Golden Greenery

v4 Chapter 476: The love saint becomes a dog licking eve

The fourth and seventh chapters of the text, the love sage becomes a dog licking every second

Zhuo Yang doesn't know how to pick up girls, never, even if there are, it's just girls picking up him.

But he knows how to love and how to impress someone with frankness. So he first told Ran Ran the story of Lao Mu and Uncle Mu, and exposed a small scar on his back.

In fact, this is the second time that Zhuo Yang and Ranran have met. After the national team came to Chengdu, they had not yet played against Uzbekistan, so he invited the whole team to have a meal in Watan, and he and Ranran had a small stove.

At that time, Zhuo Yang told Ran Ran frankly that she had arranged it herself here. The boss of Wa Tanzi Yang is my uncle, and I am Lao Mu's young man. I believe Lao Mu also told you.

The frank confession really works for the straight-tempered Chuan girl, and Zhuo Yang's incomparable star halo itself has considerable credibility and persuasiveness, and Ran Ran happily shouted "Yesterday's Big Pot".

After the 5-0 victory over Uzbekistan, the last game became a cutscene because of the early qualifying, and the opponent Qatar is now at the bottom of the group. It has nothing to do with him. Both teams are undesirable. As a result, the national team did not rush to Doha, but spent three days in Chengdu, and arrived at the away game one day in advance.

In that way, jet lag is more convenient, because you can simply not fall. It's nothing more than a night game in the afternoon local time and 23:00 Beijing time. It's not a problem.

Zhuo Yang had time to relax, so he continued to worry about Lao Mu's animal.


Ran Ran listened to the story of Lao Mu and his father told by Zhuo Yang. To be honest, the life of Mu's family is very far away from her, completely different from the monotonous life in the countryside, and she is still young and can't taste the rebellion and regret in the story. Complex convergence between the two.

But the same paternal love in the story is missing for her to understand, because she herself has such regrets and has the same knot of heart as Lao Mu.

Zhuo Yang asked Lao Mu to give Ran Ran a cooling-off period, which indeed had a positive effect. During this time, Ran Ran had a good grasp of his feelings for Lao Mu.

The old Mu is much older than Ranran. She found the warmth of being cared for by her elders, and the feeling of being favored that had been missing for a long time. It's just that she is still a little girl and has never experienced love. Her inner actions can only be chili-like, because she is a hot girl in the first place.

I understand my feelings for Lao Mu, and it's not just the replaced father's love. But that slap really annoyed Ran Ran, and she didn't want to forgive Lao Mu. The little girl was stubborn, so she didn't want to admit her feelings for Lao Mu.

"Brother Zhuo, the matter is over, forget it. I caused trouble for Lao Mu, and he also beat me and evened it. He is him, I am me, it doesn't matter from now on."

Zhuo Yang didn't answer the conversation, but started to shake two slices of yellow throat and a few strands of duck intestines, and put them in Ran Ran's bowl.

"He is the boss of the rich people's conglomerate. I am a poor girl in the countryside and I am not worthy of him. He still has so many women. I am uneducated and can't speak foreign languages. I can't even speak Mandarin..."

Ran Ran's voice was a little choked, she quickly ate a couple of chopsticks to cover it, and ate yellow throat and duck intestines.

"Ran Ran, there is only one sister in my family, and I have wanted to have a sister since I was a kid. If there is a sister like you, what a blessing."

"Everyone commits muddy, you know, I've committed muddy too, worse than Lao Mu, but my wife, your sister-in-law, she forgave me."

"Ran, forgiveness is part of love."

"Yesterday's cauldron, you also hit sister-in-law Kou Kou?"

"It's worse than hitting her. I stabbed her in the heart with a knife."


Zhuo Yang and Kou Kou are the most famous couple in the world today. Almost everyone knows their love, but few people know the twists and turns.

There is a Snow White in every girl's heart. Ran Ran, like all the girls who are in love, is very envious of Zhuo Yang and Kou Kou's love. In her cognition, Zhuo Yang and Kou Kou fell in love at first sight at first sight, and then they have been in love until now, and they will love to grow old, every minute and every second during the period is sweet, or even sweeter.

Zhuo Yang told Ran Ran about the stories that happened before and after the 2014 ‘retire turmoil’. This was also the experience he regretted most. Fortunately, he did not make a big mistake in the end and gave him the opportunity to make up for it with the rest of his life and the third life.

There is always a lot of rain in Chengdu in summer, and it will arrive almost at the same time every day.

The heavy rain in the afternoon did not drive away the sultry heat in the air, but it finally brought a hint of coolness. Zhuo Yang pushed open the closed window in the private room, letting in the water vapor that was scattered by the sycamore leaves outside the window.

On the wall of the private room, there is a bamboo woven hat as an ornament, which matches well with rainy days.

Zhuo Yang and his mother went back to Chengdu for the first time when they were young. It happened to be this afternoon when they left for a week, and it was also such a sudden rain. Zhuo Yang still remembered that the uncle who sent them off bought three hats on the street that day, which were hung on the wall of the private room. One big and two young, the big one was given to mother, and the small one was given to sister and Zhuo Yang.

The green leather train back to Xi'an was very crowded, and the dripping hats were squeezed. That year, Zhuo Yang was five years old.

Nowadays, the rain in the summer afternoon in Chengdu is still the same, but it is hard to find a merchant who carries poles and sells hats. Instead, colorful umbrellas are in full bloom on the street, like hibiscus flowers in the rain.

The only thing that cannot be replaced in this world is the one who is in love.

Zhuo Yang went to open the window to avoid Ran Ran secretly wiped his eyes. The story of him and Kou Kou moved Ran Ran.

"Brother Zhuo, I didn't expect it to be so easy for you and sister-in-law. Sister-in-law Kou Kou... so great."

"There is a city in Italy called Florence, where there is an Emelia Flower Alley, and the whole alley is full of flowers. Kou Kou likes it very much." Zhuo Yang said, "Ran, autumn is the best season for Flower Alley. Let Lao Mu take you to see. Ran Ran, give him another chance. Okay?"

This time, Ran Ran did not refuse. After a long silence, he asked Zhuo Yang: "Brother Zhuo, is the world very big? Is Europe far, far away?"

"Not big, not far."

Ran Ran smiled: "Brother Zhuo, I listen to you."



"You are not allowed to associate with other women, and you are not allowed to have any of them."

"I will only have you from now on."

"Drinking, I said you can only drink as much as you drink."

"I won't drink one more drop."

"If you dare to hit me, I will cut your hand with a knife."

"I cut it myself."

"I want to open a hot pot restaurant."

"Open, must open."

"I want to open a hot pot restaurant to make money, and I want to send my younger siblings to college."

"Go, you must go to the best university. My brother and sister want to go to the best university. My mom wants to go to the best university, too."


"Nonsense, I hate...,...hmm...only hug...hmm...married...married...hmm...only allowed to touch me..."

"Knot, it must be knotted."

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