Golden Greenery

v4 Chapter 474: My dad drank to death

The fourth and seventh chapters of the text, my dad drank to death

"Yesterday Daguo, you are so capable. The guests who came to the restaurant to eat hot pot today are all setting you up for yesterday's game. Heck..." Ran Ran laughed very well. "Guests must have never thought that you would also hide here to eat hot pot, giggle..."

"Let everyone know, I won't be able to eat it."

"Relax, Brother Zhuo, I must keep it secret. Brother Zhuo, you have the ability and are a good person, and Boss Yang is also a good person."

"Ran Ran, Lao Mu... is also a good person. Give him another chance, okay?"

"... Brother Zhuo, don't talk about this, I... I will help you burn your brain."

In the clubhouse in the capital, Ranran saw Lao Mu's most erosive side, saw him and all kinds of women showing ugliness, and saw him beat others **** and left half his life dragged out like a dead dog.

Seeing him thunderous, seeing him lustful and extravagant, seeing him spending money like dirt, and also seeing him nodding and bowing, greeted big people.

In the clubhouse, Ran Ran saw Lao Mu's truest side, his decadence, his violence, and his weakness.

Ran Ran is just clean, not stupid and sweet. She knows that this world is sinister and that it is not easy for business people.

She understood his difficulties, and did not even feel dissatisfied with him and so many women messing around, but she couldn't understand that Lao Mu often got himself drunk.

The extreme rebellion of Lao Mu in his youth, and the regrets of his father's death when he was young, have created a very contradictory life for him now. There is a glorious and firm pursuit in career, but in life, self-abuse, self-abuse, and even self-mutilation struggle.

Human psychology is very complicated, it is difficult to determine Lao Mu's current life state, subconsciously punishing his father who violently educates him, or punishing himself for not understanding his father's guilt.

Zhuo Yangfa's young people all saw that there was something wrong with Lao Mu, but there was nothing they could do. They all had things they should be busy with, even if they were not busy, they couldn't control Lao Mu. He was a scumbag in his bones, and there was no one who could control him at all.

But Ranran wanted to control him, she couldn't see him behave like this.

Lao Mu was so drunk that he vomited all over the floor and even vomited blood in his stomach, so she helped him sober up, wash his face and wash his clothes. After waking up, he begged him not to drink anymore.

Ran Ran even got angry at Lao Mu, even crying and cursing him, but she still took care of him every time she got drunk.

Everyone thought Ran Ran was a young girl from a good family who was raised by Lao Mu, but they were as clean as a piece of white paper. Lao Mu knew about such rumors, but he did not clarify. Although the club’s salary is high, it is definitely not a good place, and there is no good place in this filthy world. Such rumors can make others afraid to fight against the bad idea.

Being beautiful is a kind of talent, and it is also a welfare in life. This is a world that looks at the face. But in many cases, being beautiful also brings many dangers.

Even after the hot pot restaurant owner Li returned to his hometown, he said that Ran Ran was taken over by the big boss in Beijing, but she really managed him like an innocent father, and he also enjoyed her daughter like a drunk father. Like a reprimand.

But he just didn't change, he still wandered the corpse again and again, drinking like death again and again.

Ran Ran looked down on the women who were collaborating with Lao Mu because of various interests, and looked down on them more than they looked down on her. But she couldn't open her mouth to deal with this kind of thing, because she was a girl with a yellow flower, and she was ashamed to speak out.

All emotions were suppressed, and finally broke out when Lao Mu tried to get himself drunk again.

It was a high-standard hospitality. Lao Mu was the host. The table was either rich or noble and beautiful, as well as the big people who needed to rely on the development of his company, and it was also a person that Lao Mu couldn't afford to provoke.

Lao Mu had emptied three of the three-two-eight-dollar wine dispenser. Those few glamorous or innocent beauties continued to toast to Lao Mu under the signal of others, and he was always willing to come.

Lao Mu is also a big man on the field. Even though everyone here is an extraordinary person, he does not dare to be big in front of him. He drinks because of the excitement, because he knows him well, not because he is filling him, but he is taking the opportunity to fill himself. .

At that time, because of an emerald ring and Lao Mu, Xiao Jinshan, who became a close friend of Xiao Jinshan, was also the mayor of Wupanshan Xiao who supported Zhuo Yang to combine the football spring bud with the Hope Project. Later, he moved into the province to be in charge of agriculture and sports. His deputies have been promoted again this year because of his outstanding political achievements, and he has entered the Communist regiment to preside over the work. If a person in the capital mixes scene, if he doesn't know what the position in this department means, then he is not as good as a dog.

But Ranran didn't understand this, she was not a celebrity who was in a scene, but just a waiter in a club restaurant. But she couldn't bear it anymore, and ignoring the rules of the clubhouse, she pushed the door and broke in.

"Brother Mu, you are not allowed to drink anymore. I vomited blood the day before yesterday. Drinking it again will kill you." Ran Ran is a little pepper with a knife in his mouth.

"Haha, no... it's okay, don't worry, go ahead."

Those few glamorous or innocent ladies smiled and said: "Oh, little sister, I feel sorry for your brother Mu. Don't worry, your brother Mu is amazing."

There was only an appreciable laughter in the elegant private room.

Perhaps the celebrity's words had no other purpose, but the tone was a little slow, but Ran Ran couldn't understand them at first, and she couldn't understand them more than they couldn't understand her. The words sounded harsh, and Chili's anger rose.

"Brother Mu, I drank you to death. See how many people can cry for you?"

This was very hurtful, hurting the people present, the scene suddenly cooled down, embarrassment was permeating, and dissatisfaction was on everyone's face.

Lao Mu said quickly: "Ran Ran, don't talk nonsense. All of you are friends of your elder brother, no outsiders. Ah, don't worry. Be obedient, go ahead."

Not wanting to be cold or offended by friends and leaders, Lao Mu raised his cup: "The little girl from the countryside can't speak. I'll make a toast for her to make up for everyone."

‘Zi’er’, a cup of puree was consumed again. UU reading www.uukanshu.cOM

Persuading him instead became persuading him to drink. Ranran out of control, and suddenly shouted at Lao Mu in hysterics, "You still drink, my dad just drank to death--"

Ran Ran's dad is a good father, he is addicted to alcohol, never beat his wife or scold the children after drinking, but hugged them in his arms and kissed them one by one. But in the year Ranran graduated from elementary school, he still drank himself to death due to alcoholism. Since then, he has lost his father's love and his family's backing.

That's why she was so worried about Lao Mu who was also addicted to alcohol.

Ran Ran turned her nostalgia for her father into caring for Lao Mu, and her longing for his father's love into her control over Lao Mu. There are so many men who are addicted to alcohol in the world, but Ran Ran just wants to take care of Lao Mu.

Emotions are complex emotions. Love has actually sprouted in her heart, but she hasn't noticed it yet.

There is no empathy in this world, and the screaming roar makes the distinguished guests feel unhappy again. The big man in the chief said dissatisfied: "Little girl, don't compare your father to Mr. Mu, you can't compare it."

"Wang Ting, I'm sorry, the little girl is ignorant, I'll take her out and come back to pay you three cups in a row."

Before Lao Mu's hand was pulled up on Ran Ran's sleeve, she burst into tears.

Sister Chuan is hot, and the rural girl is also strong, so she slowly lifted the Afghan table blanket on the stage.

"I let you drink."


The leftovers of the soup, the plates, spoons, and cups rushed to everyone present, and the pot was directly fried in the private room.

'Snapped! ’

A slap in the face severely hit Ran Ran.

"Presumptuous! I usually get used to you!! Get out of—"

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