Golden Greenery

v4 Chapter 46: Dead and alive

The immortal Changchun Valley has its own world, although it is mysterious and hidden from the world, it is not completely isolated from the world. Some news from the outside world always spreads into the valley, but the time lag varies in length.

In the eighth year of coming to Guzhong, Yang Yi and Zhou Yingluo's simple and leisurely pace of life was interrupted. The news came-Li Yu, the lord of the former Southern Tang Dynasty, passed away in Bianliang.

Li Yu died, and it wasn't just that. He died six years ago on the Qixi Festival, less than two years after the sheep killed Zhao Kuangyin and took Zhou Yingluo away.

Because he had been on the list four years before the Southern Tang Dynasty was broken, and he took the title of emperor, so he did not have a posthumous posthumous title after his death, people just called him ‘the postmaster of the Southern Tang Dynasty’.

It is said that Li Yu called Zhou Yingluo's name before he died.

It is said that he wrote a lyrics for Xiao Zhouhou before his death to send lovesickness:

Lin Hua thanked Chunhong and was too hurried.

Helpless morning, cold rain and late wind.

Rouge tears, keep people drunk, when will they be heavy.

People grow and hate water.

Another song:

Going to the West Building alone without a word, the moon is like a hook.

The lonely phoenix tree in the deep courtyard locks in the autumn.

It's sorrow to keep cutting, and the reason is chaotic.

Don't be the general taste.


Hearing this news, Zhou Yingluo changed completely. She did not cry, but the whole person stayed there like a wood for two days without speaking, even eating or drinking.

Then she wrote the two words one by one, just staring at them.

Yang Yi has been forcibly nurtured by Zhou Yingluo's artistic attainments for eight years. Although he can't make a poem of this level, he can still understand the sad thoughts and statements in it.

Therefore, Sheep One is very speechless.

My wife is missing her husband! To be replaced by another man from the Song Dynasty, Zhou Yingluo had been hung from the beam of the house and beaten at this time, but Yang Yi was not from the Song Dynasty. Compared with Song Yinrou, he was more like an open-minded man from the Tang Dynasty.

He is not a man who is good at unlocking women's hearts, and there is no way to solve such things, so Yang Yi can only try not to disturb her.

The apprentice Li Xiaoyao is a very smart young man, and he will not get mixed up with the love and hatred of his wife, so like his master, he hides far away.

Zhou Yingluo depressed alone for four days in extreme sadness.

If Li Yu was still alive and Zhou Yingluo abandoned the sheep and returned to Li Yu, she would not be able to do it. Even if I go back, I am afraid that I miss Yang Yi more than I am thinking of Li Yu now.

During the couple, Li Yu and Zhou Yingluo were together for eight years, and they were deeply emotional during the eight years. Li Yu is indeed a weak man, he is not a good emperor, nor a very qualified husband, but there is always good and bad between husband and wife.

Zhou Yingluo has a strong and sincere temperament, and is very kind. Distance and time and space produce longing. Kind people are always used to adding that person's goodness to their longing and memories, and gradually forget his unbearableness.

What's more, the deceased is the big one, and Li Yu's cowardice and concealment disappeared with his death. The only thing left is the lone pet in the prosperous time, and the cowardice in the humble time.

Neither Yang Yi nor Li Xiaoyao would understand these, but Zhou Yingluo was alone in sorrow.

Four days later, she walked up the cliff in the valley. Originally, she only wanted to hear the waterfall in the distance and the birds singing nearby. However, she heard the duet of the local Miao men and women.

The Miao people do not know how to write lyrics, but they are better at singing than the literary Song people. Moreover, there is no grace in the singing of the Miao people, and the speaking and expression are always so direct.

Man: girl, don’t go

Sing a song to keep you

There is my true love for you in the song

There is your tenderness in the song

Woman: Brother, brother, I won’t leave

Sister accompany you to the end

Stay with you until the stars don't blink

Stay with you till the moon hides in the ravine


The singing of Miao couples echoed in the valley, and Zhou Yingluo cried bitterly in the singing. This was the first time she cried after leaving Bianliang, not knowing whether it was for Li Yu or herself.

Yang Yi and Li Xiaoyao were practicing martial arts under the waterfall. Zhou Yingluo returned to the stilted bamboo building where she and the sheep had been together for eight years. After tidying up the place, she drank the juice of the grass and left it for the sheep. Next letter.

In the evening, Yang Yi and Li Xiaoyao came back with fish and red shanguo. She was dead, as peaceful as asleep.

The letter said that she was originally a **** person, but she deserved to die eight years ago, because Sheep One made her live for another eight years.

Langjun, you are a good person, you are my hero, a hero who descends from the sky. Langjun, Yingluo repays your kindness in the next life.

The letter said that it was the **** day after Xiao Zhou, but Yang Yi asked Yang Yi to bury her in the Everlasting Valley, in the name of Zhou Yingluo.

Yang Yi buried her on the hillside next to the bamboo building, with the grave head facing Bianliang.

She was already the third woman in this world to say that she would repay him in the next life, but Yang Yi didn't want to listen, he didn't know where his next life was. No matter Luo Ji, Wu Huiqing, or Zhou Yingluo, they are not the home of Yang Yi, they are more like the passers-by in the long years of this world.

He took out a panpipe that had just been made of bamboo, and wanted to play a song for Yingluo, but he couldn't. He didn't learn the rhythm and performance until she died.

He secretly made the panpipes and asked the Miao people. I originally wanted to give it to Yingluo to make her happy, but now I don't need it, and it's useless.

The day Zhou Yingluo died was August 15th. The moon is very round and bright, and there is no rain in the valley.

Li Xiaoyao cried like a child in front of Zhou Yingluo's grave. He had no parents since he was a child, and he lost his beloved wife when he was a teenager. After worshiping Yangyi and Zhou Yingluo for seven years, he has long been accomplished in civil and martial arts, but what fascinates him more is that the respected Master and Shi Niang really love him like their parents.

Li Xiaoyao used the pan flute made by the master to play the music taught by his mother in front of the grave, crying while playing.


Once the sheep left the Immortal Changchun Valley, there was nothing left for him to miss. The road to search is long, he wants to go home, want to return to his sustenance and the place where his soul rests.

He wants to find who he is, and the person who has been waiting for him.

During the conversation with the monks of Tianlong Temple in Dali two years ago, he learned a legend. It is said that on the ocean side of the extreme west, there is also a vast continent, where fishermen have been.

The 369-year-old Yangyi has traveled to every known corner of the world, but has found nothing. He wants to see the continent that may exist, and see if he comes from there.

Li Xiaoyao followed the master out of the valley of immortality. After all, he wanted to create a legendary swordsman. His talent should not be buried in this isolated valley.

Dali is not far from Mount Shu. Half a month after leaving Bulaogu, Li Xiaoyao paid respects to Master at the foot of Shu Mountain.

There is a legend of the fairy sword in the mountain of Shu. Li Xiaoyao told Master that he wanted to go up the mountain to understand the Tao and the sword.

In martial arts, especially with swords, Li Xiaoyao surpassed Master Yangyi a few years ago, and his artistic accomplishments such as piano, chess, calligraphy, and calligraphy are no longer under Zhou Yingluo. He once said to Master Shizun whether he could integrate kendo, calligraphy and calligraphy, and even chess.

Neither Yang Yi nor Zhou Yingluo have such abilities, so they are really happy and content with the apprentice Li Xiaoyao.

Li Xiaoyao actually wanted to accompany Master to the west, and wanted to be with the sheep like his father forever, but he didn't dare.

Li Xiaoyao thought he was an ominous person. His parents died soon after UU was born. Later, his beloved wife, Zhao Linger, suffered a catastrophe again, and Lin Yueru, a confidant who was a knight and confidant, also died in his hometown.

He sadly discovered that his loved ones are always unhappy. So that year, the Baimiao girl Anu showed love, but he hid in the Valley of Immortality.

After seven years of apprenticeship in Guzhong, Li Xiaoyao was afraid that his unidentified body would harm the teacher. He originally wanted to leave, but he couldn't help but indulge in the care of his parents at home, and he couldn't bear it.

However, the teacher, who was in love with each other, failed to escape her own hindrance after all, and the teacher died. Li Xiaoyao regretted that he didn't dare to follow Master again.

All of this is Li Xiaoyao's self-cognition, very paranoid. Yang Yi didn't know, he only knew that Li Xiaoyao was smart and very mellow.

Li Xiaoyao tearfully worshipped his teacher, this is the last time this great sword fairy shed tears.

Yang Yi once again walked the long westward road alone, on the way to find the way and go home.