Golden Greenery

v4 ~: Chapter 87 Do You Have A Face To Take A

"Brother Zhuo Yang, are you still retiring?"

"Kou Kou, the meaning of human existence is the ultimate philosophical proposition. What is the purpose of human beings? Living may be just to live."

"Are you not going to retire?"

"I always believe that in the face of the vast universe, human existence is meaningless, but life is meaningful relative to every individual."

"You are going to break your promise, right?"

"Wasting time is a 100% commendatory word, and it is the highest level of life. Kou Kou, you know, only those who don't want to do nothing are qualified to waste time."

"Anyway, you don't plan to retire."

"You don't want to do nothing, that is, you don't have to do things you don't like for the sake of life, you can do what you want. In this way, it is really wasting time, it is a luxury."

"The more you say, the more you intend to lie to me."

"I am very lucky. I am always doing what I like best, and I have done it very successfully. Therefore, in the realm of wasting time, the world will give me someone else."

"Mr. Zhuo Yang, do I look like a fool?"

"Oh~, my beautiful princess, although I have said it many times, I still can’t help but praise it. It seems to be a compliment to you, but I promise God, even if it is a rose with dew in the morning , You don’t have a beautiful face."

"I think I should bring the compound bow..."

The corner of Zhuo Yang's eyes twitched slightly, and he quickly grabbed his wife.

"Oh~, my dear, you don’t need a compound bow now, I swear to God. At this moment, you need a strong man, a man who is as strong as me and fell for you. Oh~, my dear, yours Beauty is about to suffocate me."

This is Kou Kou's weakness, she couldn't help but breathe shortly.

"If you can talk, just say more..., I don't want to listen to translation."

"Madam, in order to thank you for your deep affection and kindness, I will give it to you tonight."

"...I...what should do I say?"

"You can say that the official, the little woman should report to you."

"Bah..." Kou Kou tweeted softly. Before the ‘smelly gangster’ spoke, his mouth was blocked by the stinky gangster.

There is no problem that can't be solved once, if it doesn't work, it will be twice.


The Chinese team’s World Cup is over, and a bronze medal is a solace in regret.

Since the three or four contestants are not in the same city as the final held on the next day, the World Cup will not hold a gold, silver and bronze award ceremony like the Olympic Games.

After the game in St. Petersburg, the Chinese team won the bronze medal on the spot.

China is a country of etiquette, and the United Kingdom is a country of gentlemen. Although they are a little bit stubborn, Southgate Southgate still suppresses a huge sense of loss and congratulates the Chinese team and Zhuo Yang.

In truth, the third or fourth place is also called the final, but it is really not a final, and the significance of the game is far less important than a knockout match. Any winner will not be proud of this, and the loser will not be too disappointed.

But because of Zhuo Yang's wonderful work, this game will definitely be recorded in the annals of history. The classics will be passed on forever, and the background board will be famous forever, and the faces of the Nanmen officials who have been reversed by the four goals are hot.

But there are always heartless people, and Sterling is completely immune to the loss of the game. His eyes flashed with wisdom and asked: "Brother Zhuo, you definitely did it on purpose. Let the team fall behind by three goals in the first half. Pulling back in the second half looks like you are awesome. Right?"

The conscience of heaven and earth, Sterling has absolutely no irony, he is sincere worship.

Delph, Stones, Walker, the three bad guys from Manchester City all made a sudden ‘Oh~~~~’.

Zhuo Yang touched Sterling's head: "You are really smart."

The wise man in the Manchester City locker room of Sterling, compared with him, everyone including Zhuo Yang is a crude football player.


A total of 30 medals will be awarded. The 23 big squad players will definitely have one man, and the remaining 7 will be won by the coaching staff or other staff. The places need to be allocated internally.

Of course, head coach Sforza, assistant coach Lombardo, Vones, and Adrian must be indispensable.

Zhuo Yang looked at the bronze medal in his hand. The red, blue and white ribbon was decorated with medals. The front was a relief of the Hercules Cup, and the back was ‘FIFA World Cup Russia 2018’ in English.

Asian football has stood at this height for the first time, and the Chinese team defeated the strong teams from Europe and the United States this time.

It's not easy. There were three people who got stuck when receiving the award. This time everyone was fighting fiercely.

Zhuo Yang's regret for not being able to enter the finals has long been replaced by the joy of football truth. The reversal of this game is also enough to make other teammates taste the hard-won bronze medal.

The semi-final defeat is a thing of the past, and the third place is now a solid honor. Everyone is immersed in the outcome of victory, with only one exception.

Dazhi, who has become a former national football player, also has a bronze medal, but he took it off his neck immediately after receiving it, and pressed it carefully after putting it in his pocket.

Cheering around the field, he didn't move forward. Everyone jumped and jumped hand in hand and he hid at the end, but from time to time he fumbled the card in his pocket for fear that it would be lost.

Dazhi has decided to publicly apologize in the media after returning to China, and then announced his retirement. No one asked him to do this, it was because he couldn't get through this hurdle.

In the seven games of the World Cup, the Chinese team made a lot of mistakes, but there was no ambition to "destroy the pass" to get the heart out. UU reading www.uukanshu. The guilt of com can't be held by anyone, unless Dazhi is a wicked person since ancient times, who has extremely high negative qualities on his face.

Football was ruined in this life, and Dazhi didn't think about what he would do after he retired.

Those who are personally ‘expelled’ from the national team by Zhuo Yang are equal to the public enemy of the whole people. They will definitely not be able to do work related to football. Perhaps like most retired players who have nothing to do, opening a hot pot restaurant is a good choice.

I didn't dare to go out with a big fanfare, so as not to be smashed by the fans.

Alas-let's talk about it, anyway, there are five sets of houses in Yangcheng and Momo, and the money to sell one set is enough to spend a while. After selling five sets, this life will come to an end.

Back in the dressing room, Dazhi still hid in the corner and touched the bronze medal in his pocket.

At the request of CCTV, Zhuo Yang led everyone to sing and dance, provided some news materials, and then drove all the reporters out. The locker room became the internal territory of the National Football team's own family.

"Dazhi!" Zhuo Yang suddenly roared, making Dazhi hurriedly stuck his head and raised his hands.

"Yes,...Yes, Captain."

Zhuo Yang raised his head like a second-rate: "How do you feel about getting the bronze medal?"

The locker room became quiet, Dazhi's heart pounding.

He knows that he deserves this bronze medal. If it weren't for the pass that cost thousands of dollars, the team would at least be a silver medal. But even with a thousand cuts, Dazhi really wanted to keep the bronze medal in his pocket.

Dazhi has won the Chinese Super League and AFC Champions, but naturally there is no great honor in the national football. In 2004, the local Asian Cup runner-up was really not on the table.

Football has been played for half a lifetime, and Guo Zihao has stayed for 20 years. This bronze medal is Dazhi's last comfort. He wants to stay, if he can, put it in the box in the future.


"I'll just ask you, do you have the face to hold this bronze medal?"