet?

"Dry" or "Soup", this is the right answer.

Zhuo Yang doesn't feel the slightest surprise when Kou Kou eats dumplings. She started to eat dumplings when she was in Milan, but they were all European dumplings. The bread was strange and it shouldn't be called "stuffing", but balls.

But Kou Kou makes dumplings, and the movements are so skillful, it is really interesting.

After 14 months of lying in bed and then waking up, Zhuo Yang felt that the world had changed a lot.

Before lying down in 2014, there were already online shopping and mobile payment, but they were only supplementary tidbits of life, not mainstream at all. But when he wakes up from a dream, he looks at a dazzling array of shopping websites on his mobile phone, as well as random scan code payments and various red envelopes, which really feels amazing.

But these are not as good as Kou Kou's fairly standard Chinese, which surprised him, and today she is performing dumpling making again.

And it's still dumplings stuffed with chives and beef.

Someone once studied, what dish best represents China? Many people promote scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

There are no distinctions between the north and the south. There are no distinctions between old and young. Tomato scrambled eggs are the most common and popular dish that is made by everyone and eaten by everyone.

But this argument is debatable, and the problem lies with tomatoes. The sweetness and high water content of tomatoes are not suitable for Chinese dishes. Scrambled eggs with tomatoes are more based on the fragrance of eggs.

Eggs can be paired with many vegetables, and tomatoes can almost only be scrambled with eggs, otherwise they can only be used as supplements. Compared with other commonly used vegetables in Chinese food, tomatoes have more attributes like fruits.

Moreover, tomatoes are native to South America, not native to China. They are called "tomatoes" because they come from Panbang.

Some people think that Chinese cabbage best represents China. Indeed, Chinese cabbage was called "song" in ancient times and has a history of 3,000 years of cultivation and consumption in China. Moreover, Chinese cabbage has a wide range of recipes, and its methods are ever-changing. It is still one of the main vegetables in East Asia, China, Japan and South Korea.

Especially in winter, Chinese cabbage used to be almost the savior on the table in northern China. The memories of winter for many generations carry the fragrance of Chinese cabbage.

However, Chinese cabbage is a bit plain in taste, and it is not only eaten by Chinese people.

In fact, leek has the most Chinese label. It is a characteristic vegetable of China's origin and has a history even longer than that of Chinese cabbage.

Except for the Chinese, no one else eats leeks. Europeans cannot accept the taste of leeks, and at most they only use it as a potted decoration.

There is even no corresponding word for ‘leek’ in English. Only the British call it ‘Chinese chives’, which translates to ‘Chinese onions’ literally.

So there is no more Chinese food than leek dumplings.

Now the blond and blue-eyed Kou Kou is very skillfully making leek dumplings. This scene should have been against the harmony, but at this time, in the eyes of Zhuo Yang, it was incredibly integrated.

It's like her "Brother Zhuo Yang" with full Chinese characters.

When her sister Zhuo Qiuqiu got married at the beginning of 2014, she was wearing a Dahan court wedding gown. Kou Kou looked envious. At that time, she told Zhuo Yang that she should dress like her sister when getting married.

At that time, Zhuo Yang was still slandering the foreign girls in Hanfu. I'm afraid it's uncoordinated, but now looking at Kou Kou who makes leek dumplings, he will never do so again.

Li Xiaoqing and Sun Yumei, they are really onlookers, they have long seen that Kou Kou is the only girl who can live and die with Zhuo Yang. Zhuo Yang also knew that he had known it in his previous life, but the occasional life loss in this life made him temporarily forget this.

Zhuo Yang, who was reborn and awakened, would no longer let Kou Kou use his life to swear to the death. Packing a pack of leek dumplings is the most beautiful life.


He shifted his gaze away from Kou Kou's slender hands, looked at her profile, and looked intently.

Ye Wuji used his body as a tripod to refine the essence of the universe, heaven and earth, not only to repair Zhuo Yang's broken body, but he was not the only one who benefited. Kou Kou, who was haggard and withered a year ago, not only regained her stunning appearance, but her skin was even more icy.

When she met Zhuo Yang in Florence eight years ago and fell in love, Kou Kou was 19 years old. Eight years later, at the bottom of Zhongnan Mountain, Kou Kou looked only sixteen years old, just like a saint on the mountain.

Kou Kou had a spoon in his left hand and a leather in his right hand, flying around constantly, making faces at him from time to time, or throwing a wink of spring breeze. Zhuo Yang, who leaned on the sofa and smiled, his heart melted.

With such deep affection, the leaf sitting opposite Kou Kou was a little embarrassed, slightly showing the light bulb. But she was reluctant to avoid it, because such a feeling of happiness was very contagious, and she was enviously happy for her old classmates.

"Ye Zi, I'm really lucky." Zhuo Yang said, "I can have an old classmate like you."

Zhuo Yang knew that her sister had to look after her two nephews and was very busy. Kou Kou's Chinese and making dumplings were mainly learned from Ye Zi.

Ye Zi smiled and replied: "Then you wait to eat more dumplings, UU reading and eat all the Kou Kou Bao."

"Leek is a good thing, it will always leave a deep impression on people." Zhuo Yang recalled: "I still remember when we went to Louguantai spring outing in the first year of high school. In the morning, before getting on the bus from school, I devoured it. Two leek boxes."

"After getting in the car, no one wants to sit with me. Old Musser gave me a half can of beer. After drinking it, I burped two full burps. As a result, the car was full of leeks, and the driver in front of it was smoked. Shout out."

‘Puff~’ Kou Kou and Ye Zi laughed, Ye Zi said hurriedly, "I remember, I remember..."

"Leek is a good thing. It seems that Li Bai even wrote a poem to praise it, but unfortunately I didn't remember it. But Du Fu's "Two Orioles crowing in the green willows, and a row of egrets ascend to the blue sky" was when he was eating scrambled eggs with leeks and watching It came out of the bowl."

Kou Kou and Ye Zi laughed so much that they could hardly hold the spoon.

"Leek is a good thing. After eating leek dumplings..." Zhuo Yang said sincerely: "...Even if there is a trace of green leek leaves between the teeth, Kou Kou, it is also extremely beautiful."