Golden Greenery

v4 ~: Chapter 68: Everyone made a mistake

Why are the two Manchester City midfielders Zhuo Yang and Fei Niao important?


   Zhuo Yang and Fei Niao are the oldest two in Manchester City’s starting lineup. Both are over 32 years old, but they are also the team with the fewest rotations except for goalkeeper Anderson.


   Because Zhuo Yang and Fei Niao are the only two players in the team who can achieve a balance between offense and defense in terms of ability.


  The rest of the people, although they have their own unique skills, are all strong offensive and defensive, and the partiality is very serious. All-attack and all-defense football requires not only all-attack but also all-defense.


   So even though it seems to outsiders that Manchester City’s frontcourt staffing is almost perfect, Lao Gua still brushes the scout roster over and over again, never giving up the idea of ​​introducing new attackers.


   Therefore, "Fedingxi" has a great reputation, but it is always inferior to "Habaibu". Fei Bird can be roughly equal to Busquets, Tintin's passing is getting more and more devilish, but he is not as comprehensive as Harvey.


   Silva is a first-rate free agent in the frontcourt, but as long as Iniesta is not dead, Silva can only be ranked behind him.


   The powerful attack power can sometimes cover up many problems, especially Zhuo Yang often staged a good show to turn the tide. But the balance of the frontcourt in Manchester City is indeed not as good as the big rivals in Europe, Real Madrid, Bayern, Juventus, and Manchester United and Liverpool beside them.


   Invincible when the wind is downwind, but in the face of a very aggressive pack of wolves tactics, Manchester City will inevitably show their timidity. This is also the most important reason why Guardiola adopts a double midfielder today.


   Old melon expects Tintin to become Harvey or Pirlo, but one person, one hook, Rooney can't become Pirlo, and Tintin can't become Harvey.


   De Blaudin is a Kaka type player, his passing ability is worse than Master Kaka, and his scoring ability is not as good. Let Kaka kick the midfielder? Mourini is not like this.


On the other hand, Liverpool, let alone the outstanding representative of defensive center, Firmino, Salah and Mane can also effectively return to their penalty area, Chamberlain did a good job with a halberd, he did not hesitate to think of himself as a **** cudgel. , Joined hands with Detu and Anderson to turn the midfield battle into a meat grinder.


   Guardiola can certainly think of this, and his response is Gundogan first.


  Jing was originally a good seedling of Harvey, but as he grew older and suffered several serious injuries, his skills became more advanced and he developed a good all-rounder into a j-ro type.


   I bought him the year before, and Lao Gua was preparing for Fei Niao's fuss, but now he is grabbing food from the bowls of He Tintin and Silva.


   If you compare today’s arrangements with Barcelona that year, Zhuo Yang is Zhuo Yang, Fei Niao is Xiao Bu, I hope Tintin is Harvey, Silva is Calabash, and Gundogan is Iniesta.


   Sane is Messi, and the wing is also Guardiola's second-hand response today.


   Ke Tintin is not Harvey, and Sane is even less likely to be Messi. This is simply not the same thing. Boss May went crazy, and no one on the court could control it. Ruthless people like Pepe and Shui Ye often woke up in the middle of the night.


   Sane couldn't get mad at all, and an Arnold stopped him.


   The British emperor stars have this problem. When they are good, they can get the Golden Globes one step away. When they are bad, they will kick themselves into jokes. Sterling, Master La, Emperor Lin, Chamberlain, Stones, Ali, and even the prince Wei, Tiger Tiger, Rooney, Lennon, and even Owen, all of them are this virtue.


   Now Arnold is also full of stars, but it happens that today is his good time.


   After being frustrated at Arnold a few times in the opening game, Sane couldn't help but close his kick. While retreating his position, he took the ball and cut inward more and then made insignificant adjustments to make a cross pass.


   So in the 12th minute of the first half, a series of mistakes made by Manchester City started from Sane.

   Sane took the ball and cut in. After being blocked by Detu, he knocked Fei Niao back. The transition was naturally Ding Ding.


   Ding Ding raised his head, and in front of him was the lingering Chamberlain. It was very difficult to move forward slowly, so Ding Ding also wanted to pass with a kick like Harvey did.


   Zhuo Yang, who was running horizontally, competed with Van Dyke on his back, and he had never done it. The tall and strong bison, Zhuo Yang is a gentleman.


   Fan Dai Niu is valuable even in the face of Zhuo Yang, he did not blindly go ahead, but consciously pushed the ball to Liverpool's right, which was where De Tu blocked Sane just now.


  De Tu was still there, but Sane retreated first, and withdrew faster than the rabbit, so Master Tu turned around very leisurely after taking the ball, and then observed.


   The military city meeting filled with gunpowder smoke, it is really difficult to be so undisturbed.


  Tu Ye has a unique skill, he is the old cellar, the older he gets, the older he gets, the older he gets.


   made a long pass to the ground, past Sane, who was on the center line, and reached Salah behind him.


   If Sane doesn't retreat so fast, let alone steal when the butcher takes the ball, even if it can interfere, it won't make Liverpool's counterattack come so fast.


  If Sane does not retreat, he will not overlap with Laporte, who has not had time to retreat. Behind them is a wilderness enough for Salah to sprint.


When Salah received the ball, Gundogan was one step away from him. If Mrs. Jing can decisively foul at this time, there will be nothing for Salah, but he is just as crazy and chooses to be as fast as others.


  I don’t know what kind of old cold legs you are?


   The result is that even though Mrs. Jing is struggling on the ground, compared to Salah who is quickly moving away, he is running high on the ground.


   It was the right back Walker who rushed over from the diagonal stab, which shows how messy Manchester City's formation is at this time.


   Salah buckled the instep, and he made a cross cut with Firmino, and walked away Walker.


   Firmino dribbled in from the corner of the penalty area, UU Read Otamendi pounced too hard-not too fast, not too fast, not too fast to reach, he swayed easily, and then pushed his left foot.


   Edson tried his best, he blocked Firmino's failed shot.


   Walker, who rushed in anxiously, didn't know what to think, and even raised his leg to give the ball. Wouldn't it be fragrant to go straight out of the siege?


   Firmino didn't force another shot behind him. It was blocked. He sat down and kicked the football to the middle.


   Fei Niao is another person who made mistakes.


   After Salah crossed with Firmino, Fei Niao rushed back to cling to him, and he was still in front of him.


   But when Firmino dodges Otta's shot, Fei Niao stopped. He is not a man-marking guard anyway.


   But Salah didn't stop, so when he received a kick pass from Firmino, he was empty again.


   Kompany was guarding the empty gate alone, and there were tens of thousands of comments in his heart.


   Salah shot hard, Liverpool 1:0.


   The two old guys running out of breath stopped, and Master Tu said, "You have to admit that when it comes to playing Guardiola, Uncle Slag is the best one."


   "Oh -" Zhuo Yangzhu sighed: "Why do I often feel that I take Manchester City? Well, it's more tiring than leading the national team to play in the World Cup."


   "First, the expectations are different. Second, it doesn't matter what I say, and then I will mention the national team World Cup, friends."